Title: David Edward Alhorn - From Mill Valley, CA
1David Alhorn
Customer Service Representative
2About David Alhorn
Customer Service Representative, Green Hauling,
Inc. Former Customer Service Specialist, Mill
Valley Market Graduation, Tilden Preparatory
High School
3 4 David Alhorn is a student who is living in Mill
Valley, CAfor quite a time.
5 David Alhorn has worked for many organizations
until now and still looking for ways to enhance
his knowledge and skills. He has also developed
some productive skills over the years.
6 David Alhorn has very good communication skills,
teamwork, customer services and management
7 David Alhorn is currently enrolled in the College
of Marin Student which he joined in 2017.
8 He graduated in 2010 from Tilden Preparatory High
School. In 2011 after his graduation he took a
tour to Costa Rica.
9 David Alhorn also got some special training form
different fields. He worked for American Red
Cross for three years and got training in CPR and
10 David Alhorn also got a certificate in Open Water
Scuba Diving. He also got training in WAFA
(Wilderness Advanced First Aid Trained).
11 David Alhorn started his employment career in
2012 when he worked at Mill Valley Market as a
part-timer and dealt the customers mainly.
12 After that, he worked at Santa Cruz Boat Rentals
part-time for a year.
13 He also did the job at Green Hauling Inc as a
full-time employee which he started in 2016.
Other than this, David Alhorn also has the
experience of working with Rock Company in 2015.