Title: U.S. Offshore Oil Development
1U.S. Offshore Oil Development
- Approx. 20 of U.S. production
- Santa Barbara spill
2U.S. Offshore Oil Development CZMA
- States develop coastal zone management plan
- Dept. of Commerce approves plan
- States can compel consistency determinations
for actions directly affecting the coastal zone
3U.S. Offshore Oil Development OCSLA
- DOI prepares leasing program
- Bidding ? lease
- Exploration
- Development and production
4U.S. Offshore Oil Development
Secretary of the Interior v. California (1984)
Commerce approves CA coastal plan DOI puts CA
leases out to bid CCC requests consistency
determination DOI refused to make
determination WHY?
5U.S. Offshore Oil Development
Secretary of the Interior v. California (1984)
Does leasing directly affect the coastal zone?
6U.S. Offshore Oil Development
- DOI prepares leasing program
- Bidding ? lease
- Exploration
- Development and production
Only grants preliminary exploration
rights These stages cannot go forward without
prior DOI approval
7U.S. Offshore Oil Development
Secretary of the Interior v. California (1984)
Does leasing directly affect the coastal
zone? If no consistency determination is
required at the leasing stage, does that mean
that states have no input into the leasing
8U.S. Offshore Oil Development
Secretary of the Interior v. California (1984)
Does leasing directly affect the coastal
zone? If no consistency determination is
required at the leasing stage, does that mean
that states have no input into the leasing
decision? Why do two of the justices disagree
with the majority of the court? Who should
decide what the CZMA language means?
9U.S. Offshore Oil Development NEPA EIS required
for any major federal action significantly
affecting the quality of the human environment
- EA ? 2. Determination of significance
- 2a. FONSI, or 2b. DEIS
- 2c. Comment period
- 2d. FEIS
10U.S. Offshore Oil Development
ESA 1. Prohibits private sector actors
(including energy companies) from taking listed
endangered species. Taking includes
harming Harming includes damage to species
habitat, in addition to harming individual
animals 2. Requires federal agencies to ensure
that actions they undertake or approve wont
jeopardize the continued existence of species
11U.S. Offshore Oil Development
- DOI prepares leasing program
- Bidding ? lease
- Exploration
- Development and production
State coastal zone mgt plan Consistency
Significance determination EIS or FONSI? False
Pass case segmentation
CEQR (in California)
12- Oil Development Moratoria on Drilling
- How did the existing moratoria on OCS drilling
(off of CA, FL, and parts of NC) come into being? - What legal challenge did Mobil Oil bring to the
moratoria in Mobil Oil v. U.S. (2000)? How does
the Courts decision square with its earlier
decision Secretary of the Interior v. California? - What are the legal impediments to drilling in the
ANWR? Should ANWR be opened for development, in
your view?