Methods for summarizing and comparing wealth distributions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Methods for summarizing and comparing wealth distributions


Lorenz curves (relative, generalized, absolute) Inequality indices ... Gross wealth (G), Debt (D), Net wealth (W) are expressed in 2000 international ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Methods for summarizing and comparing wealth distributions

Methods for summarizing and comparing wealth
  • Stephen P. Jenkins
  • Institute for Social Economic Research
  • University of Essex, UK
  • and
  • Markus Jäntti
  • Åbo Akademi University
  • Turku, FIN

The brief given to us
  • Andrea Brandolini
  • The main issue is to understand whether the
    standard tools for inequality measurement used
    for income work for wealth as well. For instance,
    the issue of negative values cannot be ignored as
    easily as with income. The Gini can deal with
    negative values, but are we happy?
  • Tim Smeeding
  • My preference is for a paper that opens
    doors and suggests approaches rather than being
    the last word on a topic.

The quick response
  • Many of the tools commonly used to summarize
    income distributions can also be applied to
    wealth distributions,
  • albeit adapted in order to account for the
    distinctive features of wealth distributions

  • What is different about wealth distributions?
  • Distribution and density functions
  • Lorenz curves (relative, generalized, absolute)
  • Inequality indices
  • Fitting parametric size distributions
  • Concluding remarks
  • References
  • Appendix 1. Wealth survey data for Finland
  • Appendix 2. Practising what we preach Stata code
    to derive the estimates and draw the figures
  • Tables 14
  • Figures 19

Used for illustrations of methods
Much distributional analysis can be undertaken
using readily-available software
At the end of the paper!
Whats included whats left out
  • We assume
  • unit record (micro) data
  • definitional issues resolved (focus on W G D)
  • cross-sectional distribution(s)
  • We do not consider
  • methods for analysis of joint distributions, e.g.
  • longitudinal dynamics
  • income and wealth
  • gross wealth and debt
  • statistical inference

What is different about wealth distributions?
  • Support
  • G gt 0 D gt 0 W can take values lt 0, 0, gt 0
  • Cf. income, for which distributional analysis
    tools developed, and for which typically assumed
    that Y gt 0
  • Problems for applications to wealth
  • Amiel, Cowell, Polovin (Economica, 1996) make
    persuasive case that assumptions of monotonicity
    and transfer principle should also apply when
    values of the variable of interest are negative
  • (e.g.) mean-preserving spread reduces social
    welfare even if Wi lt 0, Wj lt 0, and µW lt 0
  • e.g. non-crossing Lorenz curves have standard

What is different about wealth distributions?
  • Concentration of density mass, especially spike
    at zero (cf. income distributions), and
    relatively high concentration close to zero
  • Right-skewed with long sparse tails (more so than
    income distributions)
  • Related
  • Non-trivial prevalence of extreme values
    either dirt (cf. Cowell Victoria-Feser), or
    high leverage
  • estimates sensitive to treatment of extreme

Illustrations Finnish wealth survey data
  • Unit household
  • Gross wealth (G), Debt (D), Net wealth (W) are
    expressed in 2000 international
  • Not equivalized
  • Survey data for 1994 (n 5,210), 1998 (n
  • All calculations used the sampling weights
  • See Appendix 1 and Jäntti (1994) for more details
    and analysis. Focus here on net wealth, W

Table 1. Summary statistics, net wealth
Boxplots for net wealth
Extreme values are manifest!
Upper adjacent value p75 1.5IQR
p75 top of box p25 bottom
Lower adjacent value p25 ? 1.5IQR
Increase in mean raw data 28 trimming top
and bottom 1 24
Distribution function (Pens parade) and quantiles
Distribution function (CDF) and quantile function
are well defined
  • Giants really are tall relative to dwarfs
  • Upside down households at start of parade
  • Positive heights only after p gt 10
  • Anti-clockwise twist over time ? inequality rose?

Pens Parade graph of W against F(W) p See
Table 2 for quantile estimates.
Probability density functions
  • PDF provides more detail about the wealth of the
    dwarfs comprising the majority of the
  • Histograms have well-known problems kernel
    density estimates often preferred nowadays
  • Kernel density estimation methods to account for
    right skewness and sparse tail
  • estimate in transformed metric (e.g. logs), and
    back transform problems with zero and negatives
    ? use other transformations e.g. inverse
    hyperbolic sine?
  • Adaptive kernel density estimates, but issues of
    how to estimate spikes given smoothing

Histogram, 1000 bins
Both methods provide similar pictures about
Finnish net wealth distributions, as it happens
Adaptive kernel density estimates, Epanechnikov
kernel, 1000 data points
Lorenz curves and inequality
  • Slope of LC at p F(W) is W/µW
  • LC below horizontal axis (negative slope) for W lt
    0, given µW gt 0
  • If µW lt 0, LC flipped vertically relative to
    usual case
  • Finland single-crossing of LCs (later year from
    above) ? 1998 more unequal than 1994 for
    transfer-sensitive standard relative inequality
    measures iff CV1998 gt CV1994 (as happened)

Share of poorest 40 2.3 (1994)
2.9 (1998) Share of richest 10 35.5 (1994)
38.2 (1998)
Alternative representational devices
  • If µW 0, LC is undefined if µW ? 0, numerical
    instability ?
  • (a) Summarize social welfare rather than
    inequality generalized Lorenz curves
  • slope at p F(W) is W (so may lie below
    horizontal axis)
  • GL ordinate is µW when p 1 (may be negative)

GLCs for Finland cross no unambiguous ordering
according to SWFs satisfying monotonicity,
principle of transfers
Alternatives (b) absolute Lorenz curves
  • (b) summarize inequality using absolute rather
    than relative measures absolute Lorenz curves
  • ALC(p) p(µW(p) µW)
  • cf. LC(p) pµW(p)/µW
  • slope at p F(W) is W µW
  • flipped vertically if µW ltlt 0
  • Finland ALC1998 lies everywhere below ALC1994 ?
    1998 more unequal than 1994 for all standard
    absolute inequality measures
  • NB both GLC and ALC are in units of W
  • ? getting price deflator and PPP rate
  • especially important

Inequality indices
  • Many standard aggregative inequality measures
    are undefined for negative incomes, and a
    substantial class of these measures will not work
    even for zero incomes, in the sense that they are
    either undefined, or are unbounded, or attain
    their maximum value at any income distribution
    that has one or more zero incomes. (Amiel,
    Cowell, Polovin, 1996, p. S65.)
  • Good news some standard relative inequality
    indices can be calculated
  • Bad news many are particularly sensitive to
    extreme values! E.g. CV, GE(2)
  • Gini well-defined (but may be gt 1)
  • CV, Gini are negative if µW lt 0 undefined if µW

Absolute inequality indices
  • For example,
  • absolute Gini (meanGini)
  • Kolm indices K(?)
  • Measures are not unit-free (price deflators, PPPs
  • Kolm indices relatively unfamiliar ? more
    difficult to benchmark and interpret results for
    different ?
  • Marginal social value of W is ?W, so if ?
    1/µW, then elasticity of marginal valuation of W
    equals 1 at the mean (Atkinson Brandolini,
  • but which mean should one use for comparisons?

Inequality of net wealth in Finland(Table 3,
Increase in inequality of net wealth for
the standard inequality indices, both
relative and absolute ? as expected from Lorenz
curve results
Index sensitivity regarding extreme values?
Fitting parametric size distributions
  • Single-parameter Pareto distribution commonly
    fitted (characterises distribution above some
    lower bound W0 gt 0)
  • straightforward to fit, especially given data
  • simple expressions for moments and inequality for
    distribution of W gt W0 in terms of shape
    parameter ?, and W0
  • expressions for distribution as a whole rather
    more complicated, however (Atkinson Harrison
  • ... so why not fit models to the distribution as
    a whole?
  • Parametric models for income distributions less
    relevant, given W may be zero or negative
  • Few suitable candidates at present for wealth
  • 3-parameter (displaced) lognormal is
    problematic to fit, and shape not necessarily
  • finite mixture models much more promising

Dagum-III finite mixture model
  • Characterization (Dagum 1990)
  • Exponential distribution (one parameter) to
    characterise negative wealth values
  • Discrete probability mass point at zero
  • Dagum I (Burr 3) distribution for positive values
    (3 parameters scale plus 2 shape parameters)
  • Table 4 estimates for Finland in 1994, 1998
  • only estimates we know of, other than Dagums
    (1990) for Italy
  • model fits well (though under-estimates µWW gt
  • Could explore alternative characterizations
  • Parameters can be made functions of covariates
    (Appendix 2)
  • possibilities for cross-country or cross-time
    decompositions of wealth differences in
    differences in parameters and differences in
    distributions of characteristics (cf. DiNardo et
    al., using kernel density estimation)

Concluding remarks
  • Many of the tools commonly used to summarize
    income distributions can also be applied to
    wealth distributions, albeit adapted in order to
    account for the distinctive features of wealth
  • Our illustrations with Finnish data have
    supported this case (and others can use our code)
  • But remember the caveats concerning issues not
    addressed! For example,
  • treatment of extreme values
  • summarizing joint distributions
  • statistical inference
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