Title: Lisa Trifiletti - Possesses Exceptional Organizational Skills
1Lisa Trifiletti
2(No Transcript)
3Lisa Trifiletti is a strategic advisor and
provides consultation to public and private
organization to excel in their respective fields.
She is expert while dealing with complex public
infrastructure, transportation projects and
governmental planning projects. Particularly she
excels in project management, strategic
environmental solutions and effective
4Lisa Trifiletti is the founder of Trifiletti
Consulting, Inc. and is working as the principal
since 2016. She has worked at Los Angeles World
Airports (LAWA), LAX as Deputy Executive
Director, Chief Sustainability Office Director of
environmental and land use planning and executive
assistant of airports from 2010-2016.
5Lisa Trifiletti is appreciated and admired for
her unmatched management abilities. She is a
focused professional with customer centric
approach in her work which has helped her to grow
her analytical skills.
6Lisa Trifiletti has good understanding about
urban planning models and their effects on the
general public. She has emphasized on the use of
sustainable models for resource conservation and
lasting use. Moreover, she has done immense work
for a clean and green environment of her country
through her strategic and innovative approach.
7Lisa Trifiletti completed her Bachelors form
Boston College in 1997 and later pursued Masters
of Arts Degree from Harvard Graduate School of
Education in 1998.
8Thank You
To know more about her visit her official site