Title: Briefing: Interagency Working Group on Digital Data
1Briefing Interagency Working Group on Digital
- IWG Co-Chairs
- Cita Furlani, NIST
- Chuck Romine, OSTP
- Chris Greer, NSF
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Defense
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of the Interior
- Department of Labor
- Department of Justice
- Department of State
- Department of Transportation
- Department of the Treasury
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Central Intelligence Agency
Environmental Protection Agency Library of
Congress National Aeronautics and Space
Administration National Archives and Records
Administration National Science
Foundation The Smithsonian Institution US Army
Corps of Engineers Council on Environmental
Quality Domestic Policy Council Homeland
Security Council National Economic
Council National Security Council Office of
Management and Budget Office of Science and
Technology Policy
- The purpose of the IWG is to develop and promote
the implementation of a strategic plan for the
Federal government to cultivate an open
interoperable framework to ensure reliable
preservation and effective access to digital data
for research, development, and education in
science, technology, and engineering.
August Draft Charter
September Retreat
October Draft Vision Statement
November Framework Groups
December CoS reviews charter
2006 2007 2008
5Framework Groups
6Framework groups
- Policy This framework will describe a
comprehensive set of policies that can enable the
goals of the vision document. - Sectors This framework will describe the roles
and responsibilities of all of the sectors of
society whose participation will be required to
achieve the goals of the vision document. - Technical This framework will provide for
technical sustainability for data access and
preservation over the long term (i.e. decades and
beyond). - Infrastructure This framework will focus on the
management and operations infrastructure that is
dynamic, migrating forward with advances in
technology and with the changing needs and
expectations of the users.
August Draft Charter
September Retreat
October Draft Vision Statement
November Framework Groups
December CoS reviews charter
2006 2007 2008
Framework Groups
Implementation Groups
Draft Strategic Plan to CoS
Draft Implementation Plan to CoS