Title: Integrated Water Quality Security System IWQSS
1Integrated Water Quality Security System
- William B. Samuels and Rakesh Bahadur
- Science Applications International Corporation
- June 27, 2002
- Two approaches for water utility security
- Upgrade Infrastructure
- Costly
- Long Process
- Partial Protection
- Upgrade Preparedness
- Substantial Rapid gains
- Bolster security and response while
Infrastructure is being Improved
- Develop an Emergency Response Tool
- Assess the population at risk
- Determine which Intakes and water treatment
plants are impacted - Develop a risk reduction strategy
- Design Criteria
- Minimum manual interaction
- Minimum input data required for modeling
- Tabular and graphical output
4Integrated Water Quality Security System (IWQSS)
Water Treatment Process (WTP)
5IWQSS Advantages
- Comprehensive approach to water quality security
- Analyze effects in raw water
- upstream of the intake of a water supply system
- at the water intake
- Analyze effects at the treatment plant
- Analyze effects in finished water
- At a service reservoir
- At a point in the distribution system
6Scope of IWQSS
US wide
Utility specific
7Constituents of Concern
- Information Sources
- 42 CFR part 72 biological agents
- Dr. Deininger SAIC consultant
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9RiverSpill Module
- Emergency response tool for fate and transport of
contaminants - Uses real-time stream flow data
- Operational for US
10RiverSpill Design Principles
- Develop national-scale model framework for
emergency response - capable of performing hydraulic transport routing
and connectivity of surface waters - Uses best available national-scale data
- Address the needs of a broad user community
11RiverSpill Architecture
12- System Components
- ArcView 3.2
- Network Analyst 1.0
- Databases
- Enhanced Reach File (EPA, USGS)
- USGS Real Time Stream Flow
- Public Water Supplies (EPA)
13RiverSpill Operation
- Location of incident
- Fate and transport of contaminant to the nearest
intake - Identify the population served by the water
treatment plant.
14RiverSpill Users and Applications
- Users
- Federal, State, Local government agencies
- Water Utilities
- Applications
- Planning Exercises
- Response to Accidental Deliberate Acts
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16Flow Predictions - How well does it work ?
17Travel Time Skill Assessment - observations1 vs.
model calculations
Rivers Analyzed
1 Jobson, 1996, Prediction of Travel time and
Longitudinal Dispersion in Rivers and Streams,
USGS Report 96-4013
18Effectiveness of Water Treatment
19Process Efficiency
20Percent Removal
21PipelineNet Module
- Module components
- EPANET hydraulic model
- EPANET Toolkit
- ArcView GIS
22PipelineNet Architecture
23PipelineNet Operation
- Hydraulic simulation
- Water quality simulation
- Concentration
- Water tracing
- Water ageing
- Calculation of population and infrastructure at
24PipelineNet Users and Applications
- Users
- Water Utilities
- Applications
- Normal operations
- Planning Exercises
- Response to Accidental Deliberate Acts
- Operational Use
- Utah Olympic Public Safety Command
- Salt Lake City, Murray City, Provo, Park City
25Calibration Criteria
- Followed AWWA calibration guidelines
- Compared observed and simulated water level in
the tanks
26Murray City Results
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29IWQSS Summary
Calculate Population and Infrastructure at Risk
Model Water Distribution
Simulate Water Treatment Effectiveness
Model Fate and Transport
Spill Location
30Putting It All Together
RiverSpill Output