Title: New Strategic Framework
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2New Strategic Framework
- Launched new Strategic Framework 2005-15
- COPES aim to make every letter have value
- Celebrated 25 great years
- Two Objectives underlined
- Climate predictability
- Human effects on climate
- Goal is end-user value
WCRP celebrates 25 yrs
3Climate Forecast Human Health
- Malaria outbreaks risk serious
- Poor forecasts children die
- In future pole-ward migration
- Ensembles improve todays forecasts (Palmer et
al., ) - Achieving greater skill and
- Increased lead time 6 months
- Indigenous local population benefits are
delivered now
Palmer et al., Norbert Gerbier Mumm prize 06
4Human Impact of Heat-waves
- Health risk of heat-waves
- Costly e.g. Europe 03
- 30,000 deaths August 03
- losses US1.3 billion
- Risk increase with warming
- New ESSP greenhouse scenarios for IPCC AR5
- Hawaii coordination for AR4 SBSTA24 web-cast
UNFCCC research needs
5Climate Variability in Africa
- African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA)
- obs Jan Feb 06
Dakar conf100 of 255
- VACS (Variability of Climate Systems)
- atlas on line used
June 06 WCRP CLIPs
- Involving users local researchers
6Sea-level Rise Uncertainty
- Sea-level surges already
- Islands and estuaries especially vulnerable
- Big storm floods cause loss, social conflict,
- Ghouse projection
- risk increase - UN CSD May
- IOC wshop June
7WCRP Road-mapping in 2006
- Two objectives to determine (i) the
predictability of climate (ii) the effects of
human activities on climate
- Two tools modelling and observations
- Strategic Goals (by 2015) seamless prediction
of climate ES understanding
1. WCRPs current projects
3. Out toward ESS partners
2. Migrate in with THORPEX
8To Seamless-ness with THORPEX
- Tropical convection/ MJO for climate weather
- Trieste 3/06 white paper computer needs
- 1 year effort maybe 2008
- Exploit 3 improvements
- EOS-era of satellite obs
- Massive benefits leverage
- Monsoons- new WIS focus
9Towards Earth System Science with
Hosts CMA
Integrated Regional Focus for End-users
Open Science Conference Beijing, 9-12 Nov 2006
ESSP is a joint initiative of