Title: Development in the Planetary phase of Sustainability
1- Development in the Planetary phase of
Sustainability - Adaptation and Sustainable Development
- Earth System Science and Society
- IGBP 20 year celebration
- 18th Sept 2007
- Johan Rockström
- Stockholm Environment Institute
- Stockholm Resilience Centre
2A biosphere shaped by humanity
3The Planetary Response
The Planetary Response to global change drivers
(Steffen et al., 2004)
From Steffen et al. 2004
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620 yr after Bruntland, 20 yr of IGBPA need for
redefinition of Sustainable Development
- Think Globally, act Locally, not enough, now we
need to think and act globally - Sectoral, incremental approaches inadequate
- Static view of the environment leads to wrong
policies and development - Society and Nature are
- Interdependent social-ecological systems
- Adaptive complex systems
- Temporal and spatial Feedbacks, Surprise and
Uncertainty, periods of gradual and abrupt change
are part of normality - Values, world views, Paradigms, Culture,
Equity, fundamental elements of sustainable
development - Growing evidence of human impacts on planetary
processes - Growing evidence of risk for major threshold
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8The Development Challenge
- 800 million malnourished
- 1.1 billion poor
- 70 poor live in rural areas and depend on
land/water based ecosystem services - Agriculture a key to poverty alleviation and
socio-economic development - Global change and local environmental degradation
eroding capacity to achieve the MDGs - Social and Ecological vulnerabilities on the
increase - Frequency of environmental shocks on the increase
- Disasters hit vulnerable communities hardest
- Innovations in management and governance give
9- The institutional capacities to manage the
earths ecosystems are evolving more slowly than
mans overuse of the same systems (UN MEA, 2005)
10Ecosystem ServicesThe wealth ecosystems generate
for us humans
11Human Pollinators
Apple plantations in Southern Chine
12The disaster nexus
Social and Ecological Vulnerability on the
Global Change drives new and stronger Hazards
Governance remains static and reactive
13Shocks and Resilience
14Number of natural disasters registered in the
EM-DAT Database 1900-2003
Source EM-DAT The OFDA/CRED International
Disaster Database. http//www.em-dat.net, UCL -
Brussels, Belgium
15Relationship between rainfall and cereal
production in Burkina Faso
16Global Water Hot-spots
Geographic patterns of climate change impacts on
water resources are consistent between
GCMs Arnell 2004
17Adaptation to Climate ChangeAn urgent
development challenge
18Risk social collapse
- Margaret Beckett secretary of state/UK risk
of 200 million climate refugees
19Global Environmental Change and Human Development
Climate Change
Growing Vulnerability
Degradation of ecosystem services
20The evolution of GEC and Development strands of
Processes of social development - Poverty
Alleviation Environment AND Development
Human Dimensions Impacts of GEC and Impacts of
Globalisation on the Environment
21Positive feedbacks, Regime Shifts and Tipping
Food Crisis
Ecosystem Crisis
Poverty Crisis
Lifestyle crisis
Governance Mismatch
The Development Dilemma
22Branch Points
Global Environmental Change and Development at
a branch point?
Branch Points
Periods of Gradual change and abrupt
change Incremental change and social
23Concluding remarksA new complex environment for
- Not only
- Humanity entered the Anthropocene
- Societies complex and inter-dependent
social-ecological systems - Ecosystem service key to socio-economic
development - Alsogrowing realisation that
- Global environmental change starting to undermine
poor peoples chance of development - Socio-ecological systems evolve along
un-predictible, non-linear paths characterised by
surprise, and often abrupt change, crossing of
tipping-points - Cross-scale interactions and positive feedbacks
24Concluding remarksRace between Development and
Ecological collapse
- We dont know how to live without growth
- It is our only sure recipe for overcoming the
grotesque global inequality - No country, howsoever rich, knows how to survive
without it - We will face major ecological collapse if growth
continues on its existing pattern, because it
leads to climate change and ecological destruction
25Concluding remarksImplications for the global
- Protect the development process that after a
long time is showing real signs of narrowing
inequality. Two key indicators are the
bookends - Protect the growth rate of China
- Support a growth transition in Africa
- De-couple this growth from climate and ecological
impact - Wean rich countries from growth-addiction
26Concluding remarksActions needed
- We may be reaching a branch point in terms of
addressing global change and development - Urgent need for integration between global change
and development research - Necessary to bridge science on global
environmental change with development efforts
(the GEC-MDG challenge) - Time is ripe for such integration
27Thank You!
28Accelerated Change
Historical transitions are speeding up.
Modern Era
Early Civilization
Stone Age
105 104 103 102
Years Before Present
29Dominating paradigms
Planetary Phase