Title: Objective III of the Draft Program of Action: Education
1Objective III of the Draft Program of Action
- Comments by
- Diane Richler
- President,
- Inclusion International
2Draft Program of Action Objective Re Education
- To guarantee for persons with disabilities an
inclusive education of quality, as well as the
technical and professional training to allow
their incorporation into productive activity
3Specific Measures Re Education
- Â
- a.     To incorporate children and young people
with special educational needs into the
mainstream educational system. - b.     To provide inclusive educational
institutions with the necessary resources to meet
the special educational needs of their students.
4Specific Measures Re Education
- c.     To bring about the eradication of
physical barriers that hinder access to all
levels of education for students with special
needs associated with their disabilities, as a
requirement for conducting inclusive educational
activities. - d.     To promote ongoing, specialized training,
both on-site and through distance learning
arrangements, of teachers at all educational
levels to encourage the development of inclusion
5Specific Measures Re Education
- e.     To develop specific curricular
adaptations, by type of disability, for an
effective response to the special educational
needs of students with disabilities. - f.       To design and execute educational
programs using new information and communications
technologies to meet the special educational
needs associated with disability. - g.     To ensure the inclusion of curriculum
content on disability issues that promotes
respect for diversity, equality, and
6United Nations Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities
- Will be adopted by UN General Assembly December
13, 2006 - And will guarantee
7- The right of persons with disabilities to
education - That persons with disabilities are not excluded
from the general education system on the basis of
disability - That persons with disabilities can access an
inclusive, quality and free primary education and
secondary education
8- In order to help ensure the realization of this
right, States Parties shall take appropriate
measures to employ teachers, including teachers
with disabilities, who are qualified in sign
language and/or Braille, and to train
professionals and staff who work at all levels of
9- States Parties shall ensure that persons with
disabilities are able to access general tertiary
education, vocational training, adult education
and lifelong learning
10Implications of the UN Convention for the
Decade of the Americas for People with
- Eliminate legislative or constitutional barriers
to children with disabilities being included in
the regular education system.
11This may mean
- i. Introducing a constitutional guarantee
of free and compulsory basic education to all
children - ii. Introducing legislation aimed at
ensuring the rights of people with disabilities - iii.Ensuring that legislation prohibiting
discrimination in employment is adopted and
enforced. This will enable children with
disabilities to become teachers
12- 2. Ensure that one Ministry is responsible for
the education of all children
13This may mean
- Â Â i. Amending legislation so that the Ministry
of Education is responsible for all children and
that children with a disability are not the
responsibility of another Ministry or agency
14- 3. Ensure that one school system is responsible
for the education of all children in their region
15This may mean
- Â
- Â i. Amalgamating budgets and administration of
special education and regular education within a
geographical area - ii. Adopting legislation and policy to promote
inclusion of all students in the regular
education system
16- 4. Transform existing special education
resources special schools or classes into
resources to assist the regular system
17This may mean
- Â
- i.  Training special educators to serve as
resources to regular teachers - ii. Transferring students from special
programs to regular classes supported by the
resource staff - iii. Revising testing methods to ensure
that accommodation is made for students with
disabilities - Â
18- 5. Provide pre-service and in-service training to
teachers so that they can respond to diversity in
the classroom.
19This may mean
- Â
- i.Training teachers in classroom techniques
such as differentiated instruction and
cooperative learning - Â
20- 6. Provide training to educational
administrators and support staff on how to
respond to individual student needs
21This may mean
- Â
- i. i. Providing models of practice that provide
support such as school-based support teams and
other such approaches - i.      ii. Regular access to new knowledge on
school and classroom best practices - Â
22- 7. Ensure that conditions that constrain
teachers to teach inclusively are addressed.
23This may mean
- i.  Addressing class size
- ii.  Revising and adapting curriculum content
- iii. Ensuring school buildings and materials are
accessible to children with disabilities
24- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
                       8. Invest in inclusive
early childhood care and education (ECCE)
programmes, which can lay the foundation for
lifelong inclusion of children with disabilities
in both education and society.
25This may mean
- i. Including ECCE in key government resource
documents such as national budgets, sector plans
26Implications for Governments
- Create a planning process involving regular
education system, special education system and
representatives of DPOs and family organization - Establish clear priorities and timelines
- Support participation by DPOs and family
27Implications for OAS Institutions
- Support Ministers of Education by developing
mechanisms for sharing information about progress
and best practice in different countries - Develop a mechanism to provide for civil society
participation in regional processes
28Implications for Organizations of People with
Disabilities and Family Organizations
- Develop capacity in participation in education
system - Provide support to families on how to collaborate
with the education system - Collaborate with governments and OAS to share
best practice