Title: Indian Oil Sector a Perspective
1Indian Oil Sector a Perspective
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1 IOC Indian Oil Corporation 12 ONGC Oil Natural Gas Corporation
2 GAIL Gas Authority of India Ltd 13 PCIL Power Grid Corporation India
3 HPCL Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd 14 PFC Power Finance Corporation
4 IREDA India Renewable Energy Development Agency 15 PTCI Power Trading Corporation India
5 IBP Indo Burma Petroleum Company 16 REC Rural Electricity Corpoaration
6 MRL Madras Refineries Limited 17 BPCL Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd
7 MRPL Mangalore Refinery Petrochemicals Limited 18 BEF Bureau of Energy Efficiency
8 MHPC National Hydroelectric Power Corporation 19 BRPL Bangoigoon Refinery Petrochemicals Ltd
9 NTPC National Thermal Power Coprporation 20 CRL Cochin Refineries Ltd
10 OCC Oil Coordination Commitee 21 CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Authority
11 OIL Oil India Limited 22 CEA Central Electricity Authority
4(No Transcript)
5G.O.I Holdings
I Oil Companies in which Government of India
have a share holding (as on 01.04.2002).
6Fuel Consumption in India (Year - 2000)
1 QUAD 2.52 x 1014 K .CAL
7Sectoral Consumption (Year 2000)
8Sectoral Consumption(Year 2000)
The industrial sector is the largest consumer of
energy, consuming about half of the total
commercial energy consumption in 1999/2000 . Coal
and lignite meet over half of industrial
commercial energy requirements. The transport
sector is the next biggest consumer at 22 of
total commercial energy consumption.
- Consumption grew at a CAGR of 3.4 p.a. over the
last 5 years - Production registered a CAGR of 12.5 p.a. during
the same period
- Demand expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.7 p.a.
during X Plan period - Demand registered over 5 growth during FY2003
11Key Facts
- Total Consumption of Energy 3 of Worlds
Total. - Ranking 6th in Terms of Overall Consumption
Rank. - Major Demand Drivers
- Continued Economic Development
- Fast Population Growth
12Total Primary Energy Production VS Total Primary
Energy Consumption
1 QUAD 2.52 x 1014 K .CAL
- Self sufficiency levels have declined over the
15 Oil Estimate
- Crude Oil Reserves 4.7 Billion Barrels
- Offshore Basin Area 380,000 Square Kilometers
- Onshore Basin Area 1.34 million Square
Kilometers - Total Area Explored Less Than 25
- Estimated Reserves 30 Billion Tons
1 Barrel 0.159 Tons
- The government in order to increase exploration
activity, approved the New Exploration Licensing
Policy (NELP) in March 1997 which would level the
playing field in the upstream sector between
private and public sector companies in all
fiscal, financial and contractual matters.
17Salient Features - NELP
- 1) No mandatory state participation
- 2) The two public sector upstream companies
would compete for petroleum exploration licenses,
instead of the existing system of granting of
licenses on nomination basis. The public sector
Companies will also be able to avail of the
fiscal and contract benefits available to private
18Salient Features - NELP
- 3) Open availability of exploration acreage
- to provide a continuous window of
- opportunity to companies. 4) Freedom
to the contractors for the - marketing of crude oil and gas in the
- domestic market. 5) Royalty payments
encouragement in - Deep Water Exploration
19Numbers - NELP
20Share of Blocks awarded to Various Players in 2002
21Exploration New Discoveries(2002-03)
- Major Areas
- Cambay Basin
- K-G Basin
- North East India
22Major Finds
National Oil Companies
- ONGC and OIL, made 9 significant hydrocarbon in
year 2002 discoveries of which 6 are onland and 3
offshore. - Onland Discoveries in Upper Assam like Baghjan ,
Banamali Rajastan Basin at Chinnewala Tibba - Offshore Wells in K G Basin Vasai West
23Private / JV Companies
- Players Involved
- Reliance Industries.
- Cairn Energy
- Niko Resources
- Essar-POGC consortium
- Three major areas
- Krishna-Godavari offshore,
- Gulf of Cambay
- Onland Rajasthan.
24- Apart from Cairn Energy Pty. Ltd. (CEIL) The
consortium of Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) and
Niko Resources Ltd., made a spectacular series of
gas discoveries in their deep water block
KG-DWN-98/3 through the drilling and testing of
Dhirubhai wells 1,2,3 and 4. In fact, the
Dhirubhai-1 discovery was the worlds largest gas
discovery in 2002. - Gulf of Cambay block CB-OS/2, operated by Cairn
Energy, - In block CB-ONN-2000/2 of on land Cambay basin,
Niko Resources - In the Rajasthan on land block RJ-ON-90/1 in the
Barmer-Sanchor basin, Operated by Cairn. In block
RJ-ON-90/5 of the Bikaner-Nagaur basin, Nanuwala
Well No.1, by the Essar-POGC consortium.
26Petroleum Production Vs Consumption in India
(1995 2001)
Unit Thousand b/d
27Crude Production Vs Refining Capacity
- The gap being met through imports
28The Refinery Network
- Major Players
- Reliance
29Annual Refinery Output
Refining Capacity 114.7 MMT
30Indias Refinery Output
- Present Out Put 121.68 million Tons
- Estimated Demand 163.8 million Tons
- Major Items Imported
- Kerosene
- Distillate Fuel Oil
31Future Projection
- Major Proposed Refiniries include
- Proposed by IOCL at Paradip (Orissa)
- Essar Group at Vandinar ( Gujarat)
- Bharat Oman Refinery Limited by BPCL (Bina )
- IOCL Kuwait Petroleum Corporation at (Abahya
Chandrapur, Orissa) - BPCL - SHELL in Madya Pradesh
- Punjab Refinery Project ( Bhatinda)
32Approved Private Investments
Sl No Name Capacity Place
1 M/s International Petroleum SA (BVI), Switzerland 5.00 MMTPA West Coast of Gujarat
2 M/s Black Gold, Andhra Pradesh 2.5 MMTPA Visakhaptnam A.P.
3 M/s Petro Energy, Pondicherry 4.8 MMTPA Pondi- cherry
4 M/s Jindal Ferro, Andhra Pradesh 6.00 MMTPA Andhra Pradesh
5 M/s Aban Lloyd , 3.00 MMTPA Tamilnadu
6 M/s Moplac Udyog, Haldia West Bengal 3.00 MMTPA Haldia
7 PRA Petrochemicals Ltd 9 MMTPA Srikakulam
8 M/s Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd 3 MMTPA Tuticorin Tamilnadu
Total of five expansion projects are underway of
the Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) refineries
during the Ninth Five Year Plan. These include
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL), Koyali
(Gujarat)- 4.20 million metric tonnes (MMT)
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.,
Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) - 3.00 MMT IOCL
Barauni (Bihar) - 2.70 MMT IOCL Haldia (West
Bengal) - 2.25 MMT IOCL Mathura (U.P.) - 0.50
MMT. Further three expansion programmes of
PSU refineries are under implementation for
commissioning in the Tenth Five Year Plan. These
are IOCL Panipat (Haryana) 6.00 MMT Bharat
petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai -5.10 MMT
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Chennai
3.00 MMT.
- The Pipeline Network
- LNG Terminals
- LPG Terminals
35The Pipelines
- Major Players
The Oil Pipeline Network
36Pipeline Over-View
Product Pipelines 49.79 MMT
Crude Pipelines 28.5 MMT
IOC is the only downstream company that owns
crude pipelines
Oil India Ltd. (OIL) transports all crude oil
produced in northeast India to five refineries
(Digboi, Numaligarh, Guwahati, Bongaigaon, and
Baurani) via a 1,157 kilometer pipeline. The Oil
and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) has a
7,900 kilometer onshore pipeline network, while
its offshore activities include a 3,200 kilometer
pipeline network. India transports just 45 of
its petroleum products via pipeline. Petronet
India Ltd. (PIL) was created by in 1998 under a
directive of the Government of India with the
objective to constructing additional product
pipelines. PIL is owned by three of India's oil
refining companies (IOCL, BPCL, and HPCL) and
other outside investors (including Gaz de
PIL is building pipelines that are expected to
add 500,000 b/d to India's present 325,000 b/d of
pipeline capacity for the transportation of
refined oil products. Of its eight projects, two
are in operation (the Vadinar Kandla pipeline in
Gujarat and the Kochi Karur pipeline in Kerala
and Tamil Nadu states), two others are under
construction (the Mangalore Bangalore pipeline in
Karnataka and the Chennai Madurai pipeline in
Tamil Nadu), two more have been approved (the
Bina Kanpur pipeline in Madhya Pradesh, the
Paradip Rourkela pipeline in Orissa, with one
more in planning (the Bhatinda Pathankot pipeline
in Punjab).
39Gas Pipeline Network
40Gas Transmission
- The Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) is the
largest gas transmission and marketing company in
the country - TOTAL SHARE 95
- Pipeline network 4400 KM.
- Major Pipelines
- 2300 KM H.B.J Pipeline
- Worlds Longest LPG Pipeline 1250 KM ( Gujarat
Rajastan Delhi) -
- Gas to replace the demand for oil and is expected
to constitute 20 of the energy supply by 2025
Source Hydrocarbon Vision 2025
45The Future Projections(Cross Country)
46The Future Projections(Within - Country)
47LNG Market
48LNG Terminals
- India is investing heavily in LNG infrastructure
importing up to 50 million metric tons per year
(mmt/y) of LNG. These terminals would be located
at Jamnagar, Dahej, Hazira, Pipavav, Trombay,
Dabhol, Mangalore, Kochi, Ennore, Kakinada,
Gopalpur, and Paradeep. PIL will be the largest
player in their construction and operation . - The first of these that will come into operation
will be at Dahej in Gujarat state, which may come
online in early 2004. Petronet is now
constructing it, and has plans to build another
at Kochi in Kerala state. RasGas of Qatar has
contracted to supply the Dahej and Kochi
terminals with 7.5 million tons of LNG per year
for 25 years. Reliance Industries is involved
with terminals at Hazira and Janmagar which will
be able to handle 5 mmt/y. Shell is involved in
the 2.5 mmt/y Hazira terminal for which Oman is
scheduled to provide the natural gas
49LPG Bottling Plants
- Main Players
- Shri Shakti
- Bharat Shell
50LPG Consumption India
(000 Tonnes) (000 Tonnes) (000 Tonnes)
Period Consumption increase annually
1980-81 405
1985-86 1241 41
1990-91 2415 19
1992-93 2866 9
1994-95 3434 6
1995-96 3849 12
1996-97 4198 9
1997-98 4660 11
1998-99 5027 8
1999-2000 5902 17
2000-01 6500 10
2001-02 7300 12
2006-07 10148 8
2010-2011 12325 5
51Proposed Terminals India
52Product Storage Infrastructure
- LPG bottling capacity (TMT) 3321
0 3040 6361 - Lube Blending Capacity (TMT) 583
50 390 1023 - Depots/Terminals (Nos.)
176 15 220 411 - LPG Bottling Plants(Nos.)
79 0 80 159 - Aviation fuel stations (Nos.)
93 0 29 122
IOC has a dominant share in marketing
infrastructure with over 50 share in all segments
54Resources on Internet
- http//www.indiainfoline.com
- http//www.tradepartners.gov.uk/oilandgas
- http//www.indiacore.com/oilgas.html
- http//petroleum.nic.in
- http//www.teriin.org/energy/energy.htm
- http//www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/india.html
- http//www.asiatradehub.com/india/oil.asp
- http//www.petrochemnext.com/htmlfiles/refineries.
htm - http//www.indialpg.com/html/india.htm
- http//www.dghindia.org./index.html
- http//www.ficci.com/ficci/india-profile/home2.htm
- http//www.ril.com/eportal/VirtualPageView.jsp?pag
e_id1620 - http//www.fe.doe.gov/international/india.html
- http//www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos
55Websites of Indian Petroleum Companies
Main Conversions used in Petroleum
57Main Conversions used in Petroleum
58Commercial energy balance (million tonnes of oil
equivalent) 1999/2000
59Commercial energy balance (million tonnes of oil
equivalent) 1999/2000
60You Can Contact Me at anki_panky_at_yahoo.com