Title: Diapositiva 1
1Competence Research Center in Tourism
Measuring Competitiveness ICT as an innovation
Breda, April 23rd 2009
- Introduction
- Tourism and Innovation
- Diagnosis of innovation in the Basque Country
- Implications and conclusions
- Introduction
- Tourism and Innovation
- Diagnosis of innovation in the Basque Country
- Implications and conclusions
- Tourism as a complex industry
- Diversity of companies and agents within the
value chain
- Product has special characteristics stemming from
its nature - Intangible
- Interconnection among agents within the Value
Chain. - The Basque Country gaining a name as a quality
destination - Strategic sector with a great potential
- ICTs incorporated into tourism
- Within management activities
- As a tool to provide innovative services and
6Introduction - Objective
- Innovation as a way to improve the degree of
competitiveness of the Basque Tourism sector - Innovation and Technology to support the
development and maintenance of competitiveness - ICT as a mean to improve global sustainability
- Use of a diagnose that could be used to ground
the design of a competitiveness plan for the
tourism sector.
- Introduction
- Tourism and Innovation
- Diagnosis of innovation in the Basque Country
- Implications and conclusions
8Tourism and Innovation
- What does innovation mean?
- Originally idea of creation within a research
and development framework policy - Today it is part of the culture of any
organization - It is an emerging area of study
- There are various definitions of the notion of
innovation - The European Council of Lisbon the renewal and
enlargement of a range of products and services
associated markets the establishment of new
methods of production, supply and distribution
the introduction of changes in management, work
organization and in the working conditions and
skills of the workforce.
9Tourism and Innovation
- Innovation vs. Technology
- Technological innovation is NOT the only way to
innovate - Technology is NOT essential either to pursue
innovation - However, scientific research and technological
development usually lead to innovation processes - Travel and Tourism industry
- Major industry in the world
- According to UNWTO and WTTC
- More than 900 million international arrivals
- More than 230 million jobs
- More than 10 of the global GDP
10Tourism and Innovation
- Technology has greatly impacted on the Travel and
Tourism industry - However, tourism lags behind other industries
both in the adoption of IT applications and in
innovation initiatives - Examples of IC-based tourism products
- Innovation is more than creating a Web Site
- Innovation and ICTs are key concepts to establish
a framework for analysis in the Basque Country
11Tourism and Innovation
- The Framework analyses innovation through
- 14 application areas
- Identifying specific tools, patterns, systems or
technical solutions for each area of innovation - Obtaining information about the methods followed
by companies in order to integrate innovation in
their organizations and general management - Detailed study about companies perception about
themselves and about their degree of innovation.
- Introduction
- Tourism and Innovation
- Diagnosis of innovation in the Basque Country
- Implications and conclusions
13Diagnosis of innovation in the Basque Country
- Collected information from each of the
organizations approached has been classified
according the following criteria - Information about characteristics potentially
related to technological innovation size,
demand, segment, use rate, etc. - Information about innovation in the last two
years measured in terms of technology adoption - Information related to technological and
non-technological innovation - Abilities to successfully implement innovation
initiatives - Motivations and difficulties found
- Degree of newness and impact obtained
14General Data
15Major Innovation areas
- Objective to identify tools, patterns, systems
or technological solutions defined for each
innovation area. - Innovation areas
- Product Innovation
- Process Innovation
- Trade Innovation
- Marketing Innovation
- Organization and Mng. Inn
- ICT innovation
- Security, Control innovation
- Maintenance Innovation
- Environmental Innovation
- Sensors Innovation
- Automation and Robotics
- Alimentary Innovation
- Cleaning and laundry inn.
- Gardening Innovation
- Other
16Results Product Innovation
- Product Innovation in the Basque Country
17Results Process Innovation
- Process Innovation in the Basque Country
18Results Trade Innovation
- Trade Innovation in the Basque Country
19Results Marketing Innovation
- Marketing Innovation in the Basque Country
20Results Organization Innovation
- Organization Innovation in the Basque Country
21Results Environmental Innovation
- Environmental Innovation in the Basque Country
22Results Security and Control Innovation
- Security and Control Innovation in the Basque
Country - Techniques to predict accidents risk analysis,
computer-based evacuation, assistance, etc. - Interest has been found in general security
systems - Interest is about 25
23Results ICT Innovation
- ICT Innovation in the Basque Country
- eMail important or very important
- All companies approached had their own Web Sites
- Very few agents not being present somehow in the
24Results Conclusions
- Sector eager to implement ICTs as a way to
increase competitiveness - Most agents agree on the fact that Innovation and
technolgy can - Contribute to development of the sector
- Contribute to sustainability of the sector
25Results Improvement areas (I)
- Need of comprehensive management in the tourism
sector - Recognition of the social, environmental and
economic role of tourism - Improvement to access and management of tourism
information - Exploitation of cultural and natural assets
26Results Improvement areas (II)
- Increase of training of professionals within the
sector - ICTs to improve the access to distribution
networks and value chains
27Results Oportunities and Challenges
- Introduction
- Tourism and Innovation
- Diagnosis of innovation in the Basque Country
- Implications and conclusions
29Implications and conclusions
- There is a need to work from two different
approaches - Innovation policies
- Scientific and technologic policies
- Technological innovation in tourism supported by
projects that link technology and tourism - Support innovation through specific projects to
improve competitiveness the Basque tourism
sector ought to be a reference for this in Europe
30Implications and conclusions
- Cooperation among agents to define policies and
strategies - Meeting points for agents
- Reinforce surveillance activities
- Enhance information of public funding for these
purposes, e.g. an official Web site, etc. - Improve training in tourism at all levels
31Competence Research Center in Tourism
Measuring Competitiveness ICT as an innovation
Breda, April 23rd 2009