Title: Lisa Trifiletti - Experienced Professional From Los Angeles, CA
1Lisa Trifiletti
Principal at Trifiletti Consulting, Inc.
2(No Transcript)
3Lisa Trifiletti after completing her secondary
education from Boston College pursued a Masters
in Education from Harvard University Graduate
School of Education. In 2005, she completed the
doctoral degree of law from Loyola Law School.
Presently she is Principal at Trifiletti
Consulting, Inc. where she has provided
remarkable services in the provision of
leadership guidance to leaders in public agencies
and political affairs.
4Lisa Trifiletti is a profound and dynamic
professional with vast experience in her field.
In the past, she has worked as Deputy Executive
Director, Chief Sustainability Office Director of
Environmental and Land-use Planning and Executive
Assistant of airports for LAWA.
5Lisa Trifiletti aims to offer strategic land use,
environmental entitlement, real estate,
transportation, and project management through
her company benefitting the society around. At
present, Lisa Trifiletti is working on several
projects that include backing LAWA Environmental
Programs groups and External Affairs, City of
Inglewood Transportation Planning, Los Angeles
department of city planning and Metro Sepulveda
Pass Feasibility Study.
6Being a Juris Doctor Lisa Trifiletti has played a
great role by directing the environmental
clearance and entitlement approvals for the 5.5
billion LAX Landside Access Modernization Program.
Find out more about her at her official site