Pervasive and Mobile Computing: A 3tier Architecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pervasive and Mobile Computing: A 3tier Architecture


context is the aggregate knowledge of mobile user or device's state. ... locally observable objects and actions, and emotional and physiological state. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Pervasive and Mobile Computing: A 3tier Architecture

Pervasive and Mobile Computing A 3-tier
  • Yanyun lu

What is Pervasive computing ?
  • Pervasive computing is computing power that
    enables software applications available anytime
    and anywhere.
  • Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and cell phone
    are the first widely available and used pervasive
    computing devices.

traditional applications VS mobile applications
  • The behavior and use of traditional applications
    (desktop) is greatly influenced by the input
    explicitly provided by its users
  • dealing with traditional desktop interfaces,
    developers could give users applications that
    took advantage of high bandwidth, large screens
    with extended graphics capabilities, and rich
    input methods.

traditional applications VS mobile applications
  • mobile users have to interact with applications
    on small screens with limited graphics
    capabilities and minimal bandwidth.
  • pervasive applications must provide the user with
    relevant and timely information that enables them
    to act on that information while minimizing the
    navigation and text entry needed.
  • pervasive applications must become adaptive to
    the intent of the users and their environment in
    order to make mobile workforce more effective.

What is the key to make mobile workforce more
  • context is a key to achieve this goal
  • context is the aggregate knowledge of mobile user
    or devices state.
  • including location, situation,
    surroundings, and users preferences and activity

existing research and industry approaches
addressing the context adaptation problems
  • As mobile devices or users move from one location
    to another, pervasive applications must adapt
    themselves to new environments
  • Sentient Computing framework , Hewlett-Packards
    Cooltown project , PIMA and so on

Disadvantage of those approaches
  • These approaches mainly support a specific task
  • None of them provide a suitable architectural
    framework that includes the following
  • (i) gathering context information from a
    variety of sources, such as corporate system,
    wireless service providers, indoor and outdoor
    location information
  • (ii) easily adapting themselves to existing
    IT infrastructure and enterprise applications
  • (iii) adapting current software development
    process, therefore providing a generic approach
    to minimize the developers learning curve.

A three-tier architecture
  • The 3-tier model is designed to better resolve
    the issues that exist in the framework solutions
    described before.
  • 3-tier architecture takes a variety of context
    sources (not just location-aware)
  • This architecture is made up of three separate
    layers (namely, Collection, Analysis and Action)

Some useful background knowledge
  • Context-aware Pervasive Computing
  • A pervasive computing system that strives to
    be minimally intrusive has to be context-aware.
    It must be cognizant of its users state and
    surroundings, and must modify its behavior based
    on this information.
  • A key challenge is obtaining the information
    needed to function in a context-aware manner .
  • Examples of such information including
    position, orientation, the identities of people
    nearby, locally observable objects and actions,
    and emotional and physiological state.

Some useful background knowledge
  • Context Model
  • Context model is designed based on the
    activities identified by the business analyst.
  • Context model designed and created in
    conjunction with the data model and uses similar
    terminology and modeling techniques to minimize
    the learning curve.

Some useful background knowledge
  • Three main components of the context model
  • Entities
  • (1) similar to database entities they could
    be a person, place, or thing.
  • (2) the difference is they are considered
    relevant to the behavior of the application.
  • (3) have unique keys and can also have
    properties associated with them, which store more
    static information which is needed to make a
    state determination.
  • (4) Entities also have a lease or lifespan
    within the context server. If the entity is no
    longer relevant it should no longer exist in the
    context server.

Some useful background knowledge
  • 2. Relationships
  • (1) Relationships link entities together in
    the context server.
  • (2)one principle link between two entities and
    it is a directed link (e.g., Employee ATTENDS

Some useful background knowledge
  • 3. States
  • the most critical part of the context model and
    serve as the differentiator between a data model
    and a context model
  • Their role is to capture an entity or
    relationships current circumstance or situation.

Some useful background knowledge
  • The context designer must make some decisions and
    tradeoffs in determining what information to
  • Everything can be modeled as an entity in the
    context model, but there must be a state change
    affecting that entity, otherwise it has no value
    in the context model.
  • A good rule for modeling is to design the model
    you believe will represent the context of the


  • As shown in Figure 1 , three layers include
  • (i) Collection layer
  • identifies and collects the users context
    and environment data by deploying sensors to
    connect to the data from enterprise applications,
    environmental sources, or other content
  • (ii) Analysis layer
  • manages and interprets context data and
    references it at any time and updates it
    accordingly with minimal involvement from the
    user. Interpreters can be deployed within the
    context server to mediate conflicting context
    information, abstract higherlevel context states
    or predict context state information based on
    history, preferences, and intent.
  • (iii) Action layer
  • takes the information managed by the
    context server and uses it to change the behavior
    of an application, such as presentation,
    navigation, and application logic. The platform
    provides the capabilities to send actionable
    alerts to multiple devices, alter the user
    interface, or make requests and queries based on
    context state information and/or events.

Collection Tier - How to Get Context Data?
  • The collection tier is the most critical tier in
    the three-tier approach. Its role is to gather
    context data from a variety of sources and
    implement the Context Model components based on
    that data.
  • In building this tier, the developer must
    consider that context data comes from static,
    dynamic, environment, and predictive sources
    (show in Table 1 next page)

Collection Tier - How to Get Context Data?
Gathering context related information
  • The collection layer focuses on two main
    components to gather context related information

Sensors and Adapters in collection tier
  • Adapters are not unique to context servers they
    are conduits to existing enterprise and
    thirdparty data sources that gather context
  • Ideally, they are the same adapters used in
    existing web and client applications.
  • Rather than build our own adapter layer, we will
    use existing adapter frameworks that
    organizations have already spent a considerable
    amount of time and effort to implement.
  • The sensor is the critical component in the
    collection tier. The sensor gathers data from the
    adapter and creates, updates, or deletes
    information in the context server.

Analysis Tier
  • The analysis tier provides the framework to
    manage context entities, relationships, and
    states within the context server.
  • Interpreters are components within the analysis
    tier that focus on reading context state
    information, applying application or business
    logic, and setting a higher level or derived
    context state.

Action Tier
  • Based on these context states, specific actions
    are triggered in response.
  • The action tier affects the behavior of an
    application based on the previously preformed
  • Our goal in achieving this is to focus on three
    action areas presentation, navigation, and
    application logic.

Action Tier
  • Once the context server has determined that state
    change has occurred it can act on that state in
    different ways
  • (i) Presentation Actions that cause the
    content or format of the application to change as
    the person is using it.
  • (ii) Navigation Actions that minimize the
    needed navigation path a user has to perform
    based on a proactive context event.
  • (iii) Application Logic Enables the developer
    to alter the behavior and rules for accessing and
    using specified applications and services.

Action Tier
  • Presentation and Navigation affects the
    applications user interface based on context
    data. Sample actions include
  • When the user is driving, change the presentation
    mode from text to voice.
  • Display menu options that are only relevant to
    the users current situation and intent.
  • The system indicates the best way for salesperson
    A to contact salesperson B (cellphone,
    email, landline phone of meeting place, etc.).

  • A three-tier architecture divides the process of
    building pervasive applications into three
    stages Collection, Analysis, and Action.
  • In this building process, collecting contextual
    information is the most critical part because of
    the variety of the context sources as well as the
    complexity of the human behavior.
  • Despite the context collection challenges,
    three-tier approach enables developers to address
    a number of mobility scenarios, reduces
    developers learning curve by adapting normal
    software development process to build
    context-aware applications that focus on the
    users activity
  • Using three-tier approach enables pervasive
    applications to easily adapt to existing IT
    infrastructure and enterprise applications

  • Group 1
  • 1 Michel Barbeau, Mobile, Distributed, and
    Pervasive Computing, Handbook of
  • Wireless Networks and mobile computing
    (Ivan Stojmenovic, edit), Wiley, Jan. 2002
  • 2 G.D. Abowd, Software Engineering Issues for
    Ubiquitous Computing, in
  • proceedings of the 1999 International
    Conference on Software Engineering,
  • Apr. 1999
  • 3 Yuval Boger, Context Awareness and Mobile
    Computing, Pocket PC Summit,
  • May 2002
  • 4 M. Satyanarayanan, Pervasive Computing
    Vision and Challenges, IEEE Personal
    Communications, August 2001
  • 5 Karen Henricksen, Jadwiga Indulska and Andry
    Rakotonirainy, Infrastructure for
  • Pervasive Computing Challenges, 2001

  • Group 2
  • 6 Jerey Hightower and Gaetano Borriello,
    Location Systems for Ubiquitous
  • Computing, Aug. 2001
  • 7 Guanling Chen and David Kotz, A Survey of
    Context-Aware Mobile Computing
  • Research, Dartmouth Computer Science
    Technical Report TR2000-381, 2000
  • 8 M. Weiser, Some Computer Science Issues in
    Ubiquitous Computing, July 1993
  • 9 Guruduth Banavar, James Beck, Eugene
    Gluzberg, Jonathan Munson, Jeremy
  • Sussman, Deborra Zukowski, Challenges an
    application model for pervasive
  • computing, 6th Proc annual Intl. Conference
    on Mobile Computing and Networking
  • MOBICOM 2000, August 2000
  • 10 Want, Z. and Garlan, D., Task-Driven
    Computing, Technical Report, CMU-CS-
  • 00-154, School of Computer Science,
    Carnegie Mellon University, May 2000.
  • 11 Harter, A. et al., The Anatomy of a
    Context-Aware Application, Proceedings 5th
  • Annual Intl. Conference on Mobile
    Computing and Networking (MobiCom99),
  • August 1999.

  • Group 3
  • 12 Kindberg, T. et al., People, Places,
    Things Web Presence for the Real World,
  • http//, Hewlett-
    Packard Labs Technical Report HPL-
  • 2000-16, 2000.
  • 13 Blair, G,. Blair, L., Issarny, V,. Tuma, P,.
    Zarras, A,. The Role of Software
  • Architecture in Constraining Adaptation in
    Component-Based Middleware
  • Platforms, Middleware 2000 Proc LNCS 1795
    IFIP/ACM NY, USA, April 2000
  • 14 Esler, M. et al., Next Century Challenges
    Data-Centric Networking for Invisible
  • Computing, Proceedings 5th Annual Intl.
    Conference on Mobile Computing and
  • Networking (MobiCom99), August 1999.
  • 15 N.M. Belaramani, Y. Chow, V.W. Kwan, A
    Component-based Software
  • Architecture - For Pervasive Computing,
  • 16 Thomas Phan, Lloyd Huang, Chris Dulan,
    Challenge Integrating Mobile Wireless
  • Devices Into the Computational Grid,
  • 2002

Proposed questions
  • What is Pervasive computing ?

Proposed solution
  • Pervasive computing is computing power that
    enables software applications available anytime
    and anywhere.

Proposed questions
  • What are the three layers of the THREE-TIER

Proposed solution
  • Collection, Analysis and Action

Proposed questions
  • What is the key to make mobile workforce more

Proposed solution
  • context is the key
  • Context is the aggregate knowledge of mobile
    user or devices state including location,
    situation, surroundings, and users preferences
    and activity.

Thank you
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