Title: The Resting Polarized Membrane
1The Resting (Polarized) Membrane
- Potassium Pumps pull K ions into the cell
- Sodium Pumps push Na ions out of the cell
- Potassium diffuses out through potassium
channels - more rapidly than
- Sodium diffuses in through sodium channels
- i.e. membrane is more permeable to K than to
Na - More positive ions outside the cell than inside
means - outside is positive relative to inside
- this results in a
- Resting potential of -70 mV (milliVolts)
Sodium (Na) channels open while Potassium (K)
channels close Membrane becomes more permeable to
Na than to K
Sodium ions enter the neuron by diffusion and
charge attraction
Charge reversal occurs inside of cell is now
positive relative to outside Charge is now 40 mV
Sodium (Na) channels close while Potassium (K)
channels open Membrane is once again more
permeable to K than to Na
Potassium again diffuses out through potassium
channels more rapidly than Sodium diffuses in
through sodium channels Potassium Pumps pull K
ions into the cell Sodium Pumps push Na ions
out of the cell Membrane potential returns to
resting level of -70 mV
4Nerve Conduction
- Stimulus happens at dendrites and starts action
potential process - Axons that transport the electrical signals can
be very long or very small - Many, many of these going on at once, happens to
the same neuron very quickly after refractory
5Nerve Conduction - Intensity
- Considering all or none response, how do we
perceive intensity??? - 1) Frequency of nerve impulse
- Higher frequency brain interprets as a more
intense stimulus - 2) Summation
- Intense stimulus from our receptors can cause
more than one neuron to reach threshold level and
create action potential
6Synapse - Basics
- A Synapse is the region between neurons (synaptic
cleft) - Very small space but is still there
7Synapse - Basics
- Not for all neurons, some are connected
- Single neuron may branch many times
- Neuron ---------
- May be a synapse between many neurons at the end
of one (rarely only between 2 neurons)
8Synapse - Process
- Small vesicles containing transmitter chemicals
are in endplates of axons - Impulse moves along the axon and chemicals are
released by the endplates - Chemicals diffuse across the synapse and starts
depolarization on that neuron and continues
(post-synaptic neuron)
9Synapse - Process
- When there is a synapse, the electrical
transmission of energy is slowed - The greater the number of synapse between the
stimulus and the brain, the longer it takes to
get there - Reflexs have very few synapses
10Transmitter Chemicals
- Acetylcholine
- typical transmitter chemical found in end plates
- makes the postsynaptic membranes more permeable
to Na - Cholinesterase
- enzyme released from end plate of neurons shortly
after acetylcholine - breaks down acetylcholine, neuron can recover
11Transmitter Chemicals
- Acetylcholine can be an excitatory or a
inhibitory transmitter chemical - Excitatory ones allow impulse to travel
- Inhibitory ones prevent post-synaptic neurons
from becoming active (important process)
12Transmitter Chemicals
- The interaction of excitatory and inhibitory
chemicals is what allows you to throw a ball - Triceps receives excitatory and contracts
- Biceps receives inhibitory and relaxes
13Transmitter Chemicals Disorders
- Inhibitory impulses in your CNS (brain)
- Sensory concentrated on teacher
- Not temperature or clothes, etc.
- Disorders related to transmitter chemicals
- Parkinsons disease
- Involuntary muscle contraction
- Alzheimers disease
- Deterioration of memory and processing
- Decreased production of acetylcholine