Title: The Policy Commons: Public Policy's "Industrial Revolution"
1Photo taken by Kabir Bakie July
2004 http//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ImageCloud
2The Policy CommonsPublic Policys Industrial
- Dave WitzelMarch 16, 2007
Photo taken by Kabir Bakie July
2004 http//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ImageCloud
3Policy Commons What is it?
- the shared resources
- people use to work together
- to solve shared problems
Photo taken by Kabir Bakie July
2004 http//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ImageCloud
4Policy Commons What is it?
- the infrastructure that enables a truly
participatory democracy
Photo taken by Kabir Bakie July
2004 http//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ImageCloud
5Policy Commons What is it?
- Public policys industrial revolution
Photo taken by Kabir Bakie July
2004 http//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ImageCloud
6Policy Commons or
Civic square Town square Public square
Democracy 2.0 Policy 2.0 E-Democracy
7What do we do there?
- Raise issues
- Prioritize problems
- Research ideas
- Debate responses
- Make decisions
- Implement solutions
- Measure success and improve
8Its an eco-system, much of it exists online
Dion Hinchcliffe http//web2.wsj2.com/
- Share data
- Develop tools
- Research, analyze
- Network
- Share content
- Debate and discuss
- Organize labor
9But it will operate at every level
- Neighborhood
- City
- County
- State
- National
- Regional
- International
- Everything in between
10With every kind of organization
- Government
- Non-profit
- Foundation
- Faith-based
- Corporation
- Community
- Plus individuals
11What do we need?
- Transparent public entities
- Access to a reliable network
- Data standards
- Creative content licenses
- Open source software
- Awareness and participation
Photo taken by Kabir Bakie July
2004 http//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ImageCloud
12Where to contribute more?
- http//www.policycommons.org
- Use the tag policycommons
Photo taken by Kabir Bakie July
2004 http//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ImageCloud
- Dave Witzel
- dave_at_forumone.com
- 571.641.3029
- www.ForumOne.com