Title: Enheten fr europaprogrammen
1Enheten för europaprogrammen
- Johan Lindberg
- 08-454 64 53
- johan.lindberg_at_VINNOVA.se
2Europaprogrammen / VINNOVA
- Sedan 2006 enhet under VINNOVAs internationella
avdelning. - Samlad NCP (national contact point) organisation
- EU-kommissionens förlängda arm för information
och rådgivning om ramprogrammet för forskning och
utveckling. - Namngivna kontaktpersoner för alla områden i
ramprogrammet. - Får löpande information, utbildning m.m. av
EU-kommissionen - NCP-organisationer finns i varje EU-land och är
nationellt finansierade och organiserade. Nätverk
i Europa. - Primär målgrupp Svenska forskare, företag,
universitet och vidareförmedlare (t ex
EU-handläggare). - Kontor i Stockholm (Mäster Samuelsgatan) och i
Bryssel. - 12 personer, 10 i Stockholm och 2 i Bryssel.
3(No Transcript)
4Absoluta krav på ett EU-projekt (nästan i alla
- Internationellt samarbetsprojekt
- Små EU-projekt är 6-12 organisationer från 5-10
länder - Stora är 25-30 organisationer från 15-20 länder
- Delfinansiering
- The commission may fund up to 100 of
- Räkna med 50-70 i ersättning
- Långa ledtider
- Minst ett år från ide till kick-off
- Topp-styrd process
- Problemställningar beskrivna i s.k. arbetsprogram
5The documents for the framework programmes
Framework Programme
Rules for participation
Model contracts
Specific programmes
Commission decision Committee opinion
Information packs, Guide for Proposers Evaluation
Manual, ...
Work programmes
Commission decision committee opinion
Commission decision Committee opinion
6Specific Programmes
FP7 2007 - 2013
Cooperation Collaborative research
Ideas Frontier Research
People Human Potential
Capacities Research Capacity
JRC (non-nuclear)
JRC (nuclear)
7Cooperation Collaborative research
- 10 Thematic Priorities
- Health
- Food, agriculture and biotechnology
- Information and communication technologies
- Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new
production technologies - Energy
- Environment (including climate change)
- Transport (including aeronautics)
- Socio-economic sciences and the humanities
- Space
- Security
- (11. Euratom Fusion, fission and radiation
8FP7 Cooperation - ICT
- ICT for trust and confidence
- identity management authentication and
authorization - privacy enhancing technologies
- rights and asset management
- protection against cyber threats
- ICT meeting societal challenges
- In support of the environment and sustainable
development(Risk and emergency management)
9FP7 Cooperation - Environment
- Climate change, pollution and risks
- Natural hazards
- Earth observation and assessment tools
10FP7 Space
- Space-based applications at the service of the
European Society - GMES Global Monitoring for Environment
11FP7 Security research4 main missions
- Security of citizens Protection against
terrorism crime - Technology solutions for threat awareness (e.g.
CBRN) - Detection, prevention, identification,
protection, neutralisation and containment of
effects of terrorism crime - Security of infrastructures and utilities
- analysing securing existing future
infrastructures, systems and services - Intelligent surveillance and border security
- Technologies capabilities to enhance security
of land coastal boarders, including border
control surveillance issues - Restoring security and safety in case of crisis
- Technologies to support emergency management
operations, interorganisational coordination
communication, distributed architectures human
12Fp7 Security research3 cross-cutting areas
- Security Systems Integration, interconnectivity
Interoperability - Technologies to enhance interoperability of
systems, equipment, services processes - Organisation, protection of confidentiality
integrity of information, traceability of
transactions, processing - Security and Society
- Socio economic aspects related to crime,
perception of security, ethics, privacy, societal
foresight - Safeguarding privacy liberties,
vulnerabilities, new threats, management impact
assessment of consequences - Security Research Coordination Structuring
- Coordination of security research efforts,
development of synergies (civil/security/defence),
legal conditions, use of infrastructures
13Tentative schedule for Security Calls
- 22 December 2006 Security Research Call 1
- 30 Augusti 2007 Coordinated Call ICT SEC
- 2008 - 2012 Annual Security Research Calls
opening in June - Possibly further coordinated calls
14Tentative timing of Call 1
- 22 Dec. 2006 Launching 1st call
- 31 May 2007 Closing 1st call
- May/June 2007 Evaluation
- July/Aug 2007 Commission funding decision
- Sept. 2007 Start negotiations
- December 2007 1st set of grant agreements signed
(2007 payment budget) - Summer 2008 2nd set of grant agreements signed
(2008 payment budget)
15Tentative timing of joint call
- 30 Aug. 2006 Launching joint call
- 29 Nov. 2007 Closing joint call
- Dec/Jan 2008 Evaluation
- Feb/Mar 2008 Commission funding decision
- Apr. 2008 Start negotiations
16Draft Content Call 1 Security of Citizens
17Draft Content Call 1 Security of Infrastructures
and utilities
18Draft Content Call 1 Intelligent surveillance
and border security
19Draft Content Call 1 Restoring security and
safety in case of crisis
20Draft Content Call 1 Security and Society
21Draft Content Call 1 Security research
coordination and structuring
22Draft Content Joint-Call ICT-SecuritySecurity
Systems Integration, interconnectivity and
23PASR Preparatory Action for Security Research
- Tre-årigt program, 2004-2006
- Förberedande inför FP7
- Tre utlysningar, 23 projekt, 17 stödåtgärder
finansierade - Detaljer om alla PASR-04 05 finansierade
projekt - http//ec.europa.eu/enterprise/security/articles/a
24PASR priority missions
- Optimising security and protection of networked
systems. - Protecting against terrorism (including
bio-terrorism and incidents with explosives
biological, chemical and other substances). - Enhancing crisis management (including
evacuation, search and rescue operations, control
and remediation). - Achieving interoperability and integration of
systems for information and communication. - Improving situation awareness (e.g. in crisis
management, anti-terrorism activities, or border
25Outcome PASR-04
- Received 179 proposals, of which 173 are
eligible - 50 supporting activities (SA)
- 123 projects (PR)
- Results after evaluation 87 proposals above
thresholds, 12 retained for negotiation (7 PR 5
26Outcome PASR-05
- Received 159 proposals of which 156 are eligible
- 36 supporting activities (SA)
- 120 projects (PR)
- Results after evaluation 13 retained for
negotiation (8 PR 5 SA)
27Outcome PASR-06
- Received 170 proposals of which 165 are eligible
- 44 supporting activities (SA)
- 121 projects (PR)
- Results after evaluation 15 retained for
negotiation (8 PR 7 SA) - Signature of all grant agreements before end of
28Kort om SRC-06
- Två dagars konferens i Wien, februari 2006
- Över 1000 registrerade deltagare
- Dag 1 High level, policy, future-oriented
- Dag 2 PASR-06 Call for proposals
- SRC-07, Berlin, 26-27 Mars 2007
- http//www.src07.de/
29SRC-06, PASR Bokerage Event
- gt70 personer som presenterade projektidéer
- Ett flertal personer presenterade flera idéer
- Flera projektpresentationer var misslyckade
PASR 04/05 ansökningar - Crisis management och Protection of Critical
Infrastructures klart överrepresenterat - Samtliga förslag/kontaktpersoner publiceras på
nätet - Dock utan någon som helst pre-screening från
kommissionen - http//ec.europa.eu/enterprise/security/events/vie
30DG JLS (Justice, Liberty Security)
- Two programmes of interest
- Prevention, preparedness and consequence
management of terrorism and other security
related risks - EPCIP European Programme for Critical
Infrastructure Protection - Prevention of and fight against
31Ta kontakt!
- Om ni
- vill diskutera projektidé
- har frågor/stöter på problem relaterade till FP7
- söker information om arbetsprogram etc
- söker samarbetspartner i Europa
- vill boka en NCP-rådgivning/presentation
- håll er informerade via www.europaprogrammen.se
- nyhetsbrev på www.europaprogrammen.se/nyhetsbrev