Title: Dias nummer 1
1Upper secondary education in Denmark and how
the challenges of change are being met at
both state and school level.Head of upper
secondary education, Jimmy Burnett Nielsen
2Upper secondary education in Denmark and how
the challenges of change are being met at
both state and school level.Head of upper
secondary education, Jimmy Burnett Nielsen
3Upper secondary education in Denmark and how
the challenges of change are being met at
both state and school level.Head of upper
secondary education, Jimmy Burnett Nielsen
4Upper secondary education in Denmark and how
the challenges of change are being met at
both state and school level.Head of upper
secondary education, Jimmy Burnett Nielsen
5Upper secondary education in Denmark and how
the challenges of change are being met at
both state and school level.Head of upper
secondary education, Jimmy Burnett Nielsen
6Upper secondary education in Denmark and how
the challenges of change are being met at
both state and school level.Head of upper
secondary education, Jimmy Burnett Nielsen
7Upper secondary education in Denmark and how
the challenges of change are being met at
both state and school level.
home work freetime
home freetime
free time
Born educators parents
Professional educators teachers
Knowledge production too important to be left to
professional educators
9100 years to change Denmark from an agrarian
50 years to come out of the industrial society
After 25 years the information society rendered
itself obsolete
For 10 years we talked about the service society
For 5 years we talked about the knowledge society
Now? we talk about the innovative society
10India is the office of the world
China is the factory
11Every fifth world citizen is Chinese, but every
other scientific article today on nano-technology
is written by a Chinese scientist.
China is the factory of the world
12India is the office of the world
Every year Denmark produces 250 computer
specialists. India 250.000. The double by 2007.
13Multiple shocks to our foundation
Delors, Jacques Learning The Treasure Within.
Report to UNESCO of the International Commission
on Education for the Twenty-first Century
the Neo-liberal path towards the future
the Neo-conservative path back to basics
National Commission on Excellence in Education A
Nation At Risk The Imperative for Educational
15Upper secondary education in Denmark and how
the challenges of change are being met at
both state and school level.
16 Short, medium, long further education
Demands made by the individual on society
Upper secondary education
Attempt to balance the demands made by the
individual and society
Primary and middle education
Demands made by society on the individual
17Upper secondary education
½ year
2½ years
HHX Business economics vocational diploma
Found- ation
Middle school
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21Upper secondary education
½ year
2½ years
HHX Business economics vocational diploma
Found- ation
Middle school
22Upper secondary education
½ year
2½ years
HHX Business economics vocational diploma
Found- ation
Middle school
23Upper secondary education General structure
Upper secondary education
24Electives and possible upgrades of general
subjects and/or HHX profile subjects
Upper secondary general subjects - compulsory
HHX profile subjects Business economics
related subjects
25Upper secondary education General structure
26Upper secondary educationGeneral structure
27HHX profile subjects
HHX profile subjects
28HHX electives upgrades
Electives and possible upgrades of general
subjects and/or HHX profile subjects
29Electives and possible upgrades of general
subjects and/or profile subjects
Upper secondary general subjects - compulsory
Profile subjects
30 Every organized human activity - from the
making of pots to the placing of a man on the
moon - gives rise to two fundamental and opposing
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35Subjects departments
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39Bruner The most important subject in school
is school itself.
40The normal approach to education and curriculum
based on the assumption that knowledge is
department-alized into subjects.
Several attempts from 1970 and onwards to remedy
this situation, quickly hit the bedrock of
political differences.
Globalization forces subjects individually as
well as in relation to other subjects to
redefine themselves in order to produce new
41Questions which must now be asked by teachers and
What is core knowledge in my subject?
What can my subject NOT contribute with to the
production of knowledge?
What are the strengths and limitations of my
Teacher as a member of an
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45Six classes
46Six classes
47Six classes
48Six classes
49The school defines the relationship between team
and management
School manage- ment
Within the team itself the team members must
develop both a structure and a set of procedures
that support and enhance a team culture, a
culture which challenges the practicing
professional as a lone ranger.
School manage- ment
School manage- ment
52The school defines the relationship between team
and management
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59Let us steal a little room here for a story. A
certain French Nobleman always used to blow his
nose with his fingers, something quite opposed to
our customs. Defending his action (and he was
famous for his repartee) he asked me why that
filthy mucus should be so privileged that we
should prepare fine linen to receive it, and
then, going even further, should wrap it up and
carry it carefully about on our persons that
practice ought to excite more loathing and nausea
that seeing him simply excrete it (wherever it
might be) as we do all our other droppings. I
considered that what he said was not totally
unreasonable, but habit had prevented me from
noticing just that strangeness which we find so
hideous in similar customs in other countries.
Michel de Montaigne, 1533-1592
60Upper secondary education in Denmark and how
the challenges of change are being met at
both state and school level.Head of upper
secondary education, Jimmy Burnett Nielsen