Title: 8th Annual
18th Annual Braintree High School Athletic
Associations Thanksgiving 5K Road Race and Fun
Walk Thanksgiving Morning November 22, 2007 800
AM Start A Great Family Event
Trophies Awarded For 65 and over Top
Male/Female Open Top Male/Female 13 - 18 Top
Male/Female 12 and Under Top Male/Female
Official Registration Form Name
__________________________ Address
________________________ City ____________________
_______ State ______ Zip ________________ Phone
_________________________ Email
__________________________ Age _________ Sex
________ Signature _______________________ Parent
Signature _________________ (if under
18) Runner _______ Walker ________ In
consideration of acceptance of this entry, I
hereby for myself and my heirs and assigns,
waive any and all claims I may have against The
Town of Braintree, The Braintree High
School Athletic Association, all race organizers
and their representatives, sponsors, and
volunteers for any and all injuries suffered by
me in connection with this 5k Road Race. I
attest that I am physically fit and have
sufficiently trained for my event and
competition. Entry Fee 15.00
(non-refundable) 20.00 on race day Make check
payable to BHS Athletic Association Mail
registration form to BHS Athletic Association PO
Box 850781 Braintree, MA. 02185
Tee Shirts Guaranteed to the first 150
registered people Check In Time 700 AM BHS Gym
Foyer Start time 745 AM Walkers 800 AM Start
Race Location Braintree High School 128 Town
Street Braintree, MA. 02184 Directions to
BHS Take Rte. 37 off of Rte. 128. Take a
right at the end of the ramp. At the 5th light
(5 corners) bear right onto Granite St. The
school is .4 miles up on the left. Registration
is in the cafeteria.
Location Braintree High School Start/End at
BHS Parking available WWW.GoWamps.com For
additional applications