Title: AVID
- Advancement Via Individual Determination
2What is Avid? Avid is a fifth through
twelfth-grade system to prepare students in the
academic middle for four-year college
eligibility. These are largely low-income
students who are capable of completing a
college-prep curriculum but are falling short of
their potential. The core component is the avid
elective, which supports students as they tackle
the most rigorous classes. AVIDs
teaching strategies, curriculum, and
trainings are used not only in the AVID elective
class, but by subject-area teachers schoolwide.
3- The Mission is to ensure
- students in the middle
- Will succeed in a rigorous curriculum
- Will complete a rigorous college-prep path
- Will enter mainstream activities in school
- Will increase enrollment in 4 year colleges
- Will become educated and responsible participants
- Will become leaders in a democratic society
4Can we incorporate AVID in MSAD 45?
- We do not have an AP program
- It is very cost prohibitive
5- But.we can
- use many
- of the tools
- associated
- with AVID
6Contract for Success
- Students are responsible for maintaining a
notebook with assignment / grade record sheets
and daily notes in all classes - Students must complete all homework assignments
and commit to at least two hours of _______
homework and / or study every night. - Students must maintain enrollment in courses
required to meet classroom goals.
7Successful Classroom Interaction
- S Sit in the front
- L Lean forward
- A Ask questions
- N Nod your head
- T Talk to the teacher
8Follow-up for SLANT
- Pass out a successful Classroom Interaction Log
to students - Students will keep a log for one week, completing
it as they experiment with successful strategies. - At the end of the week, place students in small
groups to share logs.
9Nowcarry SLANT one step further
- Have students prepare posters in groups. These
posters can be illustrated and important words
can be highlighted. - Review the steps throughout the year. Logs can
be used periodically, and SLANT posters should be
placed around the room.
10One of the most important tools for academic
success is a neat, complete, organized notebook.
Almost all teachers look upon the students who
have success at keeping a neat and complete
notebook as the students who are the most
successful in their classes.
11Assignment Calendars
- Fill in calendars together as a class
- Ask students to take turns designing new
calendars, then duplicate for the class - Periodically review time-management tips for
better calendar planning. - Celebrate and reward the best completed calendars
in the class.
13Cornell Method of Note-taking
- Cornell template sheets should be a part of every
students notebook - Use these sheets for lecture notes in class
note-taking from reading assignment. - Templates given to students could be color-coded
green for science, yellow for Language Arts,
14Benefits of Note-taking
- We will be practicing Cornell note-taking today
- You will find that students will become more
active listeners and thinkers - They will have a vested interest in creating a
study guide for an upcoming test - The more the student sees the information and
works with it, the more they will retain the
15- AVID students are successful because they
- Are required to sign a contract which outlines
their commitments - Realize that practiced strategies will lead to
success in the classroom - Go beyond the normal homework load, adding 3-4
novels above the requirements in the English
classroom. - Know that failure to keep their commitment will
result in being dropped from the program