Title: Abstract
1Wind Loads on Single-Family Dwellings in Suburban
Terrain Comparing Field Data and Wind Tunnel
P.L. Datina, Z. Liua, D.O. Prevatta, K. Gurleyb,
F.J. Mastersc, and T.A. Reinholdd Departments of
Civil Engineering at Clemson Universitya,
University of Floridab and Florida International
Universityc and the Institute for Business and
Home Safetyd, Tampa, FL
Wind Tunnel Testing
House Instrumentation
- Components and cladding on residential structures
continue to be damaged in high winds despite
improvements to building codes. Modern wind
design codes that are helping to prevent
structural damage to buildings are not as
effective in preventing building envelope
failures. Since 1998, a unique collaborative
effort between Clemson University, the University
of Florida, and Florida International University
called the Florida Coastal Monitoring Program
(FCMP), has been collecting full-scale pressure
and wind speed data on residential buildings in
suburban areas. The objectives of the FCMP are - To increase our limited full-scale data available
on wind loadings of low-rise buildings none of
which was obtained from hurricanes until this
project. - To determine the validity of current design code
values that are based on open-country derived
pressures. - The issues highlighted above serve as the primary
motivation to study pressure variation on roofs
of suburban houses.
- Wind loads in modern building codes are based on
boundary layer wind tunnel model studies
conducted in flows that simulate the
characteristics of winds associated with the
passage of frontal systems. Questions are
continually raised concerning the validity of
these simulations for hurricane wind events. - The FCMP employs a unique system using pressure
sensors mounted on pre-selected houses that
collect wind pressure data on the roofs of
occupied residential structures along the Florida
and Carolina coastlines. There are 32 homes in
Florida participating in the FCMP and six more in
the Carolinas. Each house is has pressure
sensors installed on the building envelope (roof,
walls, soffit) arrayed in areas that experience
the highest wind suctions. - Until the success of the FCMP in 2004, wind load
data for residential structures subjected to
sustained hurricane level winds has been
- All wind tunnel studies were conducted in the
atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel at the
Wind Load Test Facility (WLTF) of Clemson
University. The upwind terrain used for this
study was modeled to simulate suburban terrain at
a 150 scale. Pressure taps are located where
the actual sensors on the house are located and
they are also concentrated in the worst loaded
critical zones near the eaves and ridge corners
of the roof.
Figure 3 Instrumented house for collecting
full-scale wind pressures. Clockwise from left
Instrumented house with pressure sensors and
computer box wiring under the eaves computer
box installed pressure sensors
FCMP Deployment Record
Figure 7 Wind tunnel arrangement for 150
suburban terrain
non-existent. Consequently, there was very
little basis for supporting or modifying existing
wind load estimates for buildings in hurricanes.
The FCMP collected data in all four landfalling
2004 hurricanes, including roof pressure data
sets on 16 houses. Six of these houses were
subjected to sustained hurricane level winds, a
first in experimental wind engineering.
- This wind tunnel pressure data is then analyzed
and converted to pressure coefficient (GCp)
values normalized to 3-second gust wind speed at
mean roof height. As a result, a direct
comparison between the full-scale results and
wind tunnel data can be made.
- The current ASCE 7 wind design procedure ASCE
7-02 effectively assumes that one set of
pressure coefficients for components and cladding
systems can be used regardless of the wind
exposure. For buildings located in a suburban
area that qualifies as exposure B for all wind
directions, the wind loads will be calculated
using the same set of pressure coefficients as
those used for exposure C locations, but the
design loads will be 20 45 lower because of
the lower design wind speeds in exposure B.
Recent field measurements of wind loads on a
house subjected to tropical storm winds in
suburban settings and subsequent boundary layer
wind tunnel model studies question the validity
of this approach. - Central to the FCMP effort is the collection of
full-scale high-fidelity data sets of the
turbulent wind behavior near ground at multiple
locations within a storms path. The three main
goals of the program are - To measure in-field hurricane wind velocities
using portable instrumentation that can be placed
in the path of the storm. - To measure the resultant pressures on residential
structures through instrumented houses and
evaluate the effectiveness of inexpensive
retrofit measures - To compare the full-scale pressure with the
results of wind tunnel tests.
Figure 8 150 scale model of FL-27
Figure 2 FCMP instrumented houses in FL
Full-Scale Data
- Wind speed data is available on the FCMP website
in near real-time at www.ce.ufl.edu/fcmp as the
storm comes ashore. This data includes 10Hz
sampling rate, 15-minute mean wind speed, and
3-second gust wind speed.
- A wind tunnel test was conducted on an FCMP house
(FL-27) located in the panhandle of Florida that
was hit by Tropical Storm Isidore. Current
testing is being done on this same house that was
hit by Hurricane Ivan (2004). The peak 3-second
gust wind speed measured in Tropical Storm
Isidore at FL-27 was about 40 mph at a wind
direction of 135. Pressure coefficients were
determined from both the full-scale results and
the wind tunnel analysis. - The results showed that there is positive
agreement between the average values of the RMS
pressure coefficients for the full-scale tests
and wind tunnel results, indicated in Figure 9 by
the linear regression analysis indicating a small
offset between the slope of the line y x and
the slope of the comparative study. This change
in slope is minimal, which suggests that the
fluctuations in pressures are faithfully
reproduced in the model study. There also
appeared to be a shift in the full-scale pressure
coefficients for all the pressure taps, which may
be due to errors in temperature measurement or
barometric pressures. - Establishing a reference pressure for the full
scale results was difficult, however once
adjustments were made by matching the maximum and
mean pressure coefficients (Cp) between
full-scale and the wind tunnel models, it was
found that the wind tunnel results consistently
underestimate the peak minimum Cp values as
compared to the full-scale values (Figure 10).
Figure 9 Linear regression analysis of
full-scale vs. model RMS Cp values
Tower Deployment
Figure 4 Typical wind speed summary available
on the FCMP website
Figure 5 FCMP Homepage at www.ce.ufl.edu/fcmp
When a storm approaches land, teams from CU, UF,
and FIU travel to meet the inbound hurricane with
specially designed portable equipment in tow on
trailers. Each of the six trailers unfolds into
a stiff 10 m (30 ft) tall tower designed to
withstand 200 mph gusts. These trailers are
placed in the hurricanes path
- The wind speed information, shown in Figure 6,
provided wind speeds from Hurricane Ivan
collected by different groups and is used by
other researchers and engineers to determine
failure loads during the storms, as well as to
better understand the degradation of wind speed
in a landfalling hurricane.
- In 2004, the Florida Coastal Monitoring Program
has provided, for the first time, high resolution
full-scale uplift pressure data on the roofs of
real, occupied residential structures
experiencing sustained hurricane force winds, a
first for wind engineering research. - The dataset now includes several houses that
experienced more than one storm, allowing future
comparisons of the effects of storm intensity and
other characteristics on measured Cp values. - The tower and house data provide the first direct
measure of the wind speed/load/damage chain, and
it has laid the groundwork for effective
- several hours before impact. Each tower is
outfitted with multiple sensors and a data
acquisition system that measure - Wind velocities at 5-meter elevation with 3-axis
gill anemometers - Wind velocities at 10-meter elevation with vane
and 3-axis gill anemometers - Average width of turbulent gusts
- Temperature
- Barometric pressure
- Rate of rainfall
- Relative humidity
Figure 10 FL-27 house results full-scale vs.
model scale (adjusted) pressure coefficients
Future Work
The authors would like to acknowledge the
generous support of the Department of Civil
Engineering at Clemson University, the Florida
Department of Community Affairs, FEMA, NOAA, the
SC and FL Sea Grant Consortia, and the Institute
for Business and Home Safety.
- Validation of full-scale results through
additional tests. - Wind tunnel and full-scale comparisons of Cp
values. - Develop turbulence intensity relationships to
Figure 1 FCMP portable 10-meter tower
The towers also have the ability to provide the
wind data in near real-time to a public access
website (www.ce.ufl.edu/fcmp).
Figure 6 Measured wind speeds during Hurricane
Ivan (2004) converted to 3-second gust at