Title: EKG - Dysrhythmia Workshop
1EKG - Dysrhythmia Workshop
- Wayne E. Ellis, Ph.D., CRNA
- AnatomyFundamental ConceptsMyocardial
InjuryModified Chest LeadsDysrhythmias Sinus
Atrial AV node Junctional VentricularPractic
e Strips
3Preop Predictors Periop Cardiac
Morbidity high risk patients
Recent MI Current CHF
4Lets consider the following uninterpreted
Lap-chole on 55 yo black male Hx HTN ( Rx
BP pill ) Per family member
Poor historian Lab normal 160 / 96 , 92 ,
5(No Transcript)
6 Your diagnosis ? a. I think its OK b.
Wait for cardiology to confirm ? How
should it / might it affect your anesthetic
plan? a. Delay case ? b. Cancel case ? c.
Proceed based upon surgeons request ? d.
Consult with other anesthesia team member
(MDA) proceed accordingly ? Where do you
stand medico-legally ?
7Cardiac Anatomy
8(No Transcript)
9 Left Coronary Artery
Sinus Artery
Right Coronary Artery
Left Anterior Descending
10 Circumflex
Right Coronary Artery
Posterior Descending Coronary Artery
11 Circumflex
Right Coronary Artery
Posterior Descending
Right Dominant Coronary Circulation
12(No Transcript)
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16Conduction System
17Bundle of His
S-A Node
Left Bundle Branch
Posterior Fascicle
Anterior Fascicle
A-V Node
Purkinje Fibers
Right Bundle Branch
18Coronary Circulation Distribution to the
Conduction System
19Bundle of His
S-A Node
A-V Node
RCA / Cx
20Posterior Fascicle
Anterior Fascicle
Purkinje Fibers
Right Bundle Branch
21(No Transcript)
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23Arrhythmias Type of MI
- Inferior - narrow complex dysrhythmias
- Sinus dysrhythmias
- Junctional dysrhythmias
- 3rd degree A-V block with a junctional
escape rhythm - Anterior - wide complex dysrhythmias
- Mobitz II
- 3rd degree A-V block with a ventricular
escape rhythm
24Fundamentals of Electrocardiographic Monitoring
25ventricular depolarization
P atrial depolarization
ventricular repolarization
CVP Tracing
27calibration pulse
1 mV 10 mm
sweep speed 25 mm / sec
vertical axis 1 mm 0.1 mV
each mm 0.04 sec
each square 1 mm
28Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
29Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
Isoelectric Line
30Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
Isoelectric Line
Positive Waveform Negative Waveform
31Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
Isoelectric Line
Positive Waveform Negative Waveform
32Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
Isoelectric Line
Positive Waveform Negative Waveform
33Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
Isoelectric Line
Positive Waveform Negative Waveform
34Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
Isoelectric Line
Positive Waveform Negative Waveform
35Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
36Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
37Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
Isoelectric Line
Positive Waveform Negative Waveform
38Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
Isoelectric Line
Positive Waveform Negative Waveform
PR interval
39Waveform, Interval, and Segment Identification
Isoelectric Line
Positive Waveform Negative Waveform
PR interval
QT interval
40QT Interval- Should be lt 1/2 preceding R
to R interval -
41QT Interval- Should be lt 1/2 preceding R
to R interval -
QT interval
42QT Interval- Should be lt 1/2 preceding R
to R interval -
QT interval
43QT Interval- Should be lt 1/2 preceding R
to R interval -
QT interval
44QT Interval- Should be lt 1/2 preceding R
to R interval -
QT interval
45QT Interval- Should be lt 1/2 preceding R
to R interval -
QT interval
46QT Interval- Should be lt 1/2 preceding R
to R interval -
65 - 90 bpm
QT interval
47QT Interval- Should be lt 1/2 preceding R
to R interval -
65 - 90 bpm
QT interval
Normal QTc 0.46 sec
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52Atypical Q R S complex Possible explanation
for this morphology ?
53Atypical Q R S complex Possible explanation
for this morphology ? - MI -
RR1 complex Possible explanation for this
morphology ?
RR1 complex Possible explanation for this
morphology ? - BBB -
57Standard 12 lead EKG
58Standard 12 Lead EKG
- Cheap
- Easy to do
- Noninvasive
- Mod - Poor sensitivity
- 50 - 70 patients with a history of stable
angina will have a normal EKG if it is
taken while they are not experiencing pain.
60(No Transcript)
61- Limb Leads
- frontal plane
- 1 , 2 , 3 , aVR , aVL , aVF
- Chest Leads
- transverse plane
- V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 , V6
62- Regionalized Myocardial Injury
- - inferior -
63Bipolar Frontal Plane Leads
- Lead 1 is selected
- What lead is being monitored ?
65- Remember what happens to the polarity of
- the electrodes any time lead 1 is selected
- Lead 1 is selected
- What lead is being monitored ?
- Answer Lead 2
67Axis of Each Bipolar Frontal Plane Lead
exploring electrode
zero potential
Central terminal
zero potential
Unipolar Frontal Plane Lead
69Axis of Each Unipolar Frontal Plane Lead
Combining triaxial figures of FRONTAL PLANE
Hexaxial Figure
71Unipolar Precordial Chest Leads True Chest
724th intercostal space
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74Axis of the Chest Leads
75 V5
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77Inferior 2, 3, aVF Lateral 1,
aVL, V 5 - 6 Anterior V 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
78Inferior 2, 3, aVF Lateral 1,
aVL, V 5 - 6 Anterior V 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
79Inferior 2, 3, aVF Lateral 1,
aVL, V 5 - 6 Anterior V 1 , 2, 3, 4,
5 Posterior V 1 - 2
80Inferior 2, 3, aVF Lateral 1,
aVL, V 5 - 6 Anterior V 1 , 2, 3, 4,
5 Posterior V 1 - 2
81Inferior 2, 3, aVF Lateral 1,
aVL, V 5 - 6 Anterior V 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 Posterior V 1 - 2 RV V4R , V1, 2,
3, 4, 5
82Inferior 2, 3, aVF Lateral 1,
aVL, V 5 - 6 Anterior V 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 Posterior V 1 - 2 RV V4R , V1, 2,
3, 4, 5
83Inferior 2, 3, aVF Lateral 1,
aVL, V 5 - 6 Anterior V 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1,
aVL Posterior V 1 - 2 RV V4R , V1,
2, 3, 4, 5
84Inferior 2, 3, aVF Lateral 1,
aVL, V 5 - 6 Anterior V 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 Posterior V 1 - 2 RV V4R , V1, 2,
3, 4, 5
85Inferior leads 2, 3, aVF
86Lateral Leads 1, aVL, V5 - V6
87Anterior Leads V1 - V5
88Posterior Leads V1 - V2
89RV Leads V4R, V1 - V5
90Myocardial Injury ST segment analysis
91Case Scenario
- 77 yo female
- (L) hallux IPJ fusion
- 70 kg, 155 cm
- ASA PS 2
- Arthritis , reflux
- HTN ( catapres , dyazide )
- 153 / 93 , 72 , 18
- labs nl
- 12 lead ( of course uninterpreted )
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93Questions - Choices - Decisions
- What EKG lead(s) should you monitor?
- Does it matter ?
- What other variables ( if any ) should be
checked before induction ?
94- ST Segment Changes
- ( myocardial injury )
- Setting Iso , J , ST pts
- Frequency Bandwidth
- Gain
- Lead Selection
95ST Segment Changes(myocardial injury)
- gt 1 mm ST seg depression
- (horizontal)
- gt 1 mm ST seg depression measured 60 - 80
msec J point - (upsloping / downsloping)
- gt 1 mm ST seg elevation
- (transmural injury)
96Upsloping ST Segment
J point
98ST Segment Depression - Upsloping
Downsloping -
99Extending PR segment
1.5 mm
60 msec
100Extending PR segment
60 msec
101ST Segment Deviation - Horizontal Depression
Elevation -
102 Hewlett Packard EKG Monitor Setting the
- Iso point
- J point
- ST point
103Iso pt
A single cardiac cycle depicting proper
placement of the Iso pt, J pt, ST pt.
104Iso pt
J pt
A single cardiac cycle depicting proper
placement of the Iso pt, J pt, ST pt.
105Iso pt
ST pt
J pt
A single cardiac cycle depicting proper
placement of the Iso pt, J pt, ST pt.
106Iso pt
ST pt
J pt
Placement of the ST pt 80 msec (2 mm) away
from the J pt.
107Iso pt
ST pt
J pt
Placement of the ST pt 60 msec (1.5 mm)
away from the J pt.
108- 2.5 mm
Iso pt
ST pt
J pt
A single cardiac cycle depicting proper
placement of the Iso pt, J pt, ST pt.
109R - 80 ms
R 60 ms
J 80 ms
- 2.5 mm
Iso pt
ST pt
J pt
A single cardiac cycle depicting proper
placement of the Iso pt, J pt, ST pt.
110R - 80 ms
R 60 ms
J 80 ms
- 2.5 mm
Iso pt
ST pt
J pt
Two cardiac cycles depicting placement of the Iso
pt, J pt, ST pt. In the 1st cardiac cycle each
parameter is properly placed. In the 2nd, the
Iso pt has been improperly positioned onto the P
111R - 80 ms
R 60 ms
J 80 ms
- 2.5 mm
Iso pt
Iso pt
ST pt
ST pt
J pt
J pt
Two cardiac cycles depicting placement of the Iso
pt, J pt, ST pt. In the 1st cardiac cycle each
parameter is properly placed. In the 2nd, the
Iso pt has been improperly positioned onto the P
112R - 160 ms
R 60 ms
J 80 ms
R - 80 ms
R 60 ms
J 80 ms
- 2.5 mm
Iso pt
Iso pt
ST pt
ST pt
J pt
J pt
Two cardiac cycles depicting placement of the Iso
pt, J pt, ST pt. In the 1st cardiac cycle each
parameter is properly placed. In the 2nd, the
Iso pt has been improperly positioned onto the P
113R - 160 ms
R 60 ms
J 80 ms
R - 80 ms
R 60 ms
J 80 ms
- 2.5 mm
Iso pt
Iso pt
ST pt
ST pt
J pt
J pt
Two cardiac cycles depicting placement of the Iso
pt, J pt, ST pt. In the 1st cardiac cycle each
parameter is properly placed. In the 2nd, the
Iso pt has been improperly positioned onto the P
114I I I
Depiction of the limitation of ST segment
analysis software when setting the J point
for three cardiac cycles / 3 different
leads. Note how the J point ends up being
improperly set in V 5 when it is properly
placed for leads 3 2 . Unfortunately
each cardiac cycle can not be set
116 0.2 mm
117 3 mm
118- Three lead display of ST segment analysis
SaO2 97
RR 10
Sample Default Settings for HP Monitors
SaO2 97
RR 10
Why resp rate ? consider priorities
Rhythm - ST seg Changes - TW Changes 3
Regions of the Heart
122(No Transcript)
123Reciprocal Changes( usually seen early (4-8)
hrs after MI )
- anterior - 1 , aVL , V 1 - V 5
- lateral - V 5 - V 6
2 , 3 , aVF - inferior -
V 1 , V 3 R
124 Is ST - segment Depression Always the
Reciprocal Event ?
125- Frequency Bandwidth
- Gain / Amplitude
126Filter Mode( 0.5 - 20 Hz )VSDiagnostic
Mode( 0.05 - 130 Hz)
127Filter Mode
- Oscilloscope photograph of an acute infarct
record. The DC record ( higher elevation of
ST ) and the filtered one, displayed
simultaneously. Berson AS, et al. Am. Heart
Journal. 1966 71(6)779
128Filter Mode
- Oscilloscope photograph of an old infarct
record showing distortion of the ST segment
in the filtered record. The DC record
has the downward sloping ST segment. Berson
AS, et al. Am. Heart Journal. 1966
129Filter Mode
- Resting ECG. Filtered record has produced a
significant ST segment depression. DC
record with less ST deviation. Berson AS,
et al. Am. Heart Journal. 1966 71(6)779
130Filter Mode
- Resting ECG. Filtered and DC record show
no significant difference. Berson AS, et al.
Am. Heart Journal. 1966 71(6)779
131 EKG recorded in the
? Filter mode ( 0.5 - 20 Hz ) ?
Monitoring mode ( 0.5 - 40 Hz ) ?
Diagnostic mode ( 0.05 - 130 Hz )
132So where should the bandwidthbe set on the
HP Monitorwhen ST seg analysis is engaged
133So where should the bandwidthbe set on the
HP Monitorwhen ST seg analysis is engaged
- In the Filter mode
- Because the bandwidth changes from ..
- 0.5 - 20 Hz to 0.05 - 20 Hz
134So where should the bandwidthbe set on the
HP Monitorwhen ST seg analysis is engaged
- In the Filter mode
- Because the bandwidth changes from ..
- 0.5 - 20 Hz to 0.05 - 20 Hz
135When ST seg analysis is engaged
- The HP EKG monitor changes the filter mode
bandwidth so only the high end is
filtered out - 0.05 - 20 ( 21 - 130 Hz )
136Gain Setting( 1 mV 10 mm )
- False Negatives
- False Positives
137calibration pulse
1 mV 10 mm
sweep speed 25 mm / sec
vertical axis 1 mm 0.1 mV
each mm 0.04 sec
each square 1 mm
138Strip B 0.5 standardization / 1 mV 5
mm significant ? (1 mm) 0.5
mm ? Strip A Standardization / 1 mV
10 mm significant ?(1 mm) 1 mm ?
139 Strip C 2 x standardization / 1
mV 20 mm significant ?(1 mm) 2 mm
? Strip A Standardization / 1 mV
10 mm significant ?(1 mm) 1 mm ?
140Selecting the Appropriate Lead System
- Lead II
- dysrhythmia interpretation
- P waves are important for Diagnosis
- V1 / MCL1
- aberrant beats vs PVCs
- V5 / MCL5
- detect ischemia / injury / MI
141True V5 or a Modified V5
- Blackburn 89 significant
- ST - seg depression after
- exercise found V5 of a 12 lead
142London MJ, Hollenberg MAnesthesiology
69232-241, 1988Intraoperative Myocardial
Ischemia Localization by Continuous 12 lead
- 109 pt with known / suspected CAD
- had noncardiac surgery via GA
- sensitivity greatest V5 ( 75 )
- median duration ischemia 10 min
143London MJ, Hollenberg MAnesthesiology
69232-241, 1988Intraoperative Myocardial
Ischemia Localization by Continuous 12 lead
- 109 pt with known / suspected CAD
- had noncardiac surgery via GA
- sensitivity greatest V5 ( 75 )
- median duration ischemia 10 min
144What EKG Lead(s) Should You Monitor ?
- Lead 1
- Lead 2
- Lead V5
- Other?
145Mizutani M, Freedman SB, et alAm J Cardiology 66
(4)389-393, 1990ST Monitoring for
Myocardial Ischemia During and After
Coronary Angioplasty
- 97 pt with known CAD
- use single lead inadequate
- 2 appropriate leads 93 sensitivity
- 3 leads increased sensitivity 100
- ST elevation
- V3 ( LAD ) / III ( LCx RC )
- ST depression
- V3 ( L Cx ) / III ( LAD ) / V2 ( RC )
146Given this information ,Lets return to
case scenario 1With the original question
- which lead(s) do you monitor in ?
147Case Scenario 1 / Lead Selection ?
- 77 yo female
- (L) hallux IPJ fusion
- 70 kg, 155 cm
- ASP PS 2
- arthritis, reflux
- HTN (catapres, dyazide)
- 153/93 , 72 , 18
- labs nl
- 12 lead
148(No Transcript)
149And you have a 5 cable system to monitor
150Five Cable System
- Leads
- 1 , 2 , 3
- aVR , aVL , aVF
- V 1 - 6
151Five Cable System
- Leads
- 1 , 2 , 3
- aVR , aVL , aVF
- V 1 - 6
152Unipolar Precordial Chest Leads True Chest
153So what are the lead(s) youve selected to
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157But what if all you have to work with is
a three - cable system ?
158Three Cable System
- Leads
- CS 5
- CM 5
- CC 5
- CB 5
159Einthovens Triangle !
The mechanics
160Bipolar Frontal Plane Leads
161Bipolar Frontal Plane Leads
162Apply what you learned about Einthovens
Triangle !
- Which lead wire / electrode becomes negative
when limb lead 3 is selected ? - Answer
- LA electrode
- Which lead wire / electrode becomes positive
when limb lead 3 is selected ? - Answer
- LL electrode
163- Three wire systems Monitoring leads CS5
- Monitoring for anterior ischemia
- Right arm electrode unchanged
- Left arm electrode moved to V5 position
- Left leg electrode unchanged
- Selector on Lead I CS5
- Selector on Lead II Lead II
CS5 a modification of a true V5
The mechanics
164CS5 a modification of a true V5
165Apply what you learned about Einthovens
Triangle !
- How would you set up a CS5
- if limb lead 3 was selected ?
- Which lead wire / electrode becomes negative
when limb lead 3 is selected ? - Answer
- LA electrode
166Apply what you learned about Einthovens
Triangle !
- Which lead wire / electrode becomes negative
when limb lead 3 is selected ? - Answer
- LA electrode
- Which lead wire / electrode becomes positive
when limb lead 3 is selected ?
167Apply what you learned about Einthovens
Triangle !
- Which lead wire / electrode becomes negative
when limb lead 3 is selected ? - Answer
- LA electrode
- Which lead wire / electrode becomes positive
when limb lead 3 is selected ? - Answer
- LL electrode
- Now just put the electrodes where they
belong to monitor in a CS5 !
168How would you set up a CS5 if limb lead
3 was selected ?
169- Three wire systems Monitoring leads CM5
- Monitoring for anterior ischemia
- Right arm electrode Manubrium
- Left arm electrode V5 position
- Left leg electrode unchanged
CM5 a modification of a true V5
The mechanics
170CM5 a modification of a true V5
171- Three wire systems Monitoring leads CC5
- Monitoring for ischemia
- Right arm electrode Right anterior axillary line
- Left arm electrode V5
- Left leg electrode unchanged
The mechanics
172CC5 a modification of a true V5
173- Three wire systems Monitoring leads CB5
- Monitoring for anterior ischemia
- Good P wave for diagnosis of arrhythmias
- Right arm electrode center of right scapula
- Posteriorly
- Left arm electrode V5
- Left leg electrode unchanged
The mechanics
174CB5 a modification of a true V5
175- Three wire systems Monitoring leads MCL1
- Good P wave and QRS complex, useful for diagnosis
of arrhythmias - Right arm electrode unchanged
- Left arm electrode Under clavicle
- Left leg electrode moved to V1 position
The mechanics
176(No Transcript)
177 Factors Predisposing Development Ischemia / MI
- CAD , HTN, prior MI
- Diabetes mellitus , smoking
- Age ( elderly ) , drug abuse
- Hyper / hypotension , tachycardia
- Surgery
- duration procedure
- skills surgeon
- skills anesthesia provider
- induction , emergence
178Other Causes ST - TW Changes
- Drugs
- Electrolyte abnormalities
- Conduction disturbances
- LVH , RV or LV strain
179 Strain
- Sustained / delayed repolarization
- Correlates with increase LV mass , pressure
overload , slowing intraventricular conduction - Strain ? myocardial ischemia
- EKG changes seen
- ST segment depression , elevation
- TW inversion
- U waves inversion ( L ) precordial leads
180Other Causes ST - TW Changes
- Drugs
- Electrolyte abnormalities
- Conduction disturbances
- LVH , RV or LV strain
- Intracranial hemorrhage
- Positioning
- Pericarditis
181Stage I of pericarditis Diffuse ST
segment elevation with concave appearance in
inferior and left precordial leads. The TW
are also upright
182 Treatment Options Myocardial Injury
- Nitroglycerine
- Beta blockers
- Volume resuscitation
- Diuretics
- Deepen anesthetic
- 160 - 325 mg
183ST Segment Analysis Algorithm
- False Positives
- improper electrode placement
- gain set gt standardization
- filtering bandwidth
- improper setting iso, J, ST pts
- nonspecific change
- False Negatives
- improper lead selection
- gain set lt standardization
- filtering bandwidth
- improper setting iso, J, ST pts
- nonspecific change
184ST Segment Analysis Algorithm
- lead V3, III, II unless 12 lead shows otherwise
- scan other leads intraop - gain set 1 cm/mV
- diagnostic mode
- set document Iso , J , ST pts
185ST Segment Analysis Algorithm
- lead V3, III, II unless 12 lead shows otherwise
- scan other leads intraop - gain set 1 cm/mV
- diagnostic mode unless using HP monitor ?
filter - set DOCUMENT Iso , J , ST pts
186(No Transcript)
187ST Segment Analysis Algorithm
- lead V3, III, II unless 12 lead shows otherwise
- scan other leads intraop - gain set 1 cm/mV
- diagnostic mode unless using HP monitor ? filter
- set document Iso , J , ST pts
- assess for presence of risk factors
(eg, HTN,
cardiomegaly, tachycardia) - determine primary site injury / consider
reciprocal change - tx accordingly
(eg, NTG,
esmolol, dobutamine, robinul, deepen anesthetic)
188Dysrhythmia Recognition
189Cardiac Dysrhythmias( incidence )
- 16.3 - 84 for both cardiac noncardiac
surgery - serious arrhythmias lt 1
- Whats important here is how you define
serious ( e.g., VT, VF vs outcome )
190Forrest JB et al. Anesth 76 3
1992Multicenter Study of General Anesthetics
involving 17,201 patients
- When the etiology of severe adverse
outcomes are assessed .. - Cardiac arrhythmias account for 44 (
372 of 847 ) poor outcomes !
191Most Common DysrhythmiasUnder Anesthesia
- PACs
- bradycardias
- nodal rhythms
- simple PVCs
- In children ? SVT
- ( not under anesthesia )
192Factors Precipitate Dysrhythmias
- Ischemia / hypoxemia
- acidosis / alkalosis
- electrolyte abnormalities
- increase catecholamines
- drug toxicities
- hypothermia
- anesthetics
- volatile , opioids
193Causes of Dysrhythmias
- altered automaticity
- (phase 4)
- changes threshold potential
- altered conductivity
- (phase 0)
- hyperpolarization
195Mechanisms Action - Antidysrhythmics -
- Na channel blockade
- Ca2 channel blockade
- Prolongation refractory period
- blockade sympathetic effects
- hyperpolarization ? K
196Electrophysiologic Effects ADO
ADO A 1 hyperpolarization
197Guidelines Rhythm Analysis
- overall rhythm regular ?
- reasons for irregular rhythm .
198Reasons for Irregular Heart Rates( R to R
intervals are inconsistent )
- Discharge rate from primary pacemaker site
is occurring at an irregular interval - ( Sinus dysrhythmia )
- Premature extrasystoles are interrupting an
otherwise regular pattern - ( PACs , PJCs )
- Periods of cessation of electrical activity
- ( sinus pause , sinus exit block )
199Guidelines Rhythm Analysis
- overall rhythm regular ?
- determine HR ( atrial vent )
- morphology p - waves
- pr - intervals / are they fixed ?
- relationship between p - waves QRS
- morphology QRS ( shape width )
200Determining Heart Rate
201 6 sec strip technique
- Count R waves that occur in 6 sec
- Multiply by 10
- Equals beats per minute ( BPM )
202Lead 2
Heart Rate ?
203Lead 2
8 x 2 16 x 10 160 bpm
Heart Rate ?
Heart Rate ? Is this a 6 second strip ? How
do you determine this is 6 sec of data
? Remember , 25 mm / sec
205 206(No Transcript)
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208Lead 2
What is the Heart Rate ? 120 bpm
209What is the Heart Rate ?
210 170 bpm
211Lead 2
What is the Heart Rate ? Need to use 6
sec strip technique Reason underlying
irregular rhythm
212Diagnosis with Heart Rate
- NSR 60 - 100 bpm
- SB lt 60 bpm
- ST 100 - 150 bpm
- AT 150 - 250 bpm (Supraventricular SVT)
- AF 250 - 350 bpm
- Af gt 350 bpm
213Diagnosis with Heart Rate
- NSR 60 - 100 bpm
- SB lt 60 bpm
- ST 100 - 150 bpm
- AT 150 - 250 bpm
- AF 250 - 350 bpm
- Af gt 350 bpm
214Diagnosis with Heart Rate
- NSR 60 - 100 bpm
- SB lt 60 bpm
- ST 100 - 150 bpm
- AT 150 - 250 bpm
- AF 250 - 350 bpm
- Af gt 350 bpm
215Normal Sinus Rhythm
- sino-atrial rate 60 - 100 bpm
- (p - waves)
- ventricular rate ? variable
- (QRS complexes)
- morphology QRS ? variable
- pr - interval ? variable / none
216SA Dysrhythmias
217Lead 2
- Constant changing R to R interval
- No fixed pattern identified
- Phasic sinus rhythm vs sinus irregularity
218Lead 2
- Constant changing R to R interval
- No fixed pattern identified
- Phasic sinus rhythm vs sinus irregularity
219Reasons for Irregular Heart Rates( R to R
intervals are inconsistent )
- Discharge rate from primary pacemaker site
is occurring at an irregular interval - ( Sinus dysrhythmia )
- Premature extrasystoles are interrupting an
otherwise regular pattern - ( PACs , PJCs )
- Periods of cessation of electrical activity
- ( sinus pause , sinus exit block )
220Lead 2
221Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Sinus Bradycardia with 1 1 vent conduction
222Sinus Bradycardia
- sino-atrial rate lt 60 bpm
- (p - waves)
- ventricular rate ? variable
- (QRS complexes)
- morphology QRS ? variable
- pr - interval ? variable / none
223Lead 2
224Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Sinus Tachycardia with 1 1 vent conduction
225Sinus Tachycardia
- sino-atrial rate 100 - 150 bpm
- (p - waves)
- ventricular rate ? variable
- (QRS complexes)
- morphology QRS ? variable
- pr - interval ? variable / none
226Atrial Dysrhythmias
227Lead 2
228Lead 2
229Lead 2
- Sinus bradycardia with 11 vent conduction
with a single conducted PAC
230Lead 2
- So where is the P wave ?
- The P wave is hidden in the T wave
231Lead 2
- Note the distortion of the T wave
232Lead 2
233Lead 2
- Grossly , appears to have ratio 2 1
- Therefore , 2 1 AV block , Mobitz Type II
- However , the P wave rate is what ?
- FAST !
234Lead 2
- Atrial tachycardia with 2 1 AV block
- Remember , the reasons for failed conduction
can include ...
235Reasons for Failed Conduction
- Premature extrasystoles
- PACs , PJCs
- Disease of the lower part of the
conduction system - Mobitz II , CHB infranodal
- Physiologic - rate induced
- Pharmacologic
- OD antidysrhythmic
236Atrial Tachycardia
- atrial rate 150 - 250 bpm
- ( p - waves may become lost )
- ventricular rate ? variable
- ( QRS complexes )
- morphology QRS ? variable
- pr - interval ? variable / none
237Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Atrial flutter - classical flutter waves
238Atrial Flutter
- atrial rate 250 - 350 bpm
- ( p - waves ? sawtooth )
- ventricular rate ? irregular / regular
- ( 14, 16 )
- morphology QRS ? variable
- pr - interval ? variable / none
239Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Atrial fibrillation
240Atrial Fibrillation
- atrial rate gt 350 bpm
- ( p - waves ? fine or indistinguishable
) - ventricular rate ? irregular
- morphology QRS ? variable
- pr - interval ? none
241Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Atrial fibrillation
242Irregular Rhythm Trouble Discerning P -
Waves Atrial Fibrillation
243Question ...
- How would you recognize atrial fibrillation
with complete AV block ? - What would be the criteria to diagnose
this ?
244Accessory Pathways
245- Normal activation sequence
246- Premature ventricular septal activation
- Classical shortened PR interval delta wave
247- Accessory tract fusing with Bundle His
- Shortened PR interval / no delta wave
248- Accessory tract originating off base AV
node - Normal PR interval with a delta wave
249Wolff - Parkinson - White
- Shortened PR interval
- / or
- Delta wave
250Arrhythmias Associated with Wolff - Parkinson
- White
- premature beats
- supraventricular tachycardia
- atrial flutter
- atrial fibrillation
251Practice Strips
252Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Sinus Tachycardia with 1 1 vent conduction
253Lead V 1
- Your interpretation ?
- SB 1 1 vent conduction interrupted by a
nonconducted PAC followed by a compensatory
254- Nonconducted P wave
- Remember , another reason for failed
conduction - premature extrasystole
255V 1
- Whats the message with this slide ?
- Use other leads to facilitate diagnosis
256V 1
- Your interpretation ?
- Atrial fibrillation with an isolated PVC
257Therapy SA Atrial Dysrhythmias
258- Your interpretation ?
259Narrow QRS Complex Tachycardia ( SVT
) - causes
- sino - atrial or atrial rate
(100 - 250 bpm) - P waves associated with QRS
(may not be discernible) - Reentry Mechanism
(S-A nodal, A-V nodal,
intra-atrial) - Can be secondary reciprocating tachycardia
(not due to enhanced automaticity)
260Supraventricular TachycardiaCauses
- light anesthesia
- hypovolemia
- hypotension
- febrile
- malignant hyperthermia
261Supraventricular Tachycardia
- Caused by Cocaine or Amphetamines
- Use Labetolol
- Avoid Esmolol
- Caution with hydralizine
- If Hypotensive and heart rate control is not
occurring, consider neosynephrine
262Treating Supraventricular Tachycardia( sinus ,
atrial , junctional tachycardias )
- Serious S S ? cardiovert 25 - 100 J
- vagal maneuvers
- adenosine 6 mg , repeat 12 mg ( may repeat
once in 1 - 2 min ) - PSVT will recur up to 50 - 60 time ?
? verapamil - verapamil 1.25 - 5 mg ( may repeat 5 - 10 mg
in 15 - 30 min ) - digoxin , esmolol , diltiazem , overdrive
pacing - If ECG complex appears wide unclear of
diagnosis ( VT vs SVT
with aberrant conduction ) give adenosine or
begin to treat rhythm as if it were
VT do NOT use verapamil if unsure of
263- Your interpretation ?
- NSR with 1 1 vent conduction with
evidence of WPW
264(No Transcript)
265WPW associated with
- Transposition Great Vessels
- Ebsteins Anomaly
266WPW( contraindicated )
- digitalis
- verapamil / diltiazem
267Treatment WPW
- vagal manuvers
- adenosine
- procainamide ( doc )
- cardioversion
- quinidine
- disopyramide
- surgery
268- Your interpretation ?
- No discernable P waves
- junctional or .
- Atrial fibrillation
- Reason for latter diagnosis ?
- Irregular ventricular response
269Atrial FibrillationCauses
- Reentrant phenomenon
- COPD with cor pulmonale
- pulmonary embolism
- valvular disease
- CAD , acute MI
- hyperthyroidism
- electrolyte abnormalities
- toxic effects secondary meds
- eg , digoxin , quinidine
270Atrial FibrillationCauses
- increased sympathetic activity
- febrile illness
- pneumonia , systemic viral infection
- possibly unknown
271Tx Atrial Fibrillationhemodynamics stable /
- Vagal maneuvers
- esmolol 0.5 mg / kg , 50 mg , 100 mg , 200 mg
- metoprolol 5 - 10 mg slow IV push
- 5 min intervals max 15 mg
- verapamil 1.25 mg - 5 mg IV slowly
- max dose 20 mg
- diltiazem 0.25 mg / kg IV slowly
- 5 - 20 mg repeat 25 mg if necessary
- digoxin 0. 25 - 1 mg IV over at least 15 min
- less effective with paroxysmal atrial fib
- adenosine 6 mg IV push
272Treat Atrial Fibrillation hemodynamically
stable / unstable
- Procainamide quinidine for conversion to
NSR - Cardioversion 50 - 100 J
- Rapid atrial pacing
- Verapamil , diltiazem , digoxin
- can worsen ventricular response if atrial
fibrillation is occurring 2nd WPW
273Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Profound sinus bradycardia with 1 1 vent
274Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Profound sinus bradycardia with 1 1 vent
275Lead 2
276Sinus BradycardiaCauses
- increased vagal tone
- myocardial infarction
- intracranial lesion
- anticholinesterase drugs
- repeat dose succinylcholine
277Sinus BradycardiaTreatment
- Glycopyrrolate (Anesthesia)
- repeat 0.2 mg doses prn
- Atropine 0.4 - 1 mg IV
- max dose 0.04 mg / kg
- can be given via ETT 1 - 2 mg mixed 10
ml NaCl - Ephedrine 5 - 10 mg IV
- Epinephrine 2 - 10 mcg / min
- Isoproterenol 2 - 10 mcg / min (temporary only)
- Transvenous / or transcutaneous pacing
278So when do you tx sinus bradycardia ?
- If symptomatic
- chest pain , hypotensive , ischemic changes
- Declines to 30 bpm
- even if still asymptomatic
- Always still pursue underlying cause
- Ineffective in denervated transplanted hearts
- Care with use with an acute MI
- VT / VF
- Care in use with Mobitz II
280Atropine vs Glycopyrrolate
281Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Atrial flutter
282Atrial FlutterCauses
- Reentrant phenomenon
- COPD with cor pulmonale
- pulmonary embolism
- valvular disease
- CAD , acute MI
- hyperthyroidism
- electrolyte abnormalities
- toxic effects secondary meds
- eg , digoxin , quinidine
283Tx Atrial Flutterhemodynamics stable /
- Vagal maneuvers
- esmolol 0.5 mg / kg , 50 mg , 100 mg , 200 mg
- metoprolol 5 - 10 mg slow IV push
- 5 min intervals max 15 mg
- verapamil 1.25 mg - 5 mg IV slowly
- max dose 20 mg
- diltiazem 0.25 mg / kg IV slowly
- 5 - 20 mg repeat 25 mg if necessary
- digoxin 0. 25 - 1 mg IV over at least 15
min - less effective with paroxysmal atrial
flutter - adenosine 6 mg IV push
284Tx Atrial Flutter hemodynamics stable /
- Procainamide quinidine for conversion to
NSR - Cardioversion 25 - 100 J
- often used prior to drug administration
- Rapid atrial pacing
- Verapamil , diltiazem , digoxin
- both can worsen ventricular response if
atrial flutter is occurring as a result of
285Atrial Flutter
- Less stable than atrial fibrillation
286Junctional Dysrhythmias
287Three FormsJunctional Dysrhythmias
- Key to understanding
- Activation sequence
- Dipole concept ( lead 2 )
288Activation Sequence
- Retrograde atrial depolarization
289Activation Sequence
1 st
- Retrograde atrial depolarization
290Activation Sequence
1 st
- Retrograde atrial depolarization , followed
by .
291Activation Sequence
2 nd
- Retrograde atrial depolarization , followed by
.. - Antegrade ventricular depolarization
292Lead 2
- Simultaneous retrograde atrial , antegrade
ventricular depolarization
293Lead 2
- Antegrade ventricular depolarization followed
by retrograde atrial depolarization
294Lead 2
- Antegrade ventricular depolarization followed
by retrograde atrial depolarization - Inverted P wave on the ST segment
295V 5
- Your interpretation ?
- Junctional rhythm - no apparent P waves
296V 5
- What is the activation sequence ?
- Simultaneous retrograde atrial , antegrade
vent depolarization
297V 5
- Are you sure ?
- Are there any other questions that you
should ask ? - Yes you should ask another question , like
, can I see other leads ?
298V 5
299(No Transcript)
300- Whats the answer now ?
- Antegrade ventricular depolarization followed
by retrograde atrial depolarization
301Junctional Rhythm
- atrial rate variable
( p - waves ? inverted , hidden ) - ventricular rate 40 - 60 bpm
- morphology QRS ? variable
- pr - interval ? variable / none
302Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- NSR with 1 1 vent conduction an
isolated conducted PJC
303AV Node Dysrhythmias
304Classification of AV Block
- According to Degree
- Partial
- First degree AV block
- Second degree AV block ( Types I II )
- Complete
- Third degree AV block
305Classification of AV Block
- According to Site
- AV node
- Infranodal
- Bundle of His
- Bundle Branches
306AV node
1 st Degree HB
Bundle of His
Bundle Branches
307First Degree AV block
- Prolonged PR interval
- gt 0.20 sec
- and , fixed PR interval !
308Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- NSR with 1 1 vent conduction first
degree AV block
309Lead 2
gt 5 mm
310Lead 2
gt 5 mm
- Prolonged PR interval
- Fixed PR interval
311AV node
2 nd Degree HB - Mobitz I -
Bundle of His
Bundle Branches
312Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Second degree AV block , Mobitz Type I
- Underlying rhythm is NSR
313Lead 2
- Progressive lengthening PR interval
314Lead 2
- Progressive lengthening PR interval
- Leads to a dropped QRS complex
315Lead 2
- Progressive lengthening PR interval
- Leads to a dropped QRS complex
316Lead 2
317AV node
2 nd Degree HB - Mobitz II -
Bundle of His
Bundle Branches
318Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Second degree AV block , Mobitz Type II
- Underlying rhythm is NSR
319Lead 2
- Fixed P to P interval
- Second degree AV block, Mobitz Type II
320Lead 2
- Fixed P to P interval
- Second degree AV block, Mobitz Type II
321Lead 2
- Fixed P to P interval
- Second degree AV block, Mobitz Type II
322Lead 2
- Fixed P to P interval
- Second degree AV block, Mobitz Type II
323Lead 2
- Fixed P to P interval
- Second degree AV block, Mobitz Type II
324Lead 2
- Fixed P to P interval
- P wave rate 62 bpm
325Lead 2
- 21 A-V conduction
- P waves that conduct
326Lead 2
- 21 A-V conduction
- P waves that conduct
- The reason their known to conduct ?
327Lead 2
- 21 A-V conduction
- P waves that conduct
- The reason their known to conduct ?
- Fixed PR intervals !
328Lead 2
- 21 A-V conduction
- P waves that do not conduct
329AV node
2 nd Degree HB - Mobitz II -
Bundle of His
Bundle Branches
330Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Second degree AV block , Mobitz Type II
with an IVCD - Underlying rhythm is NSR
331Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Second degree AV block , Mobitz Type II
with an IVCD - Underlying rhythm is NSR
332Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Second degree AV block , Mobitz Type II
with an IVCD - Underlying rhythm is NSR
333Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Third degree AV block , Junctional escape
rhythm - Underlying rhythm is NSR
334Lead 2
335Lead 2
336Lead 2
- Separate P wave rate
- Separate R wave rate
337Lead 2
- Width of the QRS ?
- Narrow or wide ?
- Therefore you have .
- Third degree AV block , Junctional escape
338AV node
3 rd Degree HB - Junctional Escape -
Bundle of His
Bundle Branches
339Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Third degree AV block , Ventricular escape
rhythm - Underlying rhythm is NSR
340Ventricular Dysrhythmias
341Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Unifocal PVCs
- Underlying rhythm is NSR
342Lead 2
343Lead 2
- Unifocal PVCs
- Compensatory pause after each PVC
- compensates for the prematurity of
the extrasystole
344Lead 2
- Compensatory pause after each PVC
- Notice the continuation of the cardiac
cycle sequence , hence , compensates for
the prematurity of the extrasystole
345Ventricular Tachycardia
346Lead 2
- Your interpretation ?
- Unifocal ventricular tachycardia
347Ventricular TachycardiaTorsades de
PointesVentricular Fibrillation
348- TdP
- Usually nonsustained
- Rates vary 180 - 250 bpm
- Probably due to a reentry mechanism
349- TdP
- Usually nonsustained
- Rates vary 180 -