Title: E-rate 102: Completing form 470
1E-rate 102 Completing form 470
- Funding Year 2009
- July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010
- 2009-10
- school year
2Powerpoint is available!
- www.iptv.org/iowa_database/erate
3Online resources
- Training site usactrain.solixinc.com
- Actual online filing www.sl.universalservice.org
/menu.asp - Funding commitments/disbursements
- www.e-ratecentral.com
4What about the tech plan?
- Must be written before filing the 470
- Tech plan must list all the services you request
on form 470 - Applicant must be able to provide the plan and
proof of the date it was written when asked by PIA
5More on tech plans
- The Iowa Department of Education has provided a
template which needed to be completed and sent to
the AEA by November 3 - Lost the template? E-mail Pam!
- When you e-mail completed template, copy yourself
to keep an electronic paper trail for use when/if
PIA calls - A look at the template
6Technology training
- Audit or site visit will ask about teacher
training related to E-rate services - Advice
- Anything related to technology counts
- If district/building PD includes technology in
any way, include it! - Have a sign-in sheet or some tangible evidence of
teachers who attended. Keep it in your E-rate
7Form 470
- What is it?
- Why do I have to fill it out?
8Form 470
- What is it?
- Public posting on www.sl.universalservice.org/sl
- Announces to the world that you want bids for
e-rate - Must be posted for full 28 days
9E-rate Timelines
- Form 470 (Now)
- Wait 28 days
- Select provider/sign contract (if applicable)
- Form 471 (probably early Nov early Feb )
- Answer questions/call from PIA (Feb-?)
- Funding commitment decision letter
- Form 486
10Check out e-rate applications from previous years
- Dig out old 470 and 471 forms
- Dont limit yourself in bandwidth and services
(think ahead)
11Form 470
- Why do I have to fill it out?
- Meets the requirement of competitive bidding
- Is the first required step in the e-rate
application process - You cannot get e-rate funding without it!
12Form 470 Who must file?
- School districts/schools/AEAs
- Libraries
- Consortia of the above
13Form 470
- When do I file?
- File nowno later than early-mid December
- Must wait full 28 days before filing form 471
14What if we already have a contract for 09-10
school year?
- Did you already file form 470?
- Did you indicate that you wanted a multi-year
contract? - Does the contract cover ALL of 09-10 school year?
- Advice Contact Pam!
15Form 470 How do I file
- File online at www.sl.universalservice.org/sl/
- There are currently two choices of online filing
- Create Form 470 (recommended)
- Form 470 Interview
16Why file 470 online? Why not paper?
- Faster processing
- Avoids operator error
17Form 470 Whats eligible
- Download draft list from http//www.usac.org/sl/
18Form 470 Whats eligible for funding
- Requirements for eligibility
- Must be an eligible product or service
- Used by an eligible entity
- Used at an eligible location
- Used for an eligible purpose
19Form 470 Whats eligible for funding?
- Four categories of services
- Telecommunications (priority 1)
- Internet access (priority 1)
- Internal connections (priority 2)
- Maintenance of internal connections (priority 2)
20Examples of telecomm services
- Local telephone services
- Long distance telephone service
- Cell phone service
- Cellular data service (e.g. Blackberry, Treo,
Smartphone) - Service to bus barns, custodial facilities, etc.
IS eligible!!!!!!!
21More examples of telecomm services
- Centrex
- Leased circuits (e.g. data circuit to connect
your elementary school to the high school) - E-911 and 911 lines
- Voicemail service (not just considered telecomm
22More telecomm services
- ICN interactive video
- Part III data circuits
- State files for both
- of these on your
- behalf
- What about telephone companies that offer bundled
services? (such as phone service and Internet in
one package) - How do I fill out form 470? (which category of
service?) - Answer Internet may be provided by a
telecommunications provider BUT you must state on
form 470 under telecom that you will consider
bids with Internet service!!!!! Also list under
the Internet category too!
24Internet services examples
- Internet access
- Cable modem service
- Domain Name Service (DNS) registration
- Cell phone data service (e.g. Blackberry, Treo,
25Internet service examples
- Web hosting service (not purchase of web server)
- Firewall service (not purchase of firewall
26Cellular data services
- Very important
- If you are filing for cellular data services
(e.g. Blackberry, Treo, or Smartphone-type
services), indicate this on form 470 in two
places Telecom services and Internet services - When you get to form 471, you will select only
one of the above types of service
- What if I put a service in the wrong category?
(e.g. put local phone service as Internet?) - Answer May result in NO FUNDING! Either put the
service in the correct category (see eligible
services list) or if in doubt, list under 2
categories (e.g. telecom and Internet)
28What about the proposed new eligible services?
- FCC has proposed new eligible services for 09-10
school year - We dont yet know if they will be approved
- If you plan to apply for these new services, be
sure to list them on your tech plan!
29Proposed new eligible services for FY 09
- Filtering service (even if not provided by your
Internet Service Provider list under Internet) - Telephone broadcast service (list under telecom
and Internet) - Text messaging via cell phones (list under
telecom and Internet) - Dark fiber (list under telecom and Internet)
30More proposed new eligible services
- Firewall service (list under Internet)
- Anti-virus/anti-SPAM software (list under
Internet and internal connections) - Interconnected VoIP (OK in 2007 and 2008 as
Internet access or telecom) - Wireless Internet (e.g. use on school buses for
students to do their homework list under
31Internal connections
- These are priority 2!
- Should I apply? Yes, if your building is high
enough discount level (70 or above) - Unused funds from previous years may be rolled
into funding year 2009!!!!
32Internal connections
- NOTE priority 2 is the only category where
items may be purchased by school/library - NOTE Tech plan detail is vital to support your
priority 2 requests!!! - 2 in 5 rule applies for internal connections
33Examples of internal connections
- LANs
- Routers
- Switches
- Hubs
- Network servers
- Wireless LANs
- PBX (private branch exchange)
- What about the section of the eligible services
list that isnt category specific? - Answer To date, telecomm and Internet are
leased services. Internal connections MAY be
purchased services.
35Maintenance of internal connections
- These are priority 2
- Should I apply? Yes, if your building is high
enough discount level (70 or above) - 2 in 5 rule does NOT apply for maintenance
36Form 470 How many separate 470 forms to file?
- Your choice!
- You may file one form 470
- OR
- You may file a separate form 470 for each type of
37What about competitive bids?
- SLD is getting more particular about documenting
a fair and open bidding process - Keep a record of bids received!!! (not just
winning bid) - Have a written process for evaluating bids and
criteria for selection
38What if no companies call me?
- Call them! Get the pricing they anticipate for
July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010. - Keep a record of calls, e-mail bids and written
bids - If no bids received . . .
39Must I accept the lowest bid?
- No, not according to e-rate rulesbut cost must
be the primary consideration - Other factors might be prior experience of
vendor, qualification of personnel, financial
stability of the company, service that meets the
needs of your school/library
40May we sign a contract?
- Yes, but only after the allowable contract date
of 28 days - Include contingency language in case you dont
get funded
41Should I e-certify?
- E-certify an option only if
- Your principal/supt/authorized person filed a
signed and data entered 471 and/or 486 in
previous year(s) - Call SLDs Client Service Bureau if you need a
pin number (888-203-8100) - Special Pins for BEARs-only (online BEAR filing)
42What if we cant/dont want to e-certify?
- Print certification/signature page (as directed
on form 470) - Have supt/director/authorized person sign
- Still recommend you use blue ink
- Mail certification/signature page with return
43If you dont e-certify
- Use the certification page from the online filing
- DONT just copy the cert page of the mail-in
44Address for paper cert
- SLD-Form 470
- 3833 Greenway Drive
- Lawrence, KS 66046
- Phone number for delivery purposes
- 888-203-8100
45Final steps
- Print a copy of the completed 470 for your files
- Photocopy your cert page (if paper cert)
- Keep the completed copy in e-rate notebook/files
- Check www.sl.universalservice.org/sl/ to see if
your form really was posted
46How do I know my 470 was filed?
- 2 ways to check
- www.sl.universalservice.org/sl/
- You will receive a receipt in the mail! Keep the
receipt letter (on yellow paper for 2009)
47Why should I check about filing?
- To check the allowable contract datethis is
the earliest date you may file form 471! - Dont pick a service provider before the 28 days
is up!
48Get ready for form 471
- Do you have new buildings?
- Have you closed any buildings?
- Have you reorganized with another district?
- Have you formed a system (non-publics)?
49If any of the above is true
- Call 1-888-203-8100
- Let them know details about new building, closing
of building, reorg, etc. - They will likely require a faxed letter on school
letterhead stating the change in status (signed
by supt/director)
50Are you on the AEAUSF listserv?
- No? Send Debbie an e-mail!
- debbie_at_iptv.org
51Numbers to remember
- SLD Client Service Bureau
- 1-888-203-8100
- Pam Jacobs
- 515-975-0071
- pam.jacobs_at_iowa.gov
- USAC E-rate info
- http//www.sl.universalservice.org/sl/
- Iowa E-rate info
- http//www.iptv.org/iowa_database/erate
- E-Rate Central
- http//www.e-ratecentral.com/