Title: CASE Content Area Special Education Secondary Social Studies
1CASEContent Area Special EducationSecondary
Social Studies
- Tina Melcher
- ESC Region 13 Social Studies Specialist
- Tina.melcher_at_esc13.txed.net
- Wednesday, November 9, 2005
2Schedule for Today
- 900 1145 Morning
- 1145 100 Lunch
- 100 400
3What kind of Special Education teacher are you?
- Name
- Assignment/District
- Years in Special Education
- Expertise
- What do you want to change about your
classroom instruction to make you a more
effective special education teacher? - Email address
4Objective The special education teacher will
- Locate and list the most essential information
their students need to know. - Explain the characteristics of the TAKS and the
TAKS-I test. - Take home classroom strategies and activities
that will help their students become better
learners. - Locate websites and other resources to help them
be more knowledgeable in the classroom.
5(No Transcript)
6Big 3 Questions
- What do you want students to know and be able to
do? - 2. How will I assess student knowledge? What
evidence will I accept? - 3. What activities will I use to engage students
in learning what they need?
7Keys To Success In The Classroom
- Your Students
- Your Content
- Your Instructional Activities
8Creating Relationship with your Students
- Speed Dating
- What do you know about your students and what
they know about social studies?
Model, Model, Model, Model, Model, Model, Model,
9Creating Relationships with your Content
Most Essential Information in Secondary Social
Big Question 1 What do you want students to
know? Model, Model, Model, Model, Model, Model,
Model, Model
10Most Essential Information in Secondary Social
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/teks/chapters
- TAKS objectives http//www.tea.state.tx.us/student
.assessment/taks/booklets/ - Your Districts Curriculum/Scope and Sequence
11TEKS The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
- The Social Studies TEKS
- Are the essential knowledge that districts are
required to provide instruction in according to
Senate Bill 815. -
- Became effective on September 1, 1998.
- Are organized into 8 strands History,
Geography, Economics, Government, Citizenship,
Culture, Science, Technology, and Society, and
Social Studies Skills. - Are the framework for TAKS assessment objectives.
12TEKS The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
- A Curriculum.
- Written in sequential order.
- Written as a scope and sequence.
13- How well do you know your Social Studies TEKS?
14THE TEKSHow well do you know your content?
- Each person will be given a TEK from their grade
level. - Clarify the TEK using the resources available.
15Key People and Vocabulary
16Creating Relationship With Your Content
Characteristics of the TAKS and the TAKS-I
Big Question 2 How will I assess student
knowledge? What evidence will I accept? Model,
Model, Model, Model, Model, Model, Model, Model
17TAKS - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
- Objective 1 - The student will demonstrate an
understanding of issues and events in U.S.
history. - What major events led to the founding and growth
of the United States? How did the United States
develop into a world power? - Objective 2 - The student will demonstrate an
understanding of geographic influences on
historical issues and events. - How did geography influence the development of
the United States and world events?
18TAKS - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
- Objective 3 - The student will demonstrate an
understanding of economic and social influences
on historical issues and events. - How did economic and social influences impact the
development of the United States? How has the
United States dealt with social and economic
issues? - Objective 4 The student will demonstrate an
understanding of political influences on
historical issues and events - How did the United States system of
representative government develop? How does
government affect our daily lives?
19TAKS - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
- Objective 5 The student will use critical
thinking skills to analyze social studies
information. - What skills do you need to study history?
Bill of Rights Spatial Diffusion Cause
and Effect Principles of Government George
Washington The Civil War 1861-1865 Patterns
of Settlement
20Phase-In for TAKS
21 of Items Correct by Objective
22- The 2005 test had 17 off-level questions.
- 10 were on 8th grade TEKS
- 3 were on World Geography TEKS
- 4 were on World History TEKS
23 Graphics
24/55 44
25/55 45
24Lowest Scoring Item - 8th grade
- 24 Southern dependence on slavery and an
agricultural economy resulted in - F an excellent railroad system
- G a lack of factories
- H a dependence on government tax breaks
- J several new political parties
- 8.7C
25Lowest Scoring Item - 10th Grade
- Excerpt from the Emancipation Proclamation
- I do order and declare all persons held as
slaves within said designated states . . . are,
and henceforward shall be, free and that the
executive government of the United States,
including the military and naval authorities
thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom
of said persons. - 34 In which year was the statement above issued?
- F 1787
- G 1812
- H 1863
- J 1877 8.1C
26Lowest Scoring Item - Exit Level
- 26 The Battle of Midway was a crucial victory
for the United States because it - F dealt a severe blow to the Japanese navy
- G was the last sea battle of the war with Japan
- H was fought on Japanese territory
- J destroyed Japans will to continue fighting
- U.S. 6B
278th grade content tested at 10 and 11
- 10th grade TAKS 11th grade TAKS
- 8.1C 8.1C
- 8.3A 8.3A
- 8.4B, C 8.4C
- 8.16A, D 8.16A, D
- 8.17B 8.17B
- 8.18B 8.18B
- 8.20A, B 8.20A, B
- 8.22B 8.22B
- 8.30A, D, F
- 2005 23 Questions 10 Questions
28 Types of Questions on TAKS What do you notice
about these questions?
29Skills List
- Primary and secondary sources
- Sequencing
- Categorizing
- Identifying Cause and Effect
- Comparing and Contrasting
- Finding the Main Idea
- Summarizing
- Making Generalizations and Predictions
- Drawing Inferences and Conclusions
30Cause-Effect Relationship
- 21 Which of the following events prompted the
ratification of the 26th Amendment, which gave
18-year-olds the right to vote? - F The Watergate scandal
- G The election of Richard M. Nixon
- H The energy crisis
- J The Vietnam War
31Higher level thinking using organizers
32 Inductive Reasoning Skills
33(No Transcript)
34Questions with other Stimuli
35(No Transcript)
36(No Transcript)
- An assessment that will meet the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of
2004 (IDEA) for students that are not currently
tested by the state (SDAA II) - Will measure academic progress of students
receiving special education services at or near
grade level - Will include all TAKS tested items except the
field tested questions
- Will use larger font and fewer items per page
- Accommodations will be permitted
- Will be administered on the same dates as the
TAKS test - LDAA is still an option for those students whose
ARD committee has determined that both TAKS and
TAKS-I are inappropriate.
39Pair and Share
- Find a partner and share with them things you
learned about the Social Studies TEKS, TAKS
objective, and/or TAKS test.
3 minutes
40Reflection This Morning
- What did you learn this morning that you could
use in your classroom in the next week? Explain - Six Weeks? Explain
- Semester? Explain
41Creating Relationships with your Instructional
Classroom strategies and activities that will
help students become better learners
Big Question 3 What activities will I use to
engage students in learning what they
need? Model, Model, Model, Model, Model, Model,
Model, Model
42Hebrew proverb
Do not confine your children to your own
learning, for they were born in another time
Hebrew Proverb
43How The Brain Learns
The sensory preferences of the U.S. student
population in grades 3-12 for the mid-1990s.
Sousa, pg 17
44Most Effective InstructionAn analysis of almost
30 years of research indicates that the following
interventions are most effective with learning
disabled students
- The most effective form of teaching was one that
combined direct instruction with teaching
students strategies of learning. - The component that had the greatest effect on
student achievement was control of task
difficulty. teacher assistance, sequenced
tasks, small groups, and structured questioning. - When groups of students with learning
disabilities were exposed to strategy
instruction, their achievement was greater than
that of groups exposed SOLELY to direction
Sousa, pg 22
45Coping With Difficulties
To become effective, lifelong learners, students
with disabilities need to master strategies to
assist in their learning and then be able to use
them effectively.
Sousa, pg 25
46Pair and Share
- With your partner, share with them your most
successful strategy in your classroom.
3 minutes
- Vocabulary
- Cartoon Activity
- Content
- Graphic Organizers
- Picture Books
- Social Studies Skills
- Interactive Notebook
- Review
- Splash Cards
- Looping Cards
- Test Making
- Higher Level Question Stems
- Scaffolding Questions
VVWA - Verbal and Visual Word Association
- Have students create a VVWA chart
50VVWA - Verbal and Visual Word Association
- 2. Assign a student a word and provide a
definition - 3. In each quadrant enter the required information
51VVWA Extension Activities
- Have students create their VVWA on a PowerPoint
slide and then merge slides together and run
52Create Your own VVWA
- Federalism- distribution of power between a
federal government and the states within a union - Mercantilism- an economic theory which states
that a nation's wealth is based on the amount of
gold and silver in its treasury - Demographics - the study of population
- Bias- a point of view favoring one side over
another based on their own interest
Cartoon Activity
- 1. Organize students into small groups.
- 2. Have them read the vocabulary word and its
definition. - 3. Have them analyze their cartoon.
54- As students analyze their cartoon, have them
determine the following. - What is the connection that the vocabulary word
has with the LINK? - Does the LINK help you understand the vocabulary?
Why? - Does the LINK help you remember the word? Why?
- Create one sentence using the vocabulary word.
SEGREGATE (SEG rug gate) to separate or keep
apart from others Link SEPARATE GATE
"At the track, race horses are SEGREGATED into
SEPARATE GATES to begin the race."
55Cartoon Extension Activities
- Have students keep a vocabulary log
- Have students create their own vocabulary cartoon
- Under the cartoon, have student write three
historical facts about that word - Use the cartoon to complete a VVWA Graphic
56Create Your own Cartoon Activity
- Find a partner
- Pick a term from the TAKS SOCIAL STUDIES
VOCABULARY list - Create your cartoon based on the model on the
next slide
57Term Definition LINK (word that is linked to
Draw a cartoon showing the relationship to the
Term/Definition and the word it is linked to
Write a sentence describing the relationship
between the term and the word it is linked to.
Graphic Organizers
- 1. Graphic Organizers utilize tools to help
manage difficult text so that meaningful learning
may occur - A visual
- Arrows from the visual
- Textboxes
- 2. Graphic Notes can help to engage struggling
students - The format is visual
- The text is shortened
- Connections are made from visual to the text
- Weaknesses in language development are minimized
- Weaknesses in organization are minimized
Political Causes
Economics Causes
Social Causes
- ESC Region 13 Social Studies Website
http//www.esc13.net/socialstudies - Education Place Houghton Mifflin Graphic
Organizers http//www.eduplace.com/graphicorganize
60Picture Books
- In groups of 2-3 have students create a
mini-mural about the picture book you give them - Prior to creating the mini-mural, have students
create a story board to outline the information
that will be on their storyboard. - Hand each student a legal size piece of paper to
create a foldable for the storyboard.
61Picture Books
4. Have students complete the storyboard
62Picture Books
- 5. Have the students use the information on the
storyboard to create a mini-mural. -
- 6. You could also have them use the storyboard to
create a powerpoint presentation - Note The storyboard strategy is great for
students to organize information for a
63Critical Analysis Organizer
Title of Subject
What do you infer from the details?
What prior knowledge do you bring?
What are the details?
Source Corbus.com
What is your conclusion? Explain
Adapted from Texas Social Studies Center, 2001
64Social Studies Skills
- Allows students to record information and process
it to improve their level of understanding in
Social Studies - Requires students to use critical thinking skills
to organize and process information
Word Splash
66Word Splash
- Develop a common TAKS or unit vocabulary-6-10
words - Give each student a little time to think or
research about what the terms, people, or phrases
have in common. - Form small groups of 2-3.
- As a group, students could
- List the characteristics about each term
- Describe what they know about each term
- Categorize and title the terms, people, or
phrases - Predict as a group, what the words all have in
common - Explain any connections they may have with the
67Word Splash
- Other suggestions
- Have groups compete against each other by giving
each other clues about the words. - Have students write about the relationships among
the terms and phrases and share with the
class/group - Students could organize the terms into a graphic
organizer showing the major relationships among
the words including a visual for each word.
68Looping Cards
- Hand each student a Looping Card.
I have Density Who has The expected
weather conditions at a place over a period of
I have Climate Who has A nation or
69Looping Cards
- 2. Have the students form a circle by finding the
definition of the vocabulary word and the
vocabulary word that defines their word. - 3. Once in a circle, have student state their
vocabulary word and definition and describe one
thing they know about it. - Individually or in Small Groups Give the
student(s) the looping card mixed up and have
them organize
70Test Making
- Higher Level Question Stems
Which of the following was a result of How was
__________affected by _____________? Which
statement best summarizes The effect of
__________ was Which of the following was a
major cause of Which of the following was the
most significant result of Reminder 40 of the
TAKS questions includes a graphic organizer
- ESC Region 13 Social Studies Website
- http//www.esc13.net/socialstudies
- Education Place Houghton Mifflin Graphic
Organizers - http//www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer
- Texas Law-Related Education
- http//www.texaslre.org
- The Social Studies Center
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/ssc/
72Next Step - Sign up for Social Studies workshops
and conferences
- Fri-Sat., Feb.10-11 - Annual Law-Related
Conference, Austin - Fri-Sat, March 3-Apr 1 - National Council for
History Education Conference,
Austin - June 5-6, Social Studies Alive, Region XIII
- June 5-9, 2006 - History Alive, Region XIII
- July 11-13, 2006 Texas History Alive, Region
- Burchers, Sam, Max, and Bryan. Vocabulary
Cartoons Building an Educated Vocabulary with
Visual Mnemonics. Florida New Monic Books, 1998. - Marzano, Robert and Debra J. Pickering. Building
Academic Vocabulary Teachers Manuel. Virginia
Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, 2005. - Sousa, David W. How the Special Needs Brain
Learns. California Corwin Press, 2001.
74(No Transcript)
75 76Reflection
Things Im SQUARE with
Things Ill CHANGE as a result of this information
77Contact Information
Tina Melcher 512-919-5425 tina.melcher_at_esc13.t
xed.net Carol Curtiss 512-919-5288 carol.curtiss_at_e