Title: Russian Offshore Oil & Gas Fields Development
1Russian Offshore Oil Gas Fields Development
The subject of the research report is Russia's
offshore production projects in the Caspian,
Black, Azov and Baltic Seas, in the Arctic and
the Far East. Since 2005, RPI has analyzed on a
regular basis the status of offshore projects and
is republishing the report for the fifth time
with the latest versions focusing on the demand
of EP companies for equipment as well as for
contractor services. Every successive edition
leverages a base of cumulative knowledge and data
obtained in the course of works on research
projects in the oil and gas market segment. The
most recent report describing offshore
hydrocarbon production projects was released in
early 2013. Despite the fact that just over a
year has gone by since that time, we decided to
address the subject of oil and gas production in
the sea, while shifting the research focus to
evaluation of the offshore market's potential
demand for equipment and materials, including
seismic survey vessels, oil rigs, production
platforms and pipes used for various purposes.
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3 In the interim since the latest issue of the
report, sweeping changes have taken place in the
Russian offshore. In the Arctic, the problem of
offshore delimitation in the Arctic Ocean has
become even more acute. In 2012-2013, several
major international companies entered the Russian
offshore and their footprints will likely speed
up exploration of license areas dramatically. At
the end of 2013, the Kirinskoye field in the Sea
of Okhotsk was put into operation in a test mode,
its switch to regular industrial exploitation
planned for the second half of 2014. Finally, on
the eve of 2014, the first commercial oil was
produced at the Prirazlomnoye field in the
Pechora Sea. As before, the report focuses on
the forward-looking aspects of projects,
including the implementation period, drilling
volumes and need for platforms, since this is an
approach that also makes it possible to evaluate
the scope of the market for other kinds of oil
and gas equipment.
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4Each volume could be ordered separately. The key
sections of the report devote attention to the
following issues an overview of the current
status of projects, including plans for
implementation or termination information
about the intentions of certain players to join
or pull out of projects forecast for 2014-2025
production of certain projects in the context of
possible scenarios exploration and development
drilling forecast for 2014-2025 in the context of
projects, players and possible timing of drilling
operations forecast of the need for seismic
survey ships, oil rigs, production platforms and
pipes for various purposes in 2014-2025
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5Table of Contents
1. Main Findings 1.1. Forecasting Methodology
1.2. Assessment of the Ukrainian (Crimean)
sectors of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov 2.
Regional Overview 2.1. Geographic, Natural and
Weather Conditions in the Offshore Areas of the
Caspian and Black Seas and the Sea of Azov 2.2.
Problem of Maritime Boundary Delimitation 3.
Offshore Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources in
the Caspian and Black Seas and the Sea of Azov
3.1. Caspian Sea 3.2. Black Sea 4. Exploration
and production projects including unallocated
blocks 4.1. Caspian Sea 4.2. Black Sea
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6To know more Russian Offshore Oil Gas
Fields Development Contact Us Toll Free US
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