Syndication and Productive Chain Management
- Linda M. Jones
- October 24, 2003
2Goals of Agricultural Productive Chain Management
- Manage entire value chain from farm to market
- Ensure appropriate products reach effective
markets - Monitor process to mitigate risks
3Common Risks along the Productive Chain
- Inappropriate inputs
- Crop failure
- Buyers not
- available
- Price fluctuations
- Lack of credit to farmers
- Farmers default on loans
4Mitigating Risks in Agricultural Productive Chains
- Management from production to final markets
- Appropriate crop selection
- Inputs suitable for crop and market
- Crop monitoring throughout
- Advance identification of buyer
- Guaranteed prices
- Financing to farmers
5Typical Syndicated Loans
- Lending institutions collaborate to finance
borrowers - Enlarge volume of financing
- Reduce administrative overheads
- Diversification of funding risk to borrower
- Diversification of risks of loan portfolio
- Often huge loans in 10s - 100s million
6Downmarket Syndicated Credit
- Syndication of microcredit loans to high-risk
poor farmers - Share risk among stakeholders in productive chain
7Combining Productive Chain Management /
Syndicated Credit
- Key stakeholders in chain contribute to financial
risk - Lending institution
- Input suppliers
- Millers
- Buyers
- Farmers
8Secured Productive Chains
- Managed by lead agency
- Each agent is able to finance and take risks
(finance seeds, machine hours, processing, etc)
but the loan will be managed only by the lead - The lead will recover the loan, and pay each
agent - All sources will be managed together as a trust
9Monitoring Key to Success
- Technological package designed
- Monitoring schedule agreed upon
- Monitoring agency contracted
- Risks mitigated as crop develops
- Real time information available
10Peru Pilot of Secured Productive Chains in
Bagua Rice Growing Area
11Who Pays for Monitoring?
- Farmer
- Each stakeholder contributes a pro rated share
- Loan guarantor / Donor
12Agromonitor Monitoring System
- A tool to monitor and develop controls for
agricultual productive chains - Real time information available to different
agents - Utilizes state-of-the-art technologies digital
cameras, palm pilots, database apps, web access
13Sample Views TA Visit
14Benefits to the Target Beneficiaries Poor Farmers
- Higher risk farmers can access loans
- Loans are offered at lower interest rates (from
3.5 to 2.7 in Bagua pilot) - Risks are reduced through timely TA and
appropriate inputs - Yields and quality have potential to be improved
higher profits - Guaranteed buyer may be identified
- Group buying and equipment rental
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