Title: Snmek 1
1The Second Round of CI EQUAL in the Czech
Republic Eva BosákováBirmingham, January
12-13, 2005
2The Second Round of CI EQUAL in the Czech
59 development partnerships 40 455 970
The Community Initiative EQUAL
3- 1A - Facilitating access and return to the labour
market for those with difficulties in
being integrated or re-integrated - Focusing on the formation of a system of
prevention and assistance for disadvantaged
groups - Disabled, partially disabled, low-qualified young
persons, long-term unemployed, the Romany
minority, homeless persons - Education, consultancy concentrated on selected
topic groups, involvement of the employers, forms
of employment -
- 12 development partnerships
The Community Initiative EQUAL
4- 1B - Combating Racism and xenophobia in relation
to the labour market - Supporting the multicultural environment to
ensure the equal opportunities for all at the
Czech labour market - Model for cooperation between employers and
employees endangered by racism and xenophobia - Motivation, requalification, consultancy for
Romany minority - 3 development partnerships
The Community Initiative EQUAL
5- 2C - Improve conditions and tools for the
development of business run by persons from the
groups of people with disadvantage - Supporting the development of business activities
of self-employed persons - Women, elderly persons, rural population
- Consultancy, training courses, motivation
- 10 development partnerships
The Community Initiative EQUAL
6- 2D - Strengthening the Social economy in
particular the services of interest to the
community, with a focus on improving the quality
of jobs - System development and diversification of
services rendered within the Third sector with
focus on the people with disadvantages - Disabled persons, elderly people, rural
population - Prevention of social exclusion
- 9 development partnerships
The Community Initiative EQUAL
7- 3E - Promoting lifelong learning and inclusive
work practices encouraging the recruitment of
persons suffering discrimination and inequality
in the labour market - Systemic and innovative development of lifelong
learning for the integration in the labour market
of disadvantaged groups - System development of competencies, education
models, information systems, e-learning - groups of people with disadvantages - rural
population, disabled or elderly persons, Romany
minority - 9 development partnerships
The Community Initiative EQUAL
8- 3F - Supporting the adaptability of firms and
employees to structural economic change and the
use of information technology and other new
technologies - Support to the development and broad availability
of information and communication technologies - Women after the maternity leave
- Disabled persons
- 4 development partnerships
The Community Initiative EQUAL
9- 4G - Reconciling family and professional life,
developing more flexible and effective forms of
work organisation and support services - Providing for the opportunity of further
education for the persons (usually mothers)
taking the all-day care of children - Model programme for support of toning the
professional and family life in region - 4 development partnerships
The Community Initiative EQUAL
10- 4H - Reducing gender gaps and supporting job
desegregation - Application of gender mainstreaming methods,
enhancing the awareness of equal opportunities
among the employers, development of tools
providing for equal renumeration of women and
men, etc. - 4 development partnerships
The Community Initiative EQUAL
11- 5 - Assisting asylum seekers in their integration
to the labour market - Assistance to asylum seekers through the special
integration courses developing their language
knowledge and practical usage of their skills - Educational and vocational training courses
- 4 development partnerships
The Community Initiative EQUAL
12Special requirements for transnational
cooperation for DPs
- In relation with Action 1
- Proactive role and cooperation of the NSSs to
connect potentially suitable partners - good information background provided for NSSs
and therefore DPs - thematic conferences within each priority area,
where previous experience of the DPs from the
first round is displayed
The Community Initiative EQUAL
13Special requirements for transnational
cooperation for DPs
- In relation with Actions 2 and 3
- Continual support from the MA and NSS to the DPs
- proactive work in the National thematic networks
and European thematic groups - information exchange among thematic fields
- continuous evaluation and gathering of good
practice from all participants
The Community Initiative EQUAL
14Lessons learnt and practical advice for projects
- for transnational cooperation plan ahead to have
appropriate time and resources - get to know your partners and their projects well
- find your common points of interest
- be a leading partner in at least one TCA activity
- learn from each other
The Community Initiative EQUAL
www.mpsv.cz www.equalcr.cz www.nvf.cz/equal
The Community Initiative EQUAL
16Thank you for your attention
The Community Initiative EQUAL