Title: Jedi Research
1Jedi Research
- Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon
- February 27, 2003
- General Problem
- Jedi in Particular
3Domain Specific Languages
- DSL are
- Concrete and Simple
- Exploit domain specific knowledge
- Easier to maintain
4Why DSL are not mainstream?
- Limited IDE tool support
- No debugger, document generators, etc
- Changes in DSL imply painful code update
- Implementation is hardwired
- Adding or modifying DSL grammars impact in
regular ways the code that handles them - Use of compositional software approach can
alleviate the impact
6General View
7Closer Look ?
DSL Tool
DSL Grammar
8 So
- The challenge is in
- Identifying the relationships between grammar
rules and concerns in the tools - Abstracting such relationships
- Use them to facilitate the development of tools
that support DSLs - Automatic generation of concerns (or pieces)
- Limits the impact of grammar changes
- Eases the addition of new DSL
9Jedi in Particular
- Exemplify the approach with Jedi
- Goals
- Architecture (a.k.a concerns)
- Grammar-Architecture relationships
- What are these?
- How can they be used?
10Jedi Goals
- Goals of Jedi are to provide support for
- Different languages and DSL
- Currently Java (Jakarta) and Ahead DSL
- Different types of comment structures
- Currently only portions of Javadoc tags
- Generation of different types of documents
- Currently Classes, Interfaces, State Machines
- Different document formats
- Currently only HTML
11Interacting Problems to Solve
- Structure Extraction
- Comment Extraction
- Document Composition
- Document Formatting
12Jedi Architecture
- Each language feature extension have
- Parser
- Parses the corresponding language constructs
- Harvester
- Collects information spread across several nodes
- Comment Repository
- Comment information from particular structures
- Comment Harvester
- Parses a comment and stores info into repository
- Documents
- Declares what documents to create or refine
13Diagram of Jedi Architecture
14How Grammar Rules relate to Jedi Concerns
- Parser
- Generated from the grammar
- Harvester
- Rules capture important information that is
spread along several nodes - Docs
- Rules add contents to the documents that are
15Example Grammar Rules
AST_FieldDecl ( ClassBodyDeclaration
) ClassBodyDeclaration Initializer
NestedClassDeclaration NestedInterfaceDeclarat
ion ConstructorDeclaration
MethodDeclaration FieldDeclaration
16Harvester and Grammar Rules
Nodes are Method, Field, Constructor, Nested
Class, Nested Int
Harvesters can be generated
17Jedi Annotations
- Extensions to the Bali grammar
- Add functionality to parse tree nodes
- Goals
- Collect information spread along multiple nodes
- Aggregate context for document generation
- Create structures for cross-referencing
18Annotation Examples
AST_FieldDecl ( ClassBodyDeclaration is
NestedClassDeclaration -gt
NestedClassList NestedInterfaceDeclaration
-gt NestedInterfaceList
ConstructorDeclaration -gt ConstructorList
MethodDeclaration -gt
MethodList FieldDeclaration
-gt FieldList )
Meaning Aggregates lists for different class
body elements
19Annotation Example
ImportDeclaration Value ltAST_QualifiedNamegt
Meaning Concatenates two strings and assign it
to Value
20Annotation Examples
AST_ParList Parameters.Elem.FormalParamenter
Meaning Create Parameters list of
FormalParameter objects
21Jedi Annotations Manipulation
Base Bali Grammar
Bali Composer
Jedi Annotation
Composite Grammar
22Grammar Rules and Documents
lthtmlgt Class MyClass fields summary
methods summary constructors summary
nested classes nested interfaces details
AST_FieldDecl A Class Document
23Grammar Rules and Documents
- How to express the relationship between a rule
and a document ?
24Important Distinctions
- Document
- Examples HTML file with info of a class
- Document template
- Unit of composition of documents
- Document static and dynamic contents
- Document equation
- Expresses how document templates form templates
of documents
25Key Ideas
- Idea Treat documents as refinements
- Document templates class refinements with
methods that can be refined - Document equations type equations
26Document Templates Description
- A template requires
- Name
- Exported Type
- Typed Insertion Points what kinds of templates
and where can be added - Imports clauses define variables used to provide
contents and the nodes in the parse tree from
where to get them
27Document Template Example
ltdocument name"ClassCore"gt ltexports
type"body"/gt ltimports var"class"
node"UnmodifiedClassDeclaration"/gt ltinsert
type"typemods"/gt lt!CDATA class.getName()
nbsp gt ltinsert type"class_head"/gt ltinsert
type"summary"/gt ltinsert type"details"/gt lt/docume
28Pictorial View
Insertion Points
Class . ClassCore .
29Document Template Example
ltdocument name"FieldSummary"gt ltexports
type"summary"/gt ltimports var"ast_field"
node"AST_FieldDecl"/gt lt!CDATA set
(listFields ast_field.getFieldList()) some
html code here gt lt/documentgt
30Pictorial View
Class . FieldSummary (ClassCore) .
31Document Template Example
ltdocument name"FieldDetails"gt ltexports
typedetails"/gt ltimports var"ast_field"
node"AST_FieldDecl"/gt lt!CDATA set
(listFields ast_field.getFieldList()) some
html code goes here gt lt/documentgt
32Pictorial View
Class FieldDetail( FieldSummary (ClassCore ))
- Each document template roughly corresponds to a
class refinement - Adds methods to be refined
- Each insertion point is analogous to a signature
definition where refinements can be hooked - But
- We are adding class refinements to methods ?
34Document Equations
Java Sm
35Document Equation Format
- term1 file1 qualifier1
- term2 file2 qualifier2
- .
- termn filen qualifiern
- Term
- names of document templates
- File
- File associated to a document (with path)
- Qualifier
- For composition where to put the term in relation
with other terms - Syntax
- before after term
DocumentName termn termn-1 term1
36Document Templates Composition
Velocity Template
Document Equation
Bindings List
Doc Composer
Doc Templates
37On the meaning of Composition
- Composition of documents is different from
default standard composition of AHEAD - Uses before and after
- A single unit can refine more that one insertion
point - Why? I think is due to the granularity we are
dealing with
38Mapping from Parse Tree to Document Template
Document Types
Parse Tree
39Other issues
- Comment structure should be based also in a
declarative spec and should be added in the
equation - The corresponding repository should be inferred
from the same spec
40To Do List
- Alignment to AHEAD model
- Build prototype of Document Composer
- With Jack discuss the annotations implementation
- Comment handling generated from a declarative
spec - Study Reform