Title: McGrawHill Higher Education Presents our SelfService Solution
1McGraw-Hill Higher Education Presents our
Self-Service Solution
2- To Register
- www.pubeasy.com
- To Access
- www.pubeasy.mcgraw-hill.com
- www.pubeasy.mcgrawhill.ca
- 24/7/365 Access
- Instant Online Ordering Capability
- Access to MH Title Database and Substitution
Information - Check prices, Availability, Order Status
Tracking - Access to Bibliographic Information and Cover
4Login in 4 Easy Steps
Login in 4 steps
5Manage your User Accounts at PubEasy Central
Manage your User Accounts at PubEasy Central
6Obtain accurate title, price and availability
Obtain accurate title, price and availability
7Search for current availability and bibliographic
Search for current availability and biographic
8Search Catalog by ISBN, Title, Author or any
Display Results in the sequence you want
Ascending or Descending Order
9Add your own shipping instructions, Note This
may delay your order
System states current List and Net pricing in US
and List prices in Canada
Add your own shipping instructions, Note This
may delay your order
System states current List and Net pricing in US
and List prices in Canada
10System lists status of product as of the time of
the order
Identifies Packages, Hardcover, Softcover, CD,
Identifies substitutions on line
11Click on the title to launch a detailed dialogue
12Obtain accurate title, price and availability
Submitted Orders go directly into the
fulfillment system
13Enter the ISBN, Author or Title or any combination
Place an order fast when you know the ISBNs
14Cut and paste ISBNs from a spreadsheet or your
POS system
15Obtain accurate title, price and availability
Obtain real-time Order Status, regardless of the
method used to order
16Check status on All Orders from Pubnet (EDI),
PubEasy, Telephone or Fax
17View only backordered product regardless of order
18View PubEasy Orders from the Past 5 Days
19Order your results as desired
20Obtain accurate title, price and availability
Review all orders which have not been sent
21PubEasy allows you to modify your orders prior to
placing them
Once you have confirmed your order simply click
on submit
22PubEasy allows you to modify your orders prior to
placing them
Once you have confirmed your order simply click
on submit
23Once your order is submitted PubEasy confirms
24- To Register
- www.pubeasy.com
- To Access
- www.pubeasy.mcgraw-hill.com
- www.pubeasy.mcgrawhill.ca