Title: Dias nummer 1
1Is science education relevant?
results from the ROSE-project
Henrik Busch Department of Curriculum
Research The Danish University of Education
Journeé de reflexion, EPS Bern, Switzerland July
8th 2005
- challenges
- the rose project
- some international results
- what is wrong?
science for citizenship
4the rose-project/key elements
- rose relevance of science education
- interests, relevance, attitudes towards ST
- learners perspective
- 40 participating countries
- initiative svein sjøberg camilla schreiner, uio
5the rose-project/relevance
- relevance
- valuable and useful to people in their lives and
work - questions
- the relevance of science and science education
- valuable to whom?
- which aspects?
- which contexts?
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8the rose-project/instrument
- quantitative
- 4-point Likert scale
- based on earlier project (SAS) pilot
- multicultural/national working group
- 250 items in the international version
- Little (no) methodological discussion today
9the rose-project/instrument
A. What I want to learn about How interested are
you in learning about the following?
Agree Disagree 1. Stars, planets
and the universe ? ? ? ? 2. Chemicals, their
properties and how ? ? ? ? 3. The inside of the
earth ? ? ? ? 4. How mountains, rivers and
? ? ? ?
4-point Likert scale
10the rose-project/instrument
A. What I want to learn about How interested are
you in learning about the following?
Agree Disagree 1. Stars, planets
and the universe ? ? ? ? 2. Chemicals, their
properties and how ? ? ? ? 3. The inside of the
earth ? ? ? ? 4. How mountains, rivers and
? ? ? ?
4-point Likert scale
11the rose-project/instrument
Item groups ACE What I want to learn about
(108) F My science classes (16) G My opinions
about science and technology (16)
12the rose project/analysis/
Analysis of data Disagree ? 1 Low Disagree
? 2 Low Agree ? 3 Agree ? 4 ? Mean
values and single item frequencies
13/some international results
- All countries
- The relevant (?) science education
14some international results/all countries
- correlation with HDI
- gender differences
15some international results/all countries
16some international results/all countries
- general agreement
- boys tend to agree more
17/everyday life perspeective
18/future and career
19/future and career
21/content/top10 for girls
22/content/top10 for boys
23summing up
- more wealth less interest in pursuing st careers
- relevance
- everyday perspective so, so
- future and career not really (gender!)
- science and technology yes!
- content? gender!
- Science is important but not for me!
24what is wrong?
- with young people?
- with science education?
- with scientists?