First National Communications GUYANA Delhi Oct. 26 2002 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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First National Communications GUYANA Delhi Oct. 26 2002


First National Communications GUYANA Delhi Oct. 26 2002 Guyana s Physical Characteristics. Low-lying state with a vulnerable coastal strip - 77 km wide in the east ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: First National Communications GUYANA Delhi Oct. 26 2002

First National CommunicationsGUYANADelhi Oct.
26 2002
Guyanas Physical Characteristics.
  • Low-lying state with a vulnerable coastal strip
  • - 77 km wide in the east and 26 km wide in
    the west.
  • - 90 of the population resides in the
    coastal strip, the main urban centres and
    commercial activities are to be found here.
  • There is a wide range of geographic types with
    coastal, hilly sandy, highland, savannah and
    forested regions 80 pristine.
  • There is no evidence of current tectonic activity
    in Guyana and indications are that the Guyana
    shield (and the coastal strip, in particular)
    will not be affected by convergence of the South
    and North American plates. But may suffer
    otherwise, subsidence etc.

  • There is a high level of rainfall variability in
    the country and the seasons and climate are
    determined mainly by this variability.
  • - First Dry Season (February to April)
  • - First Wet Season (April to July)
  • - Second Dry Season (July to November)
  • - Second Wet Season (November to January)
  • The country can be divided into climatic regions
    ranging from dry (annual rainfall less than 1788
    mm) to extremely wet (annual rainfall greater
    than 4100 mm).
  • The major weather system is the Inter-tropical
    Convergence Zone and the major climate system is
    the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). There
    have been 12 known ENSO episodes resulting in
    large-scale floods and droughts.

Green House Gas (GHG) Inventory
  • Guyana is a net sink of GHG, as the data
    collected indicates, removals (26,664 Gg)
    greatly exceed emissions (1446 Gg), that is, a
    removal balance of 25, 218 Gg in the base year
  • The sector with the highest emission factor was
    identified as the Energy sector.
  • CO2 is the major GHG being emitted, accounted for
  • 96.5 or 1446 Gg of the total emissions of CO2,
    CH4 and N2O in 1994.

Current Weather Impacts
  • Increased intensity of rainfall, now affects the
    harvest season.
  • Variable unpredictable rainfall
  • Increase in high tide levels regular
    overtopping of sea defences possible saline

Impacts and Vulnerability Assessment
  • AO-GCM of the Canadian Climate Centre CGCM 1
    show for a doubling of Co2
  • temperature rise by 1.2C in the period 2020 to
    2040 from present. Highest increases in excess
    of 1.5C, are expected in southern Guyana in the
    Second Dry Season (August to October).
  • Rainfall decrease by an average of 10 mm per
    month but the decrease in the First Wet Season
    and Second Dry Season (May to October) will be 12
    mm per month or higher.
  • Evaporation, however, appears to show
    insignificant increases (less than 3 mm per
    month). Consequent water deficit will be about 8
    mm per month on average with larger deficits in
    southern Guyana.

Impacts and Vulnerability Contd.
  • AO-GCM of the Canadian Climate Centre CGCM 1
    show for a tripling of Co2
  • A temperature rise of 4.2C on average. Southern
    Guyana may experience highest increases.
  • Rainfall can decrease by an average of 21 mm per
    month with higher decreases in the First Wet
    Season and Second Dry Season. Southern Guyana
    could be influenced by the highest decreases.
    Therefore, Southern Guyana may experience large
    water deficits in the First Wet Season and Second
    Dry Season while Northern Guyana is likely to be
    affected by deficits all year round with excesses
    of 22 mm per month.
  • Evaporation is likely to increase by about 3.3 mm
    per month, on average in northern Guyana in
    excess of 12 mm per month.

Impacts and Vulnerability Contd.
  • Water Resources
  • - The impact of climate change on water
    resources is forecast to be significant.
  • Decreasing rainfall and increasing evaporation
    can lead to lower water levels in the rivers.
  • Extreme rainstorm events can allow for flood
    conditions especially during cold phase ENSO
  • Demand for water is expected to increase with
    increasing temperatures and the relative value of
    water for alternative uses would likely change as
    priorities are determined on the basis of needs.

Impacts and Vulnerability Contd.
  • energy sector.
  • -Demands for interior space cooling and possibly
    decreased hydro-generating potential supply from
    some river basins can pose problems. Hydropower
    generation will be affected.
  • agriculture sector.
  • -analyses based only on changes in climate
    variables, show yield losses will affect sugar
    and rice. These losses may be triggered by
    increased water demands from crop transpiration
    and greater respiration losses as a consequence
    of higher temperatures. There may be changes
    also in yield quality due to a decreased diurnal
    temperature range resulting in, eg, decreased
    sucrose content.

Impacts and Vulnerability Contd.
  • Forestry sector
  • -Impacts of CO2 -induced climate change shall be
    similar to those in agriculture.
  • -Forest growth will have negative response in
    the dry season but may be exacerbated with any
    increases of CO2 for commercial timber eg.

Sea Level Rise
  • Tide gauge data in Guyana for the period 1951 to
    1979 indicate a mean relative sea level rise of
    10.2 mm yr-1 . This is about 5 times the global
    average and suggests a mechanism other than
    normal sea level rise may be operating on
    Guyanas coast.
  • Sea level rise can result in salt-water intrusion
    further up in the rivers. Ground water can also
    be vulnerable.
  • The global circulation models (GCMs) indicate
    average rises of 2 to 4 mm yr-1 in the first half
    of the twenty-first century and rises of 3 to 6
    mm yr-1 in the latter half. But models operating
    on Guyanas data show a likely rise of 40 cm by
    the end of the 21st century. If melt water
    contribution from land ice is included, then rise
    may be about 60 cm.

Mitigation Options.
  • Three sectors are important, substantial external
    support needed-
  • Energy sector, Agriculture sector and the Waste
  • technology transfer to make energy use more
    efficient, changing farm practices and to reduce
    emissions from waste management.
  • Renewable sources of power such as hydropower,
    solar and wind should be addressed.

Adaptation Options.
  • Prevention/Tolerating loss-
  • Protect by accommodating threats raising sea
    defences, new agri. Varieties etc.
  • Spreading or sharing loss-
  • Distribute the burden nationwide.
  • Changing use or activity-
  • New practice in land use.
  • Changing location-
  • Go to a friendlier location.
  • Restoration-
  • Provide resources to restore affected areas.

Difficulties encountered solutions.
  • Initial releases at time of commencement were
  • Human institutional capacity ie. loss of staff,
    equipment failure, solved through the contracting
    of suitable skills Hydromet. Staff.
  • Lack of emission data, solved through the use of
    default values.

Future plans.
  • To implement major recommendations of the
    National Communications-

National CommunicationsMajor recommendations.
  • Accelerate energy market reform.
  • Improve fuel efficiency in land, sea and air
  • Implement national efficiency codes and standards
    for buildings.
  • Foster local carbon sequestration programmes.
  • Develop a municipal programme for climate
    protection by good practices.
  • Improve education, public awareness and training
    in CC issues.
  • Extend the National Land Use Plan.
  • Develop appropriate emergency response

Major Recommendations Contd.
  • Introduce public awareness and education on CC.
  • Establish a Climate Change Unit
  • Seek financial resources and support to protect
    coastal infrastructure.
  • Inventorise coastal assets determine areas of
    greater threat to SLR.
  • Research plant species that will tolerate the
    adverse impacts of CC.
  • Boost the development of renewable energy
  • Calculate the baseline emission and local
    emission factor.
  • Seek funding to support the strengthening of the
    sector agencies contributions, through improved
    data collection, local emission values etc.
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