Title: Expectations
1- Expectations
- Expectations
- Expectations
- Expectations
- of the Millennial Student
- Dave Reed
- Department of Horticultural Sciences
- Texas AM University
- Setting Expectations for Freshman
- 2004 Freshman Convocation
- Become the Best You Can Be
- Courses and Grades
- Experience
- People Skills and Networking
- Teamsmanship and Leadership Potential
4Student Leaders of TomorrowSpring 2005
- What are yourExpectations of College?What
should College give youthat will allow you to
become the - Best You Can Be?
5Student Leaders of Tomorrow
- List 4 of your Expectations of College
- To develop your list, think about the following
- What do I hope to get out of college?
- What skill, characteristic or attribute do I need
to start a career? - What will make me employable?
- 1) __________________________________________
- 2)___________________________________________
- 3)___________________________________________
- 4) ___________________________________________
6Student Leaders of Tomorrow
- The Millennials Expectations of College
Reeds Baby Boomer Expectations
- I have come to realize that these are My
Expectations, - which reflect the Expectations of the
- Fading Baby Boomers
- Current Generation X.
- Therefore, I am imposing the Expectations of My
Generation on that of - the current Millennial Generation
- We must ask the question
- What are the Expectations of the
- Millennial Generation?
- And, where they clash
- We must resolve the conflict!
- What is the Millennial Generation?
- They are the kids, primarily of Generation X,
born since 1980, and who currently are infusing
colleges. - Millennials
- Generation Y
- Echo Boomers
- Generation Dot Com
10Generations Change
- Baby Boomers (40s-50s)
- Generation X (60-70s)
- Millennials
- Millennials
- Millennials
- Millennials (80s)
- Lets Characterize the Millennials
- primarily from
- Neil Howe William Strauss, Millennials Rising
The Next Generation
- A Little Bit About the Environment and Times
- in Which Millennials Grew Up
- most watched over generation in history
- most protected generation in history
- came along at a time when adults started
re-valuing kids - came along at a time when parents made time to
spend with their kids - have been exposed to advanced technology in
every aspect of their life - have been exposed to an internet world with no
13Millennials Experiences and Characteristics?
Lets outline what they have experienced in life
and the characteristics these experiences have
imparted in them.
14Millennials Experiences and Characteristics?
- Heavily programmed activities by parents,
guardians, teachers, coaches, organizations,
etc. - Like working on projects and activities in
teams. - Like team based rewards/grades/recognition.
- Dont like to keep score . (no winners or
MVP, rather the reward is in the
participation and experience gained)
15Millennials Experiences and Characteristics?
- Like immediate recognition (star on helmet or
at-a-boy for good play versus end of season,
activity or class reward) - Consider their parent or guardian your friend.
- Believe their parent or guardian values you
and enjoys spending time with you. - Like to please their parent, guardian, coach,
teacher, etc.
16Millennials Experiences and Characteristics?
- Their parents like to play with them, and they
like to play with their parents. - Easily bored if nothing to do
- Not worried about what their life will be like 20
years from now. - Respectful of authority figures (parents,
guardians, teachers, policemen, fire fighters,
the President, etc.)
17Millennials Experiences and Characteristics Surve
yed responses from 2005 SLOT Program 80 High
School Students
18Millennials Expectations
Lets determine how these experiences have molded
their expectations.
19Millennials Millennials Expectations?
- Expect instant gratification and satisfaction.
(When I do it and want to feel good about it
right now) - Expect immediate feedback. (I want to know my
score, grade, reward, right now.) - Expect to be rewarded for participation, not
individual accomplishment. (I want rewards
based on the teams accomplishment.) - Expect a reward for everything they do. (I
expect a star or trophy for my contributions.)
21Millennials Millennials Expectations?
- Expect to rise to the top quickly. (I expect
to make a good salary and be the boss while
I am still young and can enjoy it.) - Expect to work with teams, friends and positive
people, and have fun. (I want to like and be
liked by my co-workers.) - Expect to be respected by teachers, boss and
peers. - Do not expect job to control their life and
other activities.
22Millennials Millennials Expectations?
- Expect to be challenged and learn new skills.
- Expect technology to increase and am very
comfortable with it. - Optimistic expectations about the future.
- Expect to volunteer and be civic minded.
23Millennials Expectations Surveyed responses from
2005 SLOT Program 80 High School Students
24Clash of Expectations
- Due to different expectations,
- there is a Clash of Expectations
- between the
- Baby Boomers Generation X
- and the
- Millennials
25Clash of Expectations
- Examples of the Generation Clash
- Millennials Expect
- expect a grade based on how hard they worked,
hence - expect grade inflation
- expect teamwork organized activities, and
do not consider helping each other as wrong,
hence - do not understand the Our Generations
definition of scholastic dishonesty
- Lets not end on negatives
- about the Millennials
27Millennials - Positives
- Positives about these Millennials
- violent crime is down
- tobacco and alcohol use are down
- teen pregnancy is down
- aptitude test scores are up
- optimism about the future is up
- trust of mom dad, authority and government are
up - they are the best well educated, technologically
advanced, and technologically comfortable
generation in the history of the universe (as we
know it)! - Some feel they may become the
- Next Great Generation
28My New Expectations
- It is our job to help you achieve this potential!
- We must learn how to teach them without
sacrificing - our academic standards!
29Their Realistic Expectations
- They must realizeMy Generation will assign
their grades.My Generation will hire them.My
Generation will promote them. - They must learn how to live and function inMy
Generations System - untilThey Become the Established Generation
and start setting the Rules