Title: Nutrition for Exercise
1Nutrition for Exercise
2Optimal Nutrition for Exercise
- Supply adequate for
- Tissue maintenance
- Tissue repair
- Tissue growth
- w/o excess energy
3Optimal Nutrition for Exercise
- Does not require additional nutrients beyond
balanced diet - Heavy exercise requires monitoring of CHO and
fluid intake
4Recommended Daily Intake
- 2100 kcal females / 2700 kcal males
- Protein 0.8 g/kg of BM (.0128 oz./lb of BM)
- Lipids - lt 30 of energy content
- - 70 unsaturated FA
- CHO 50 60 of energy content
5Recommended Daily Intake
- Heavy endurance training
- - 10 g CHO / kg BM 65 -70 of energy content
- Ensure and restore glycogen reserves
6Glycogen Loading for an Endurance Event
- Exhaustive training bout 7 days prior
- Next 3 days diet ?? fat and protein?deprive mm.
of CHO?? glycogen synthase - CHO-rich diet for next 3 days (? training)
7Glycogen Loading for an Endurance Event
- can ? glycogen reserves 2x normal
- But
- inability to train
- irritability and ? mental sharpnes
- little training value
- injury
8Glycogen Loading for an Endurance Event
- More practical,
- ? training intensity 7 days prior
- normal diet 55-60 CHO)
- 3 days prior - CHO rich diet
- similar results
9Glycogen Restoration
- Muscle restored in 24 hours
- Liver faster
10Glycogen Restoration
- Taper prior to competition
- Following exhaustive training
- - 1-2 days of lighter training
- - high CHO intake
11Good Nutrition
Fats, oils, and sweets
Milk, yogurt, and cheese
Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts
2-3 Servings
2-3 Servings
Fruit (2-4 Servings)
Vegetables (3-5 servings)
Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta (6-11 servings)
12Exercise and Food Intake
- Allow 1-2 to accommodate to new energy output
- Endurance athletes 4000 kcal
13Eat More, Weigh Less
- People who ran on average ? 35 miles
- Consumed 40-60 more kcal/kg than sedentary group
yet - - weighed less
- - lower body fat
14Precompetition Meal
- Provide adequate CHO energy ensure optimal
hydration - Eliminate fats protein on that day
- - slowly digested
- - slows CHO digestion
15Precompetition Meal
- Protein
- protein digestion
? Metabolic heat
? Water loss
16Precompetition Meal
- 150 300 grams (5-10 oz.) of CHO 3-4 hours
before exercising - - restores muscle/liver glycogen
- - available glucose for absorption during
17Feeding during Exercise
- High intensity exercise - glucose feedings
prolong glycogen reserves - fatigue postponed 15 to 30 min. w/ CHO feeding
(60-80 aerobic capacity) - CHO feedings during exercise most beneficial at
75 AC
18Feeding during Exercise
- Light to moderate exercise (lt 50 of max.)
- Lipid is 10 energy source
- Glycogen minimally deleted
19Recovery from Exercise
- Glycemic Index - extent to which BG ? after
ingesting a food containing 50 grams (1.75 oz.)
of CHO
20Glycemic Index
- High - glucose, sucrose, syrups (cane, maple,
corn), honey, bagel, white bread, potato, corn
flakes, raisins, bananas, carrots, white rice - Medium - whole grain bread, pasta, corn,
oatmeal,orange, grapes - Low - fructose, yogurt, peanuts, peas, beans,
apple, peach, figs, plums, dairy products
21Feeding prior to Exercise
- High glycemic CHO one hour prior
- ? BG ? ? insulin ? hypoglycemia ? fatigue
- inhibits lipid mobilization
22Feeding prior to Exercise
- Actually, glycogen reserves depleted prematurely
- ? BG ? ? insulin ? hypoglycemia ? fatigue
23Feeding prior to Exercise
- Foods w/ low glycemic index
- CHO digested absorbed slowly thus no surge in
24Recovery from Exercise
- Rapid replenishment of CHO - why?
- CHO w/ moderate to high glycemic ratings
- glycogen restored at (5-7 / hour)
- 20 hours to completely restore reserves
25Gastric Emptying and SI Absorption
- High gastric fluid volume ? speeds gastric
emptying - 150-250 mL (5-8 oz.) fluids every 15 minutes
- slower by caloric density of fluid
26Recommended Hydration
- 5-8 CHO conc.
- CHO (grams) / fluid (ml) 100
- intense aerobic training (lt 1 hr.) w/ thermal
stress ? fluid replacement is priority (lt 5
27Recommended Hydration
- Cooler weather ? higher conc. (15) of solution
- optimal hydration - 1 L/hr offset dehydration
minimize discomfort
28Recommended Hydration CHO Replacement
- Monitor body weight (1 lb. 15 oz.)
- ingest fluids _at_ 80-100 of depletion rate
- Endurance
- 21 - 42 oz. of beverage containing 5-8 CHO