Title: John McGrath Sukanta Saha Joy Welham David Chant
1John McGrathSukanta SahaJoy WelhamDavid Chant
A systematic review of the prevalence of
2Schizophrenia - the most common form of psychosis
is characterised by disorders of cognition (eg
paranoia), affect (mood), communication (thought
disorder) and perception (eg hallucinations)
leading to a loss of contact with reality along
with various forms of impaired behavior.
old Because schizophrenia (a) has an early
onset and (b) has a relapsing or chronic course,
it is a significant public health problem. It
ranks in the top 10 leading causes of disability,
with a burden of disease comparable to cancer and
greater than heart disease.old Understanding
the prevalence of schizophrenia has important
implications for both health service planning and
risk factor epidemiology.new
- To systematically identify and collate studies of
the prevalence of schizophrenia - To summarize variation in time, place and person
by examining the distribution of these estimates
of prevalence - To explore factors which may influence prevalence
- Research questions
- Methods Systematic reviews
- Key results
- Caveats and Conclusions
5The prevalence of schizophreniaHypotheses
- Sex difference
- Males gt females
- Migrant status
- Migrants gt native born
- Urbanicity
- Urban born gt rural born
6Types of prevalence studies
- Core studies
- Sentinel surveys
- Register based studies
- Migrant studies
- Cohort studies
- Other special groups
7Methods systematic review
- Electronic data search
- Medline, PsychoInfo, Embase, LILAC
- 1965-2001 inclusive
- (schizo OR psycho) AND
- incidence OR prevalence)
- also
- Review article bibliography
- Wrote to authors
- Screen abstract and reviewed papers to cull
irrelevant citations
8Rate items and discrete data
- Non-overlapping
- Sex Male, Female
- Overlapping
- Age eg all ages or age 15-54
- Diagnosis eg Catego S or Catego SPO
clinical - Diagnostic categories
- eg DSMIV Schizophrenia or
Schizophrenia Delusional disorder - Site overlap eg Denmark or Copenhagen
- Epoch overlap eg 1990-92 or 1989-91
9Data analysis example cumulative distribution
Rate per 100,000
- Electronic search 834 potential papers
- Manual checking 249 potential papers
- Letters from 52 authors, who provided an
additional 41 references - Of potentially relevant papers, 74 were
identified from electronic sources
11Results (2)
- Rates based on 176,056 potentially overlapping
incident cases - After review
- 158 were included from 32 countries
- Types of studies
- Core studies 100
- Migrant studies 24
- Cohort studies 23
- Other special groups 14
12Core Prevalence Studies
13Sex differences
14Male female rate ratio
15Migrant status
16Urban-rural differences
17Cohort studies
- Australia (n2)
- Denmark (n3)
- Finland (n5)
- Israel (n2)
- Italy (n1)
- Sweden (n2)
- The Netherlands (n2)
- USA (n3)
- United Kingdom (n3)
18Other special groups
- over age 65
- twins
- various ethnic and/or religious subgroups
- students
- deaf individuals
- workers in a radiation contamination zone
19Key findings
- Most of the distributions are data rich
- Variation
- Asymmetrical
- Long upper tail (gt25 rates)
- Median 15.2 (10-90 7.7- 43.0) per 100,000
- Five-fold range within the 10-90 quantiles
20Key findings (2)
- Males gt females
- Migrants gt native born
- Urban gt mixed urban/rural
- Schizophrenia has a varied and detailed
epidemiological landscape
- Comparisons in systematic reviews should be
planned, based on directional hypotheses
limited to a reasonable number - Systematic reviews are best suited to
hypothesis-generation - Geographical boundaries are administrative
- Mostly treated prevalence
There is a wealth of data available on the
prevalance of schizophrenia. Studies come from
many countries, with many different
methodological features, and conducted over
several decades. The width and skew of the
distributions, and the significant impact of sex,
urbanicity and migrant status on these
distributions, indicate substantial variations in
the prevalence of schizophrenia. Thus these data
may provide leads for further research into risk