Title: Proteins: Topics for Review
1Proteins Topics for Review
Use the lecture notes, and lab exercises as a
Week 1 Amino acids and their chemistry Structu
res, pKas Henderson-Hasselbach Properties
(absorbance, reactivity, etc.) Ramachandran
plot (phi, psi angles) Peptide bond and its
properties Interactions that stabilize protein
structure primary, secondary, tertiary,
quaternary Modular nature of proteins,
Domains Protein Motifs Highlighted in BT
2Week 2 Protein Structure and Purification Pro
tein crystallography, particularly
insightful characteristics into such
information Other methods NMR, CD spectra, ab
initio, etc. Protein synthesis, folding,
denaturation, and degradation Informational
content of amino acid sequences processing,
targeting, etc. Protein Purification
3Week 3 Protein assays Protein
purification Metals in Biology Optical
Spectroscopy (Ignore Mass Spec in LPB and
Western Blot for now) Gel Electrophoresis We
ek 4 Protein production Heterologous protein
expression Metalloenzymes Nucleophilic and
acid-base catalysis Purification table
4Week 5 6 Enzyme catalysis and
kinetics Classes of enzymes How enzymes
work Active sites, substrate binding Catalytic
mechanisms Enzyme Kinetics Regulation of
Enzyme activity Structure function chemical
modification, site-directed mutagenesis (Igno
re fluorescent labeling and FRET)