Title: Dia 1
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2- 1. The position of Flanders
- Flanders in Belgium and Europe, Flanders as a
federated state - Education of the communities
- Flemish education at regional, continental and
world level
3- 2. Education in Flanders
- General principles
- Compulsory education for all children
six/eighteen - Freedom of education
- Educational networks
- Funding education
- Autonomy
- The legal position of staff
- Organisation of the school and academic year
4- 2. Education in Flanders
- Levels of education
- Nursery and Primary education
- Secondary education
- Tertiary education
- Continuing education
5- 2. Education in Flanders
- Support and quality control
- Pupil Guidance Centres (CLBs)
- Information and communication technologies (ICT)
- Communication
- Quality control and promotion
6- 2. Education in Flanders
- Current issues
- Study grants and study financing
- More opportunities for everyone
- Participation
- Modularisation
- Lifelong learning
8- Flanders in Belgium and Europe
- Flanders lies in the northern part of Belgium.
- Flanders has almost six million inhabitants.
- Their official language is Dutch.
- Brussels capital of Flanders, Belgium, Europe.
- The Flemish Community incl. Dutch Brussels.
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10Education of the communities The process of
federalisation took almost a quarter of a
century. The Flemish, French and
German-speaking community have their own
educational system.
11Flemish education at regional, continental and
world level
International programmes The Socrates programme
and the Leonardo da Vinci programme, Petra and
13General principles Compulsory education for all
children from six to eighteen. After 16 only
part-time compulsory education. All children who
reside in Belgium, also children of foreign
nationality. Home education is possible.
14General principles
Access to education is free of charge up to the
end of compulsory education. Access to Flemish
nursery education is also free of charge,
although it is not covered by compulsory
15General principles
Freedom of education is a constitutional right in
Belgium. The concept of the governing body (or
school board) is a key concept in the
organisation of education in Flanders. The
governing bodies have a wide-ranging autonomy.
16General principles
- Governing body (or school board)
- Community education is education organised by
Flemish Community Education - Subsidised publicly run schools are municipal
education institutions - Subsidised privately run schools as
non-profit-making organisation. Mainly catholic
schools. Islamic, Protestant, Jewish, orthodox
schools. Freinet schools, Montessori schools or
Steiner method schools.
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19General principles
Funding education The Flemish education budget
7,86 billion EUR in 2004. 42.64 of the total
Flemish budget 4 increase per year since 1989.
20General principles
Autonomy Greater responsibility on education
providers by making pupils, students and parents
accountable as well. In 1998 the authorities
continued giving broader responsibilities to
schools and schools groups.
21General principles
The legal position of staff Legal security and a
certain degree of job security. A permanent
appointment guarantees job and salary security.
It also gives the member of staff the right to
leave, sick leave, and a state pension.
22General principles
Organisation of the school and academic year For
nursery, primary and secondary education, the
school year starts on 1 September and ends on 31
August. In tertiary education, the academic year
starts between 1 September and 1 October.
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24Levels of education
25Levels of education
26Levels of education
27Levels of education primary
- Nursery and primary education
- Basisonderwijs comprises both nursery and
- primary education.
- Mainstream nursery and primary
- Special nursery and primary
28Levels of education primary
Integrated nursery and primary education is the
result of co-operation initiatives
between mainstream nursery and primary
education and special education.
29Levels of education primary
The teaching periods are calculated on the basis
of the numbers of pupils on a particular count
date and the supplementary teaching
periods. Apart from the number of teaching
periods, schools receive a number of periods to
call in child carers. The government allocates
to each school a funding envelope for management
and support staff.
30Levels of education primary
Almost all children receive nursery education in
Flanders. In nursery primary schools, the
child is taught skills, such as language
acquisition, motoric development, social skills,
... and an initial way of exploring the world.
31Levels of education secondary
Secondary education For people aged 12 to 18.
In principle, all schools are mixed. general
secondary education (aso), technical secondary
education (tso), secondary education in the
arts (kso), vocational secondary education
32Levels of education secondary
Young people whose physical, psychological,
social or intellectual development is hampered by
a disability can receive special education
(BuSO). A pupil only passes on to the next
learning stage when he/she is ready for
this. Young people with a disability can also be
admitted to a school for mainstream secondary
education through the system of integrated
education (GON).
33Levels of education secondary
From the age of 15 or 16, pupils can transfer to
part-time vocational education (DBSO). They can
also opt for an entrepreneurship training course
provided by the VIZO-Syntra-network
34Levels of education tertiary
Tertiary education
Associations the K.U. Leuven Association the
Ghent University Association the Antwerp
University Association Brussels university
association the universiteit - hogescholen
Limburg There are two kinds of bachelor courses
the professional and the academic bachelor course
(180 credits). Some admission tests are taken.
35Levels of education secondary
Postgraduate courses and Continuing education
within the context of lifelong learning. Teacher
training at colleges of higher education are
transformed into professionally-oriented bachelor
36Levels of education post
Continuing education Part-time education in the
arts (DKO) DKO is a supplementary form of
education aimed at children, young people and
adults. Participants enrol voluntarily and pay
an enrolment fee.
37Levels of education post
Adult education More than 250,000 course
participants The course participant pays an
enrolment. Continuing education is provided in
centres for adult education. Basic education
focuses on all adults who need a basic training
in order to fully participate in society or
follow further training.
38Levels of education post
The 29 centres for basic adult education provide
basic education in languages, mathematics, social
orientation, ICT, introduction in French and
English and stimulation and student counselling.
Free of charge. 8 Dutch Language Houses in
Flanders advising students on NT2 education
providers, the VDAB, welcome offices and local
39Support and quality control
Pupil Guidance Centres (CLBs) The Pupil guidance
centre or CLB is a service which pupils,
parents,teachers and school management teams
consult for information or help. learning and
studying the school career preventive health
care social and emotional development. Supervis
ion by a CLB is only compulsory for truancy and
some medical examinations.
40Support and quality control
The Flemish Government has implemented a policy
of promoting ICT in education (since 1996). The
ICT co-ordinator is responsible for technical and
educational ICT support at school level Training
teachers in the educational use of ICT via REN
Vlaanderen. Free software and an educational
site Klascement
41Support and quality control
- The onderwijs.vlaanderen.be website is a portal
to all on-line information and services of the
Education Department. - The department issues a lot of publications, a.o.
KLASSE, a magazine for teachers and students. - Teacher card
- SID (Studie Info Dagen)
42Support and quality control
Quality promotion targets Attainment targets of
the Flemish Community clearly indicates its
minimum expectations with regard to nursery,
primary and secondary education. The
Inspectorate of the Flemish Community consists of
inspection teams. In addition, there is also an
inspection team that inspects religious and/or
philosophical education subjects.
43Support and quality control
Every education network has its own educational
advisors for educational and methodological
advisory services (innovation projects,
self-evaluation projects, support
initiatives). Colleges of higher education and
universities carry out their own internal quality
control through a self-evaluation. In addition,
visitations of their courses are conducted by a
44Current issues
Current issues Scholarships for low family
incomes to 1,403 euro in secondary, to 3,121
euro for students in higher education.
45Current issues
The Act on equal opportunities each pupil has
in principle the right to enrol in the school of
his/her (parents) choice. the establishment
of local consultation platforms additional
support that must enable schools to develop an
extended needs provision geared toward deprived
46Current issues
In higher education, a number of measures are
also taken to promote equal opportunities among
students. Colleges of higher education and
universities have extensive possibilities to
recognise foreign diplomas and competencies
acquired elsewhere. In secondary education,
there is a system of reception classes for minor
non-native Dutch speakers. Similar to support to
pupils with dyslexia.
47Current issues
- Participation
- Parents associations
- Students councils
- Interuniversity Council
48Current issues
Waterfall thinking, which means that ASO
is better than TSO and TSO better than BSO, is
deeply rooted in Flemish educational
structures. The modularisation experiment gives
pupils attending vocationally-oriented training
courses (BSO, DBSO, BuSO OV3) the opportunity to
complete a learning pathway in units or modules.
- Assets and drawbacks
- autonomy
- freedom of choice
- internationally respected
- export of skills/knowhow language/research
- waterfall
- pressure on young teachers
- conflicts pluralism/religion
- rules
- fixed envelope financing
Priorities equal opportunities more autonomy
to schools more professional teachers more
coaching by senior teachers more learner
independence learning for life more
co-operative learning/teaching
- Exchanges
- through Socrates
- with three EU partners
- for 3 years
- teachers exchange
- website http//www.ond.vlaanderen.be/socrates/
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53Current issues
Lifelong learning Lifelong and life-wide
learning is a continuous process in which the
learners acquire the necessary knowledge and
competencies to better cope with their
professional, social and cultural tasks in a
quickly changing society.
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