Title: WV GIS Conference Agency Report May 12, 2004
1WV GIS Conference Agency Report May 12, 2004
2Huntington Districts GIS mission statement
- To integrate people data and software into an
efficient geospatial data system
All or Part in WV Little Kanawha Kanawha Twelvepol
e Guyandotte Ohio Other States Scioto Hocking Mus
kingum Big Sandy Little Sandy
4Huntington Districts primary or supplementary
geospatial data stewardship
- The Huntington District is primarily an end user
of other sources of Geo Spatial Data. - We do collect geospatial data but for specific
projects and/or sponsors.
5How can the statewide geospatial community
participate in or benefit from Huntington
Districts mapping efforts?
- Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!
- The better data we have the better we can serve
the public - The Huntington District recognizes the need to
better coordinate and share what data we have
with other agencies
6Huntington Districts Top 3 geospatial
accomplishments in the past year
71. Completion of the count of known structures
in the known 100 year FEMA floodplain for the
8- 2. All basins in the district are either
completed or in production to use the new HEC
hydrology packages. Weve begun completing the
FIA portions so that as soon as the mapping from
WV is on line, we can begin updating our flood
inundation analysis figures.
9- 3. Began a reorganization of the entire GDS
system in the district, bringing it in line with
current USACE philosophies of business
organization and best practices of other GDS
organizations. This should be completed by the
end of the year.
10Huntington Districts Top 3 geospatial goals for
the coming year
11- 1. To continue and complete the previously
described missions and create FIA packages in
the Muskingum Basin of Ohio.
122. To further integrate the GIS technology
throughout the organization.
13- 3. To gather and use geospatial data for the
basins in our district, with emphasis on areas
where we will initiate or complete recon or
feasibility studies