Title: Wafa Khorsheed
1Advanced Information Technology XML Seminars
A Brief Overview of XML/EDI Technology 3/27/2001
Wafa Khorsheed
- Provide a brief overview of EDI technology.
- Provide a brief overview of XML technology.
- Comparison of EDI and XML
- Future of XML/EDI
- Discussion
Manual gulf
Traditional Commerce
Manual gulf
EDI Server
EDI Server
EDI Based eCommerce
XML Server
XML Server
XML Based eCommerce
4Traditional EDI defined
- Exchange of fixed structured information between
two organizations computer systems. - According to Industry Standardized formats that
are pre-defined. - Both batch and real-time processing modes
supported. - Door-to-door processing
5The Different Approaches of EDI ANSI X12 The
US standard for EDI and has evolved over the
years from the most basic attempts at exchange
between very large corporations in the 1960s to
full-blown customer/supplier billion-dollar
networks. EDIFACT The international standard,
endorsed by the United Nations and designed from
the ground up beginning in 1985. X12 and EDIFACT
have several version releases of their message
formats. Compatibility between versions is not
always straightforward.
6Strong Points of EDI
- Industry wide standards
- Formalized process flows
- Open standards
- Secure and legal interchanges
- Available tools and service providers
- Proven business benefits
7Sample EDI Message ISA00 00 0861112500TST
01DEMO WU000003 9709111039U003020000095610P
? GSPO6111250011WU000003 97091110399784X00
3020 ST850397822 BEG00RE1234980208 REFAHM
109 REFDP641 REFIA000100685 DTM010970918 N1
BY921287 N1ST9287447 N1ZZ9921287 PO111E
A13.33CB80211IZ364UP718379271641 PO112E
A13.33CB80211IZ382UP718379271573 PO113E
A13.33CB80213IZ320UP718379271497 PO114E
A13.33CB80215IZ360UP718379271848 PO115E
A13.33CB80215IZ364UP718379271005 CTT25 SE
36397822 GE19784 IEA1000009561
8Sample XML Message lt?xml version"1.0"
?gt lt?xmlstylesheet?gt ltpurchase-order ltheadergt
ltpo-numbergt1234lt/po-numbergt ltdategt1999-02-08lt/da
tegtlttimegt1405lt/timegt lt/headergt ltbillinggt ltcom
panygtXYZ Supply Storelt/companygt ltaddressgt ltst
reetgt601 Pennsylvania Ave. NWlt/streetgt ltstreetgt
Suite 900lt/streetgt ltcitygtWashingtonlt/citygtltstgtD
Clt/stgtltpostcodegt20004lt/postcodegt lt/addressgt lt/b
illinggt ltorder items"1" gt ltitemgt ltreference
gt097251lt/referencegt ltdescriptiongtWidgetslt/descr
iptiongt ltquantitygt4lt/quantitygt ltunit-pricegt1
1.99lt/unit-pricegt ltpricegt47.96lt/pricegt lt/item
gt lttax type"sales" gt lttax-unitgtVAlt/tax-unitgt
ltcalculationgt0.045lt/calculationgt ltamountgt2.
16lt/amountgt lt /taxgt
9X12 TransactionEnveloping
10Transactions - Business Documents
- Item of Supply - 832 Price / Sales Catalog
- 857 Advanced Ship Notice / Invoice
- 810 Invoice
- 824 Application Advice
- 836 Procurement Notices
- 838 Trading Partner Profile
- 840 Request for Quotation
- 841 Specifications/Technical Information
- 864 Text Message
- 843 Response to RFQ
- 850 Purchase Order
- 856 Ship Notice/Manifest
- 864 Text Message
- 869 Order Status Inquiry
- 870 Order Status Report
- Others...
11Sample of Segment NamesN1 segment Used to
identify a party by type of organization, name
andcode (i.e. Ship to party and related
codes)N2 segment Used to identify additional
namesN3 segment Used to identify location of
the named party (i.e. streetaddress)N4 segment
Used to identify the geographic location of the
party (i.e.city, state, and zip code)
Sample Segment Representation N1 Ship to Loop
example N1STJohn Doe N2Division 1 N31000
Park Avenue N4New York CityNY10610
12X12 - Document Exchange
- 838 Trading Partner Profile
- 832 Price / Sales Catalog
- 843 Response to RFQ
- 870 Order Status Report
- 864 Text Message
- 856 Ship Notice/Manifest
- 840 Request for Quotation
- 850 Purchase Order
- 869 Order Status Inquiry
- 864 Text Message
- 841 Specifications/
- Technical Information
- 810 Invoice
13Weak Points of EDI
- Version control
- Implementation Mechanics
- Maintaining and Updating the Standards
- Cost of Implementation, steep on-ramp
- Time to Implement
14Web Deployment Considerations
- Low cost alternative, with universal access
- Familiar tools - reduced training cost
- Security - authentication and encryption
- Flexible transactions either forms or file
15EDI and XML Compared
- Optimized for easy programming
- Requires web server costing 0 to 5000
- Uses your existing Internet connection
- XML message format learned in hours
- Optimized for compressed messages
- Requires EDI server costing 10,000 to 100,000
- Uses value-added network (VAN) charging 1 to 20
per message. - EDI message format takes months to master
16Mission of XML
- XML is a universal language for data on the Web
that lets developers deliver content from a wide
variety of applications to the desktop. - XML promises to standardize the way information
is searched for, exchanged, adaptively presented,
and personalized.
17XML Technology at a Glance
DTD Document Type Definition lt?xml
version"1.0"gt lt!ELEMENT Auto(Make,Model,Year,Colo
r, Price)gt lt!ELEMENT Make (PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT
Model (PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT Year
Well Formed Document ltAutogt ltMakegtAston
Martinlt/Makegt ltModelgtDB6lt/Modelgt
ltYeargt87lt/Yeargt ltColorgtDark Greenlt/Colorgt
ltPricegt525000lt/Pricegt lt/Autogt
18DTD -Visualizing the Structure
- Can be internal or externally referenced
- With XML-Data schema can be included
19Simple Example
20DTD - Purchase Order
21XML Purchase Order Details
22Why XML?
- Define your own schema to suit your information-
extensible tokens (tags) - Structure Modeling
- Document Type Definitions (DTD)
- Unified Modelling Language (UML)
- UNICODE - multilingual support
- Cast of supporting characters for delivery and
special functions - XSL, XLINK, RDF, DOM, OSD, CDF, SMIL
23XML - More Reasons
- Enforced ERROR checking and validation
- Explicit legal meaning, no ambiguity
- Future proofing for archives
- Multimedia, processes, and mixed content
- Extends our HTML base
- XML replaces ASCII CSV for data interchange
- XML provides the means for structured information
24XML Benefits
- XML is system-independent, vendor independent,
proven with HTML on the web. - Metadata markup and delivery via the Web
- Style sheets for views, transforms, information
25Capabilities Facilitated
- XML becomes the database language of the Web
- XML is the interchange mechanism between
applications - XML client/server/server transactions over http
26Capability Summary
- Loosely coupled distributed systems
- Integration of legacy systems with Web enabled
SMEs - Centralized repositories of information,
documents, rules, structures and formats - End to end document flow with smart process
27Parsers, DOM SAX
- Parsers - validating and UNICODE
- non-validating XML
- validating XML
- application level checks (attributes, lookups,
rules) - DOM and SAX
- Parser Tree
- Allows dynamic updates and processing of XML
information. - Simple API for XML (SAX) for Java
28XML/EDI - Technology Goals
- Scalable
- Maintainable
- Easy to use (spreadsheet style skills)
- Interoperable (exchange business components)
- Based on common broad based tool set
- Provide the Grammar for E-business
29Future of XML/EDI
- Rather than replacing EDI, Large companies will
leverage existing EDI and incorporate with
XML. - Many companies have spent a lot of effort on
mapping and interfacing EDI into their existing
legacy systems. - XML/EDI translator will be used to map existing
EDI to XML documents back and forth.