Jewish specific institutions eg Jewish National
Discrimination by law
the Law of Return
Criteria which lead to discrimination
benefits conditional on army service, which is
conditional on ethnicity
discrimination in allocation of budgets to Arab
and Jewish municipal sectors
Public Policy
in public places
Discrimination by non-state actors
physical attacks
in the workplace
2EU/Israel Association Agreement
Relations between the Parties, as well as all
the provisions of the Agreement itself, shall be
based on respect for human rights and democratic
principles, which guides their internal and
international policy and constitutes an
essential element of this Agreement. EU-Israel
Association Agreement. Article Two
the Israeli defence forces are trampling over
the Geneva Convention, and any notion of
international law is being torn up Chris
Patten, the EU Commissioner for External
Israel may have a common border with the EU, if
Cyprus, as we all hope, is part of this wave ...
We will be more relevant to this country, not
only because of the increased dimension of the
EU but also because central and eastern Europe
is intimately connected with Israels birth and
the fabric of its current society. Ambassador
Giancarlo Chevallard, Head of Delegation. Israel
part of mainstream politics
Labour Transport Minister Efraim Sneh talks of
exchange of territory
Ehud Barak Israel's Arabs constitute an
irredentist "time bomb." and I don't
recommend that government spokesmen speak of it
a discussion in the Foreign Affairs Committee
Arnon Sofer
Herzeliya document
"Arab villages in the Galilee are similar to
Cancer in the State. retired General Avi Fain
4the political implementation of the idea of
recent attacks on the Arab political leadership
- Physical attacks
- Restrictions on movement
- Sedition investigations (police)
- The Or Commission (judical)
- Trying an MK in court
increasing legal severity
Political Parties or individuals can be forbidden
if they support terror
the government executive decides what constitutes
the executive decides which political parties run
The Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice
Committee 24th April 2002
5On 12 May 2002, the Israeli government, by a
unanimous decision of the cabinet, voted to
enact a freeze on all applications to the Family
Unification Department in the Ministry of the
Interior regarding the status of any spouse of an
Israeli citizen who is "Palestinian, a resident
of the Palestinian Authority or Palestinian by
origin ." The freeze will continue until the MOI
enacts a new procedure for family unification
with more restrictive criteria for citizenship
for non-citizen Palestinian spouses of Israeli
citizens. In addition application fees are raised
from 500NIS to 3,000NIS
In compliance with the fundamental obligations
laid down in article 2 of this Convention,
States Parties undertake to prohibit and to
eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms
and to guarantee the right of everyone, without
distinction as to race, colour, or national or
ethnic origin, to equality before the law,
notably in the enjoyment of the following
rights (iv) The right to marriage and choice of
spouse Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination Article 5.
Ratified by Israel 13th October 1991
6The emergency economic plan which the Israeli
government passed on the 5th June cut Child
Allowance by 24 for children whose parents
have not served in the army, and by 4 for
children whose parents did serve. Most
Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel are exempt
from military service. In addition to a 12 cut
in February, and the decision not to update
Allowances with inflation, the new decision
makes Child Allowance 37 lower for the children
of our minority.
States Parties shall take all appropriate
measures to ensure that the child is protected
against all forms of discrimination or punishment
on the basis of the status, activities,
expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child's
parents, legal guardians, or family members
States Parties shall recognize for every child
the right to benefit from social security,
including social insurance, and shall take the
necessary measures to achieve the full
realization of this right in accordance with
their national law. Article Two and Article Six
of the Convention on the Rights of the
Child Ratified by Israel 13th October 1991
7October 2000
13 Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel killed by
state police
Or Commission political support for police
harassment and physical attacks
a culture where the government is taking
actions that legitimise racism in the private
40 of Israelis disagree that Israel has to
implement full equality for Arabs
Research Centre on National Security. Haifa