Title: The Power of Personal Training at Home
1The Power of Personal Training at Home
2Health Benefits of Personal Training
- Increased sense of well-being
- Improved muscle tone
- Reduced body fat
- Increased metabolism
- Weight loss
- Improved self-esteem and self-image
- Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
3Gym Membership
Personal Training
- One- on- one training
- High level of qualification
- Personalized program
- Mobile training available
- Regular client contact
- Constant available equipment
- Motivation for client
- Flexible schedule for client
- One on one training addl charge
- Trainer qualification varies from gym to gym
- Normally clients all given same routine, not
specific to individual - Equipment not always available
- Some gyms try to motivate, but dont have too
- Gyms have set open and closing times
4Questions to ask the client?
- Do they have clearance from their doctor?
- Have they exercised before, if so what do they
like? - What are their short term goals?
- What are their long term goals?
- Get base line measurements (BP, HR, cholesterol,
body composition, weight etc) - How do they stay motivated the best?
5Equipment Needed by the Client
Any Type of Cardio Equipment
Free weights
Weighted ball
Exercise Ball
Weight Bench
6What the Personal Trainer Needs
- Certification by accredited organization
- Body Fat Caliper
- Tape Measure
- Personable Attitude
- Willingness to change
7Equipment of the Personal Trainer
- Exercise Clothing
- Body Fat Caliper
- Tape Measure
- Clip Board
- Notebook
- Stop Watch
8What makes personal training at home more
- Client will be more comfortable
- Easier to fit into schedule for both client and
trainer - Build a better relationship with the client
- Easier to sustain a longer lasting relationship
- Client will stay more motivated
- Better negotiation of price for the sessions
9How to work the fee structure
- Depending on qualifications, most hourly rates
are between 25-100 an hour - May be able to barter with the client
- Pay per session
- Pay for a package of sessions and offer a
discount (Buy 3 sessions, get one free) - Receive a discount or free session with a new
client referral