Title: Snmek 1
1 Výzkumný ústav textilních stroju Liberec, a.s.
2Fabric air permeability(numerical modelling)
3Definitions Permeability m/s Q m3/s / S
m2 Q air flow, S tested area Porosity Q
/ Qo Q flow with tested sample Qo flow
without sample
43D model of satin 5/1 (one repeat of weave 5x5
5Pressure distribution on fabric upper
surface(satin 5/1)
6Pressure distribution on fabric lower surface
7Velocity distribution in vertical cross-section
tangentially to one horizontal yarn
8Velocity distribution in vertical cross-section
in the middle between two adjoining yarns
9Velocity distribution slightly under the upper
fabric surface
10Velocity distribution in the middle of upper
11Velocity distribution in the middle between
upper and lower yarns
12Velocity distribution in the middle of lower
13Velocity distribution at level slightly above
the lower fabric surface
14Inlet level with inserted fabric
15Inlet level without inserted fabric
16Outlet level with inserted fabric
17Outlet level without inserted fabric
18Numerical evaluation of previous slides (pressure
gradient of 196 Pa)
19- The presented static flow modelling through an
idealized fabric structure gives the good first
imagination about the detailed influence of some
parameters of fabric structure - both warp / weft density,
- both warp / weft yarn diameters,
- type of binding,
- pressure difference etc.
- on the air flow around individual yarns and
through the fabric structure and on the fabric
air permeability, too.
20Numerical experiments
- For the flow modelling through the structure we
can use the so-called porous jump - dp / m Pa / m
- in any permeable structure. Comparing the
geometry of numerical models, the porous jump is
much more simple than real structure above. - It is possible to determine two unknown
parameters for porous jump definition from the
relation - dp f (v) const1 . v const2 . v2 .
- The first parameter is used in linear part of
this relation (Darcys flow), the second one is
used in quadratic part (dynamic pressure) of the
relation. - The necessary relation we can get by real
experiment on measuring device or by numerical
experiment by repeating above mentioned cases for
several different inlet pressures.
21Pressure on yarn surfaces (flow in x direction
along the fabric surface)
22Flow in x direction along fabric surface path
23 Prepared under the support of Research Plan
No. MSM 4670900201 for 13th International
Conference Structure and Structural Mechanics of
Textiles TU Liberec, Czech Republic November