Title: Lisa B' Beever, PhD, AICP
1Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
- Lisa B. Beever, PhD, AICP
- October 5, 2006
- Keeping the Peace, A Peace River Watershed
Management Conference
2National Estuary Programs
3- Jurisdiction
- 7 Counties
- NEP signatories
- 7 Counties,
- 7 Cities,
- 2 RPCs,
- 2 WMD,
- 3 State Agencies,
FMRI, 2001
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5 Management Conference
Policy Committee Elected Officials and Agency
Policy Makers
Management Committee Resource Managers
Citizens Adv. Committee Citizens and agency
Public Outreach Specialists
Technical Adv. Committee Scientists, Engineers,
and Planners
Water Quality Quantity Objective (WQQOS)
Habitat Conservation (HCS)
Hydrologic Alterations (HAS)
RRPP Review
Charlotte Harbor Regional Ambient Monitoring
Program (CH-RAMP)
Standing Rules Membership
Environmental Indicators
Mini-grant Review
Workplan Progress Proposal
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7Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan
- Long-range plan
- 20-year horizon
- Developed 1996-2000
- EPA approve June 2001
- Priority Problems
- Water Quality Degradation
- Hydrologic Alteration
- Habitat Loss
- Stewardship Gaps
Data Access design to take disparate seagrass
transect data to answer questions
State of Harbor
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10Catherine Corbett, CHNEP
11Catherine Corbett, CHNEP
12Catherine Corbett, CHNEP
13Bob Howard, EPA
14Source Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center
Watershed Resource Center
15Freshwater Flows Timing
- Seagrasses
- Sea Trout
- Juvenile Fish
- Blue Crabs
- Fish Abundance
- Benthic Invertebrates
- Clam Industry
- Tourism
- Shells
- Swimming
- Economic Growth
Mangrove Tunicate, IFAS
Common Octopus, Richard Lord
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17Primary Issues
- Water Quality
- Hydrologic Alterations
- Fish and Wildlife Habitat
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20Green- Agriculture
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Dissolved Oxygen
24Water Quality Status and Trends Period of
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27Water Quality Status and Trends Update
ETA-2007 Period of Record-2005
28Total Phosphorous December 2005
29Total Nitrogen December 2005
30How do we Implement the CCMP?
- Research
- Restoration
- Legislation
- Public Outreach
- Research and Restoration Partner Projects
- 20,000 per project partner
- At least 50 match
- Annual application
- Public Outreach Grants
- 3,000
- no match
- Annual application
- Micro-Grants
- 250
- No match requirement
- Informal requests through the year
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34Contracted Research
- Analysis for entire
- Study Area
35 36- Groundwater Status
- and Trends
Upper Peace River 2002
37Public OutreachPeace River Environmental
Educators Network
38National Estuary DayPeace River Ecofest
39RestorationBy Partners
40City of Auburndale
- Allred Wastewater Treatment Plant Water Reuse
(HA-D) - Auburndale Trails (FW-I/T)
Shirley A. Lowrance, Finance Director / City Clerk
41City of Eagle Lake
- Eagle Lake Beach Project (FW-I/T)
- Eagle Lake Mistletoe Marketplace Butterfly Garden
Lois Bough, City Clerk
42City of Fort Meade
- Upper Peace River-Educational and Interpretive
Kayak Programs (FW-B/P) - Fort Meade Stormwater Utility (HA-F)
43City of Lake Alfred
- Lake Alfred Wastewater Reuse and Orange Grove
(HA-D) - Stormwater Management Program (HA-F)
Janice Shockley, City Clerk
44City of Lakeland
- Stormwater Utility (WQ-N)
- Lake Bonny
- Lake Gibson
- Lake Hollingsworth
- Lake Mirror
- Lake Morton,
- Lake Parker
- Includes tributary swamp restoration, alum
treatment, treatment wetlands - Lake Mirror Park expansion (FW-S)
Yuriko Whiddon, Finance Department
45City of Winter Haven
- Lake Howard Project (WQ-E/M)
- Lakes Management Program
- Lake Connie
- Lake Hartridge
- Lake Lulu
- Lake May
- Lake Spring
Mary Zried, Budget Analyst
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50Charlotte Harbor National Estuary
Program Director Lisa B. Beever, PhD,
AICP Senior Scientist Catherine
Corbett Communications Manager Maran
Hilgendorf Grants and Contracts Manager Liz
Donley 1926 Victoria Ave, Fort Myers FL
33901-3414 239/338-2556, Toll free
866/835-5785 Fax 239/338-2560, chnep_at_swfrpc.org