Title: What is 4H
1What is 4-H?
- Programmatic outreach of the Land Grant
University through CES to our youngest citizens
in their communities. - The Land Grant Idea taken to youth.
2Program Leadership in 4-H Content/Context
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
3Content/Context in 4-H
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
School Enrichment
High Content High Content
High Context Low Context
High Context Low Content
Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H
Headquarters, CSREES, USDA
4Content/Context and Life Skills
Life Skills
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
School Enrichment
High Content High Content
High Context Low Context
High Context Low Content
Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H
Headquarters, CSREES, USDA
5If you were to design a youth development program
intended to assist young people to become
healthy, problem-solving constructive adults
what would it look like?
6What would it look like?
- It would offer opportunities for youth to
experience belonging - It would offer opportunities for youth to
experience a hands-on laboratory which connects
them to research-based knowledge -
- It would offer opportunities for young people to
choose - It would offer opportunities to experience what
it means to be a citizen
7It would look a lot like 4-H.