Title: Dancers guide
1Dancers guide
- Find out what it takes to be a dancers and what
dance means. Inside it will tell you about all
types of dance and what they mean.Dance is a
fun,challenging and competitive thing. - BYASHLEY MORRISON
I want to create a guide that tells people about
dance and what it is. I will give them an idea of
what to wear and what type of shoe to use. If you
want to become a dancer that you have to work
really hard. Some really good dancers dance more
than 8 hours a week. They work for what they
want. They do all types of dance from jazz to
ballet to hip-hop.
3What is dance????????
- Dance for me is doing movements that express in
some way your connection to music. This might be
music blasting out of your stereo, or rumbling
along inside your head. Dancing is like singing
along with music.You can follow the melody. You
can create harmonies you can do the bass
line,you can beat box along with the rhythm. Just
like singing, you should just be able to do it,
without preparing anything first-improvisation,if
you like.Real dancing always has some spontaneity
in it- it relies on a spark in the moment that
effects how you dance.You dont sing the same
song the same way twice- unless youre a
machine,100 performer.
4Ballet training
- Women usually start ballet training at 5 to 8
years of age with a private teacher or through
an independent ballet school. Serious training
traditionally begins between the ages of 10 and
12. Men often begin their ballet training between
the ages of 10 and 15. Many dancers have their
first professional auditions by age 17 or 18.
5What to wear to dance
- For ballet many teachers expect you to wear
leotards, tights and a bun in your hair.
Sometimes you have a certain color leotard that
you have to wear. Like blue, pink, or purple. You
also have to wear the right type of dance shoes
for that specific class.
6 Poster Board Presentation
7Dance shoes
8Acknowledgments Bureau of Labor Statistics,
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook
Handbook, 2006-07 Edition, Dancers and
Choreographers,on the internet at
http//www..bls.gov/oco/ocos094.htm (visited
march17,2006 Angela Fothergill, No Limit Dance
Studio,2003-04,at www.nolimitdancestudios.com Rio
lama Lorenzo, Discount Dance, at
www.discountdance.com Thank you to all the sites
that helped me with my project!!