Title: REUNIO DIRIGENTESUNICOM 030205 de 9 s 11h
1Partnerships for Sustainable Development the Oslo
Conference on Good Governance and Social and
Environmental Responsibility
Parallel Session 2.1 Doing Business in
Developing Countries The Case of Brazil
Jorge Parente Frota Júnior Vice-president of the
National Confederation of Industry, Brazil
Oslo, 28-30 March 2007
2The Core Issue of the Panel
- Regulatory frameworks in developing countries are
fragile therefore, can the private initiative
cause environmental damages and create social
problems? - In countries such as Brazil, the regulatory
framework is as strict as in developed countries.
- Productive activities are required to comply with
international environmental and social management
standards, i.e., they are carried out under
strict pollution controls and social rights
provisions and they must ensure the sustainable
use of natural resources
3Our Vision
- Brazil has many examples which show that it is
possible to harmonize economic growth with
sustainable development - The same economic and social forces that lead to
sustainable development in developed countries
are active in our society
4Why companies seek sustainability?
- Brazilian corporations seek sustainability
- Competitive differential
- Cost reduction
- Enhanced efficiency and performance levels
- Compliance with laws, rules and regulations
5Why should the industry adopt environmental
management measures?
Source Sondagem Especial CNI, April 2006
6Social Actions Carried Out by Brazilian Companies
Source Pesquisa Ação Social das Empresas no
Brasil, IPEA, 2006
7The Role of Business Associations
- Influence on regulatory frameworks
- Focus on creating a pro-sustainable development
environment - Participation in governmental forums, such as in
the child labor eradication forum
- Direct Action CNI System - SESI
- Education 1million enrolments
- Health care 4.7 million medical appointments
- Recreation 1 million enrolments in sport-related
8Final Considerations
- Catching-up Brazil has some of the strictest
environmental and labor laws in the world - Enforcement economic laws, the consolidation of
an entrepreneurial environment, and the actual
capacity to enforce these laws cannot be
challenged - Best Practices space for cooperation
- Self-regulation focus on voluntary Social
Responsibility practices
9National Confederation of Industry Brazil www.cni.