Title: Catholicity in Pictures part II
1Catholicity in Pictures part II
Mr. Pablo Cuadra Religion Class
2Ceremony of Anointing of the sick
3Ceremony of the washing of the feet, Holy Thursday
4Veneration of the Cross --- Good Friday
5Blessing of the Fire Easter Vigil Holy Saturday
6The singing of the Exultet
7Bishops staff or crozier
8Basilica A very important Church
9Cardinals take an oath to defend the faith with
their own lives
Any baptize male Catholic can become a Cardinal
10Vow of Silence ------- Practice by the monastics
Into Great Silence is the title of a new
documentary on the vow of silence and the ascetic
life of the monastics.
11Zuchetto --Skull cap
Did you Know? Priests and Deacons Can wear a
black Zuchetto.
The Pope wears a white Zuchetto
12Eucharistic Minister
13A compendium of Catholic doctrine
14Vaticans Flag
The keys of Peter Matthew 1619
Yellow represents light
White represents salt of the earth
15Founder of the Franciscan order
16Holy Icon of the Theotokos
17Altar Server
18Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday
19Clerical Collar worn by bishops, priests,
deacons, seminarians
21Bishop Confirming
22Church of the Nativity Bethlehem, Palestine
23First Confession in preparation for First
24First Communion Class
25Stain Glass Windows --- Religious Architecture
and Art
26Confession and Absolution
27Eastern Catholic Candles
28Incensing a symbol of our prayers going up to
29Set of the Liturgy of the Hours
30Celtic Cross
31Byzantine Cross Used By Eastern Catholics
32Eastern- Catholic Bishop
33Eastern Catholic Architecture
34Patriarch and Pope John Paul II
35Prayer Rope Eastern Catholic Rosary
36St. Marys Cathedral the Cathedral is the
mother church of the archdiocese of Miami and
the Archbishops church.
37Aspergillum or Holy Water sprinkler
38Holy Water Font
It remind us of our baptism and baptismal call
39Sanctuary Lamp
- Soul of Christ, sanctify me Body of Christ,
save me Blood of Christ, inebriate me Water
from Christ's side, wash me Passion of Christ,
strengthen me O good Jesus, hear me Within Thy
wounds hide me Suffer me not to be separated
from Thee From the malicious enemy defend me In
the hour of my death call me And bid me come
unto Thee That I may praise Thee with Thy saints
and with Thy angels Forever and ever Amen - http//www.slideshare.net/pcuadra/slideshows