Title: How Many Paths must a Test Walk Down
1How Many Paths must a Test Walk Down?
Willem Visser with C
orina Pasareanu NASA
Ames Research Center
2What is Symbolic Execution?
3What is Symbolic Execution?
- Static Analysis Technique
- Executes code in a non-standard way
- Instead of concrete inputs, symbolic values are
manipulated - At each program location, the state of the system
is defined by - The current assignments to the symbolic inputs
and local variables - A path condition that must hold for the execution
to reach this location - At each branch in the code, both paths must be
followed - On the true branch the condition is added to the
path condition - On the false branch the negation of the
condition is added to the path condition - If a branch is infeasible, then execution along
that branch is terminated
4Symbolic Execution Walking Many Paths at Once
pres 460pres_min 640pres_max 960
if( (pres
pres_max)) else
pres Xpres_min MINpres_max MAX PC
if ((pres
pres_max)) else
if ((pres
pres_max)) else
if ((pres
pres_max)) else
5Concrete Execution Path (example)
x 1, y 0 1 ? 0 x 1 0 1 y 1 0 1 x
1 1 0 0 1 ? 0
int x, y if (x y) x x y y x
y x x y if (x y 0)
6Symbolic Execution Tree (example)
x X, y Y
int x, y if (x y) x x y y x
y x x y if (x y 0)
7For this we believe
symbolic execution for testing programs is a
more exploitable technique in the short term than
the more general one of program verification
James KingCACM 197, 1976
8Symbolic Execution Timeline
9Generalized Symbolic Execution
void foo(Node n1, Node n2) if (n1 ! null
n2 ! null) n1.x 2 n2.x 3
assert n1.x 2 n2.x 3
- Deals with Object-oriented programs
- Fields
- Inheritance
- Aliasing!
- Uses lazy initialization of Objects
- Only creates objects when they are required
- No bound on the number of objects
- Concurrency
10Observation from King Paper
The symbolic execution of IF statements requires
theorem proving which, even for modest
programming languages, is mechanically
- Although true, it didnt account for two things
- Moores Law
- Improvements in decision procedure efficiency
- Driven by the great strides made by SAT solvers
11Decision Procedures Everywhere
- Satisfiability Modulo Theories Competition
(SMT-COMP) - Competition between DPs for all kinds of theories
(integer, float, bitvectors etc.) - Participants in 2006
- Ario 1.2 website, description, download
- Barcelogic 1.1 website, description, download
- CVC website, description, download
- CVC3 website, description, download
- ExtSAT website, description, download
- HTP website, description, download
- Jat description download
- MathSAT 3.4 website, description, download
- NuSMV website, description, download
- Sateen description, download
- STP description, download
- Yices 1.0 website, description, download
- Doesnt even include commercial bigshots such as
Prover Technology
12Symbolic Execution Everywhere
- Static Analysis
- Prefix
- Intrinsa, now Microsoft
- Testing
- Lucent
- JTest
- Parasoft
- Model Checking
- Microsoft
- Only listed industry and this is a woefully
inadequate list at best!
13Example using Java PathFinder
public class SymExample // Node has an int
x field and a Node next field public static
void foo(Node n1, Node n2) if (n1 ! null
n2 ! null) n1.x 2 n2.x
3 assert n1.x 2 n2.x 3
public static void main(String args)
Node n1 Node._get_Node() // get Symbolic Node
Node n2 Node._get_Node() // get Symbolic
Node try foo(n1, n2)
System.out.println("No violation for n1 " n1
" and n2 " n2) catch (AssertionError
ae) System.out.println("Found violation
for n1 " n1 " and n2 " n2)
14Example Output
No violation for n1 null and n2 null No
violation for n1 null and n2 Node_43844 (x
, next ) No violation for n1 Node_43844
(x , next ) and n2 null No violation for
n1 Node_43844 (x , next ) and
n2 Node_43791 (x , next
) Found violation for n1 Node_43844 (x
, next ) and n2 Node_43844
(x , next )
if (n1 ! null n2 ! null) n1.x
2 n2.x 3 assert n1.x 2
n2.x 3
15What is Model Checking?
Oh no, we got downgraded
The Web
(no deadlock)
User Query
17What is Java PathFinder (1)
- explicit state model checker for Java bytecode
- focus is on finding bugs in Java programs
- concurrency related deadlocks, (races), missed
signals etc. - Java runtime related unhandled exceptions, heap
usage, (cycle budgets) - but also complex application specific assertions
18What makes JPF interesting?
- It can search the behaviors of a Java program in
an efficient fashion - Records all visited states and stops traversing a
path when it revisits a state - Uses various search heuristics
- It treats non-deterministic behavior
- Scheduling is non-deterministic in many Java
settings - The precise inputs to a program can be
non-deterministic - Data non-determinism is user definable
- User can define the environment the program
executes in - However, to make JPF scale we also need symbolic
input data - Hence the extensions to do symbolic execution
- Without symbolic execution the tool enumerates
all input values, which is often too large - One of the key issue is configurable
extensibility overcome scalability constraints
with suitable customization (using heuristics)
19JPF Status
- developed at the Robust Software Engineering
Group at NASA Ames Research Center - currently in its fourth development cycle
- v1 Spin/Promela translator - 1999
- v2 backtrackable, state matching JVM - 2000
- v3 extension infrastructure (listeners, MJI) -
2004 - v4 symbolic execution, choice generators - 4Q
2005 - open sourced since 04/2005 under NOSA 1.3
license - its a first no NASA system development hosted
on public site before - 11100 downloads since publication 04/2005
20Implementation via Instrumentation
decision procedure
continue/ backtrack
program instrumentation
instrumented program
model checking
original program
correctness specification
counterexample(s)/test suite heapconstraintthre
ad scheduling
21Handling Aliasing (illustration)
consider executingnext t.next
22Symbolic Execution in Testing
- Symbolic execution gives constraints on the
inputs to reach a specific - Statement
- Branch
- Condition
- Etc.
- Using an instrumented program that will save the
test inputs whenever the testing criterion is
reached will allow automatic test generation
23Red-Black Trees
Self-balancing Binary Search Trees Java TreeMap
(1) The root is BLACK
(3) All paths from a node to its leaves contain
the same number of black nodes.
(2) Red nodes can only have black children
(4) Acyclic (5) Consistent Parents
24repOk() Fragment
boolean repOk(Entry e) // root has no parent,
root is black, // RedHasOnlyBlackChildren
workList new LinkedList() workList.add(e)
while (!workList.isEmpty()) Entry
current(Entry)workList.removeFirst() Entry
cl current.left Entry cr current.right
if (current.color RED) if(cl !
null cl.color RED) return false
if(cr ! null cr.color RED) return false
if (cl ! null) workList.add(cl) if
(cr ! null) workList.add(cr) // equal
number of black nodes on left and right
sub-tree return true
25Black-box Test GenerationRed-Black Trees
- Symbolic execution of repOk()
- Generate new structures only when repOk() returns
true - Limit the size of the structures generated
- Only correct structures will be generated
- repOk() returns true after all nodes in the tree
have been visited, hence they must all be
concrete - symbolic (partial) structures can fail repOk()
26Symbolic Execution of repOk() Example
public static boolean repOk() if (root
null) return true if (root.color
RED) return false
27ISSTA 2004
- Test Input Generation with Java PathFinderW.
Visser, C. Pasareanu, S. Khurshid - Paper also shows how to do white-box test
generation to obtain branch coverage using
symbolic execution - Whenever a branch is reached in the code the
input structure required to reach that code is
saved as a test input
28ISSTA 2006
- Generate test inputs for Java container classes
using sequences of API calls - Random, Model Checking, Symbolic Execution, etc.
- Objective was to generate test cases to cover
basic blocks and predicates
29Statement coverage is harder than you think
- One of the basic blocks in the Binomial Heap
implementation required a minimum sequence of 13
API calls to be covered
private void merge(BinomialHeapNode binHeap)
BinomialHeapNode temp1 Nodes, temp2 binHeap
while ((temp1 ! null) (temp2 ! null))
if (temp1.degree temp2.degree)
BinomialHeapNode tmp temp2 temp2
temp2.sibling tmp.sibling
temp1.sibling temp1.sibling tmp
temp1 tmp.sibling else
if (temp1.degree ((temp1.sibling null)
(temp1.sibling.degree temp2.degree)) //
X4(1) X8(1) X10(2) X8(1) X10(2) X11(2) X11(2) 0 X10(2) 0 X8(1) X9(1) X9(1) 0 X8(1) 0 X4(1) X2(1) X6(2) X4(1) X6(2) X7(2) 0 X6(2) 0 X4(1) X5(1) 0 X4(1) 0 X2(1) X2(1) 0 X2(1) 0
X0(1) 0 X0(1)
0 insert(X0)insert(X1)insert(X2)insert(X3)inse
rt(X4) insert(X5)insert(X6)insert(X7)insert(X8
)insert(X9) insert(X10)insert(X11)extractMin()
30Orion Onboard Abort Executive
- During ascent the OAE decides if an abort should
occur - It encodes 27 flight rules for when an abort
should occur, and if one gets triggered - It decided which of 7 aborts it should pick
- We applied JPFs symbolic execution to a
prototype - Within 1 min it finds 23 tests that cover all the
flight rules and all 7 of the aborts - In addition it found a case in which an abort
should have occurred but none was selectedSee
constraint below to get to this scenario!
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.geod_alt(300000) 300000
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.geod_alt(300000) 120000
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.geod_alt(300000) 38000
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.geod_alt(300000) 10000
-1 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.cev_cm_cabin_pres_rate(-1
) -2 inputs_fr.navIN_fr.las_jettison_cmd(-10
00000) ! 1 inputs_fr.navIN_fr.roll_rate(40)
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.las_jettison_cmd(-1000000) !
0 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_apu_volt(22)
inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_apu_volt(22) 22
332883 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_thrust(221922)
221922 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_helium_tnk
ium_tnk_pres(560) 560 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.sta
tage2_lh2_tnk_pres(26) 26
17 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_hpft_speed(28288)
8288) 28288 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_lpft_s
lpft_speed(12948) 12948 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.s
22496 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_lpot_speed(4120
4120) 4120 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_efi_pre
res(4800) 4800 ((inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage1_t
vc_actual(0) MINUS inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage1_tvc_c
ommanded(0)) MULT 10)
1_tvc_commanded(0) MULT 3) inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.s
inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage1_chmbr_pres(640) 640
515 theQueue.q7.spred.outputs_p.vgo_Mag(115)
115 theQueue.q0.spred.outputs_p.vmissmag_e
.vmissmag_eo_now(410) 410
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.yaw_rate(31) 31
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.yaw(100) 100
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.roll_rate(40) 40
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.roll(100) 100
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.pitch_rate(70) 70
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.pitch(45) 45
inputs_fr.navIN_fr.vmissmag(5) 5
22000 inputs_fr.navIN_fr.geod_alt(300000)
310000 inputs_fr.navIN_fr.geod_alt(300000)
0 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_thrust(221922)
342883 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_thrust(221922)
211922 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_lpot_speed
peed(4120) 3620 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_lp
ge2_lpft_speed(12948) 11948
12 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_lh2_tnk_pres(26)
) 21 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_hpot_speed(22
eed(22496) 20496 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_h
age2_hpft_speed(28288) 26288
1040 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_helium_tnk_pres(
560) 360 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_efi_pres(
s(4800) 4300 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage2_apu_v
t(22) 7 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage1_tvc_comman
anded(0) 0 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage1_tvc_act
al(0) 0 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.stage1_chmbr_pres
res(640) 440 inputs_fr.sysIN_fr.cev_cm_cabin
abin_pres_rate(-1) -3
31Did someone say Loops?
- How do we terminate our symbolic analysis?
- We use the following termination conditions
- Limit the depth that the model checker searches
to - Limit the number of calls made from the
environment - Limit the size of structures required
- Model checkers work from one core idea, called
state matching - Whenever you see a state you have visited before,
you stop traversing that path - However, doing state matching over symbolic
states that include a path condition is very hard - We implemented a subsumption check for symbolic
states over container structures - Test Input Generation for Java Containers using
State MatchingW. Visser, C. Pasareanu, R.
Pelanek, ISSTA 2006 - We also developed a heuristic for widening to
compute loop invariants - Verification of Java Programs Using Symbolic
Execution and Invariant GenerationC. Pasareanu
and W. Visser, SPIN 2004
32Decision Procedure Support
Generic Decision Procedure Interface
Omega Maryland
CVCLite Stanford
Yices SRI
STP Stanford
33A New Idea
- Path-sensitive Static Analysis tools for finding
runtime errors are now very popular - Coverity, KlocWork, etc.
- This new generation of tools can miss bugs
- Path sensitive analyses tend to have this issue
- But it is much better at false positive warnings
than the old abstract interpretation style defect
detectors - That will never miss a bug, but it floods you
with warnings that the user must classify as bugs
or not - However, wouldnt it be nice to have actual test
inputs to tell you if something is a bug or not. - We combined symbolic execution and test input
generation to do this - Joint work with Aaron Tomb from UCSC
34Codename Jitterbug
Java classes
- Starts symbolic analysis at each method in the
class file(s) - Symbolic execution detects a possible error
passes it and the symbolic state to the test
generator - From the current state and the path condition
generate a test to try and cover the error - Execute the test and check if the expected error
is triggered
Symbolic Execution SOOT CVCL
Test Generation POOC
Test Cases
Test Cases
35Symbolic Execution Benefit
public class Example public String hexAbs(int
x) String result null if(x 0)
result Integer.toHexString(x) else
if(x return result.toUpperCase()
Dataflow Analysis Warning possible null
dereference on line 8
Symbolic Execution Error null dereference on
line 8 if x 0
36Small Example
public class ArrayBound public void f(int n,
int m) int array new intm
for(int i 0 i 0
WARNING possible array upper bound violation
(f5) Symbolic state at time of warning
Instruction arrayi 0 Line number 5
Depth instruction 6, branch 1, pc 4
Path condition U1 0, 0 0 len(A0), len(A0)
0 Parameter values U0, U1 This
object o0 Local vars i0, mU1, nU0,
thiso0, arrayA0 Solution (1) this o0,
param0 1, param1 0
Running 5 test(s)... 2) Solution (1) Testing
ArrayBound.f REAL? Caught expected exception
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 0
Occurred at ArrayBound.f5
37Variably Interprocedural
- Experience with runtime error detection tools
suggest that a very large percentage of errors
are intraprocedural - However, for object-oriented programs it is
common to access instance fields through accessor
methods - We made the level of interprocedural analysis an
input to the tool
public void foo(int m) m answer(m) m
m/(1-m) private int answer(int v) return
v 42 ? 1 0
38Deals with Objects and Fields
public class Node public int value
public Node next public Node swap()
if (next ! null) if (value next.value)
Node t next next t.next t.next
this return t return this
WARNING possible null dereference
(swap8) Symbolic state at time of warning
Instruction i1 r0.
Line number 8 Depth instruction 3, branch
0, pc 1 Path condition U1 null
Parameter values This object o0
Local vars thiso0, i0U0, r0U1 Initial
field values o0.valueU0, o0.nextU1
Current field values o0.valueU0,
o0.nextU1 Solution (0) this.value
-1000000 this.next null this o0
39Deals with Objects and Fields (2)
public class Node public int value
public Node next public Node swap()
if (next ! null) if (value next.value)
Node t next next t.next t.next
this int x 10/(5-value) return t
return this
WARNING possible division by zero
(swap12) Symbolic state at time of warning
Instruction x 10 / i1 Line number 12
Depth instruction 13, branch 2, pc 3
Path condition U0 / null, U1 U2, 5 - U1
0 Parameter values This object o0
Local vars i15 - U1, r0U0, thiso0,
i0U1, i2U1, r1U3,
tU0 Initial field values o1.valueU2,
o0.nextU0, o0.valueU1,
o1.nextU3 Current field values
o1.valueU2, o0.nextU3, o0.valueU1,
Unknown value mappings U0o1 Solution
(1) this.next.next U3 this.next.value
-1000000 this.value 5 this.next o1 this o0
40Doesnt do Full Aliasing yet
void foo(Node n1, Node n2) if (n1 ! null
n2 ! null) n1.x 2 n2.x 3
assert n1.x 2 n2.x 3
- Cannot find the bug here, since it will not
consider the case wheren1 n2 - To handle this we need special paths that
consider possible aliasingas we did in the JPF
case - This will impact the performance
- We need to study the trade-offs
41Efficient Array Bounds Checking
- Here everything is concrete in the symbolic
execution, hence it cannot find the violation in
the code - We add an acceleration heuristic to find the bug
here - For conditions such as i assignment to set i n-1 to accelerate the
loop to its boundary condition - Side-effect is to make i symbolic
WARNING possible array upper bound violation
(k6) Symbolic state at time of warning
Instruction l2l3 0 Line number 6
Depth instruction 4, branch 1, pc 4
Boundary hack true branch (false), false branch
(true) Path condition 0
len(A0), len(A0) 0 Parameter values
U0 This object o0 Local vars l3U0 -
1, l0o0, l2A0, l1U0 Solution (0) this
o0 param0 101
public void k(int n) int array new
int100 for (int i 0 i
arrayi 0
42Termination Revisited
- This is the 1 issue in path sensitive analyses
- Set the termination criteria too weak then you
miss bugs - Set it too precise then the analysis runs too
long - At first we counted the number of times an
instruction got executed across all paths - This criteria was too weak and it missed many
bugs - We currently use size of the path condition
- This works well, but it can lead to many warnings
for the same error - We plan to use abstraction based termination
conditions, such as predicate abstractions, as
proposed in - Concrete Model Checking with Abstract Matching
and RefinementCorina Pasareanu, Radek Pelanek
and Willem Visser - The exact trade-offs for the termination
conditions must still be studied
43Current State
- Absolutely zero effort has gone into making the
tool fast - Finds all the same errors as ChecknCrash and a
few more - Christoph Csallner (Georgia Tech, and Google
Summer intern this past year) - Ran it on some large NASA source bases
- Found numerous errors
- Quick study showed some are real
- Note not all errors reported are reachable
- Not considering pre-conditions that are not
explicit in the code - Not all warnings will have tests to show the
error - Path conditions only constrain explicit inputs
and the values of other variables might be
important too, e.g. in the code below there is a
bug only if the number of files in the directory
is greater than 10 but the test case has no
control over the number of files - In general we use a random test generator to try
and create valid data if we have no constraints
on some variable
File dataDir new File(dataDirName) File
conflicts dataDir.listFiles() TesterThread
threadList new TesterThread10 for(int
fis new FileInputStream(conflictsi)
44Future Work
Call Depth
- Turn the dials to find the sweet spot between
accuracy and speed - Address the uncontrolled environment problem
- Improve efficiency
- Integrate with Eclipse and JUnit
- Compare with commercial tools
- Both KlocWork and Coverity supports Java now
- Symbolic Execution is a powerful technique for
doing advanced testing - Showed two different tools supporting symbolic
exeution - Java PathFinder
- Whole program analysis
- Every error discovered is a real error
- Stops when it runs into a constraint none of its
decision procedures can deal with - Codename JitterBug
- Variably interprocedural
- Not every warning is a real bug, not even every
failed test indicates a real bug - Can find errors even when the decision procedure
fails because it assumes feasibility - Main research goal is to combine symbolic
execution with concurrency analysis - Concurrency errors are hard to catch
- Model checkers are about as good as it gets in
this domain - Model checking by itself cannot deal with all
types of programs - Static analysis based techniques will be required