Title: The Future of First Coast Transportation Is Now
1How Do We Keep The First Coast MOVING?
Developing A Needs Plan June
2Spring Workshops (March/April)
- Ranked goals
- Identified key transportation issues
- Will be used in evaluation criteria
3LRTP Update Process
Set Goals and Objectives
Forecast Future Conditions
Develop a Needs Plan
Determine Financial Resources
Summer 2004
Summer/Fall 2004
Develop a Cost Feasible Plan
Fall 2004
Determine Air Quality Conformity
December 2004
Adopt 2030 Plan
4Needs Plan Development Process
How will we grow? Whats already planned to
handle growth? Where are there still
problems? Which roads cant be widened? What are
the possible solutions?
Forecasted Future Conditions
Existing plus Committed Network
Level of Service Deficiencies
Constrained Corridors
Needs Plan Alternatives Highway Transit
5Future Conditions
Growth 2000-2030
First Coast MPO Region
6Future Conditions
Growth 2000-2030
First Coast MPO Region
- Dwelling Units
- 296,727
- 59
7Future Conditions
Growth 2000-2030
First Coast MPO Region
8Future Conditions
Growth 2000-2030
First Coast MPO Region
- School Enrollment
- 174,991
- 61
9Population Growth Clay County
- Highest - Branan Field-Chaffee/South Outer Loop
corridor - Doctors Inlet/Ridgewood up by 72,815
- Continued - Fleming Island, Green Cove
Springs, Middleburg - Orange Park - reached growth potential
10Household Growth Clay County
- Highest - Lake Asbury/Mid-Central Planning
District - Second highest Branan Field-Chaffee/South
Outer Loop corridor - Orange Park - reached growth potential
11Employment Growth Clay County
- Similar to population and households
- Additional growth expected in Southwest County
12School Enrollment Growth Clay County
- Highest - Lake Asbury/Mid-Central Planning
District - Second highest - Fleming Island and Branan
Field- Chaffee/South Outer Loop
13Population Growth Duval County
- North - most significant growth
- Highest net growth - Southeast (88,419)
- Coastal areas have already reached growth
14Household Growth Duval County
- Highest significant in North
- Southeast will add 43,772 households
- Coastal areas - reached growth potential
15Employment Growth Duval County
- Highest North at 126, 32,244
- Southeast continued growth at 58, 81,638
16School Enrollment Growth Duval County
- Growth in school enrollment is uniform at 43
throughout the County
17Population Growth St. Johns County
- Highest Switzerland/Orangedale (494) and
Palm Valley (444) -
- These two districts will add 66,205 people
- Minimal growth expected along coast
18Household Growth St. Johns County
- Highest - Ponte Vedra, Palm Valley, Fruit Cove,
and Switzerland/Orangedale - Minimal growth expected along coast
19Employment Growth St. Johns County
- Most of employment in County projected to more
than double by 2030 - South Ponte Vedra Beach only area not expected
to grow
20School Enrollment Growth St. Johns County
- Highest - Ponte Vedra, Switzerland, Orangedale,
and Palm Valley areas - South Ponte Vedra Beach is only area not
expected to grow
21 Future Conditions
2010 E C Network
Existing plus Committed Projects
- Add capacity, planned and funded to 2010
- 5-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
- Better Jacksonville Plan
- Local/developer-funded projects
- Coordinated with FCMPO, FDOT, and County
22 Future Conditions
2030 LOS Deficiencies
Traffic Congestion
- Based on growth projections
- Assumes EC projects completed
- Measured by Level of Service (LOS)
23 2030 LOS Deficiencies
Were seeing a lot of RED
24 Future Conditions
Constrained Corridors
Roadways or Segments
- Cant be widened due to physical, environmental
or political reasons -
- Other Options
- - Transit
- - Travel Demand Management (TDM)
- - Transportation Systems Management (TSM)
- - Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
25 Needs Plan Alternatives
Highway Emphasis
- Started with 2025 Needs Plan
- Added highway projects where 2030 LOS worsened
from 2025 - Included new projects in St. Augustine area
- Obtained most current highway transit
alignments under consideration by JTA, FDOT and
Counties - More highways and less transit than other
26 Needs Plan Alternatives
Transit Emphasis
- Largely based on 2025 Transit Emphasis
Alternative - Obtained most current rapid transit alignments
under consideration by JTA - More transit and fewer highways than other
alternative - Additional ITS projects as alternatives to
roadway widening
27 Needs Plan Alternatives
Your Task
- Review lists and maps provided
- Mark specific projects to be DELETED
- List and draw specific projects to be ADDED
- - Include limits FROM and TO
- - Describe WHAT
- examples widen to X lanes, add bus
service, etc.
28 For more info Wanda Forrest, LRTP Project
Manager First Coast MPO 904.306.7514
wforrest_at_fcmpo.com Websites www.firstcoast20
30.com www.firstcoastmpo.com