Lecture 7: Further Student Modelling: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 7: Further Student Modelling:


r i d red, rid, ride, write, rite, read. f a t fate. Letter as its name? i for i_e a for a_e ... We discussed our plans for the day over the breakfast ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 7: Further Student Modelling:

Lecture 7 Further Student Modelling
  • 1. Analytic Methods
  • 2. e.g. ArtCheck
  • 3. Other Machine Learning egs
  • 4. Current trends

1. Analytic Models
Analytic Models
  • Analyse students input and try to account for
    the structure
  • represents misconceptions
  • not restricted to pre-defined errors
  • often use of machine learning techniques
  • - doesnt explain cause of error or bug
  • - needs significant samples of data

e.g. Spelling
  • Work back from the misspelling to the correction
  • k w i c quick
  • r i d red, rid, ride, write, rite, read
  • f a t fate
  • Letter as its name? i for i_e a for a_e
  • Slides of Phoncode

e.g. Phoncode -gt Phonological Information
  • Based on phoneme-grapheme grammar consider what
    phonemes error was intended to represent, then
    see if any word matches

WEST (Brown and Burton, 1979)
  • Development of mathematical skills through a
  • students move compared to systems
  • if differ, moves are analysed
  • identifies issues student is weak on
  • - coaches on weakness, in context of move

Wenger, figure 7.1 How the West was won (Burton
and Brown, 1979)
  • Insert figure

Excerpt from a dialogue with WEST (Burton and
Brown, 1976)
  • Bob is at 54 -- the COMPUTER is at 40.
  • West Its MY turn Spinners are 2 4 2
  • My expression is 2 (4/2) which gives ME 4
  • I took a SHORTCUT
  • I bumped YOU
  • the COMPUTER is at 54 -- Bob is at 40
  • West Its YOUR turn Spinners are 1 2 2
  • What arithmetic expression did you form?
  • Student 1 2 2
  • West What number does that give you?
  • Student 5
  • West You dont seem to be bumping very much.
    Bumps are hard to get but they are usually a good
    idea. One good example would be the expression
    (1 2) 2, which would give you a SHORTCUT and
    a BUMP!! So you could have been at 54 while I
    would have ended up at 40. Bob is at 45 -- the
    COMPUTER is at 54.

  • Issues
  • Mathematical skills use of addition, division,
  • Game-specific skills
  • use of shortcuts and landing on your opponent
  • development of strategy such as always aiming for
    towns if possible
  • knowing that order of numbers in expression does
    not have to be same as on the spinners
  • General game skills
  • learning from your opponent
  • exploring the space of possible strategies
    permitted by the game.

Recognising and Evaluating Issues
  • For each issue, there is a RECOGNISER
  • - checks to see whether issue features in the
    student's move,
  • - whether it is necessary in that expression
  • - whether it is necessary in the optimal move
  • For each issue there an EVALUATOR
  • - determines whether student weak in issue, by
    failing to use it to good effect.
  • - blame shared equally among all issues that
    might be implicated in failure to find best move.

Dealing with different strategies
  • What if the user employs different strategy?
  • WEST watches for what is called a tear
  • the appearance of a fairly high number of
    issues not used when they should have been, and
    others used when they should not have been.
  • WEST considers whether another strategy by the
    expert would give a better fit, (according to
    each of pre-wired strategies)

2. Analytic Methodse.g. ArtCheck
Detecting and Analysing Errors
  • Using Articles
  • - how do you know whether you are talking about
    a specific object, or any old object?
  • - how do we choose the correct article to
    indicate the indefinite or definite property of
    the noun in an utterance?
  • Detecting Errors
  • how do we detect errors when some uses the
    incorrect article?
  • how could we generate an appropriate explanation
    to help them learn to do this correctly?

Artcheck (Sentence, 1993)
  • Indefinite
  • a/an, eg John is a teacher
  • zero, eg Do you take milk in coffee?
  • Definite
  • the, eg He is the only teacher in the school
  • Some native languages do not include an article
    category, e.g. Finnish - definiteness and
    indefiniteness expressed in quite different ways
  • For such EFL learners, the correct use of English
    articles can be a major problem.

e.g in Finnish.
  • Otan kirjat
  • I take the books
  • Otan kirjoja
  • I take some books
  • Huoneessa on poyta
  • There is a table in the room
  • Poyta on huoneessa
  • The table is in the room
  • Similar problems in Basque and Russian

Examples of errors
  • I have visited Tower of London
  • I have visited the Tower of London
  • Aeroplane has revolutionised travel
  • The aeroplane has revolutionised travel
  • We discussed our plans for the day over the
  • We discussed our plans for the day over breakfast

ArtCheck ITS
  • Aims to help such non-native speakers of English
    use articles appropriately.
  • Domain knowledge rules which determine correct
    article usage
  • Applying knowledge user input, in order to detect
    any article usage errors
  • Having detected errors, rules can be used as the
    basis for generating explanations, customised to
    the individual learner.

Determining correct article usage
  • Rules indicate whether article before noun should
  • the definite article the
  • the indefinite article a/an
  • no article at all, (the zero article)
  • Some are fixed rules the definite article should
    be used when the noun is modified by a
    superlative adjective,
  • eg the largest dog
  • Other depend on context of use the indefinite
    article should be used to introduce new
  • The sources of information used by the system
  • the lexicon, the parser, the morphological
    analyser, and a discourse history module.

Examples of rules
Easily implemented rules, e.g.
Rules requiring more information
  • e.g. occurrence of the zero article in certain
    prepositional phrases with nouns of some semantic
    categories, as in in spring and by car.
  • In this case, lexicon augmented with information
    about the semantic categories of nouns
  • So with certain singular count nouns to do with
    seasons, meals, time, transport, and
    institutions, and with certain prepositions,
    information required is
  • List of types of nouns and Prepositional phrase

Detecting article usage errors
  • 1. Student answer compared with expert model
  • Incorrect article usage identified
  • 3. Uses rule induction to learn rules from
    training instances
  • 4. Artcheck produce new rules, based on the
    expert ones, describes what students doing
  • i.e. identify the (incorrect) rules (
  • 5. If the system can determine a mal-rule which
    represents the students error, then this is
    explained to the student

Form of the mal-rules
  • When conditions X apply, use article Y.
  • The conditions which can apply are
  • Whether a noun is a proper or common noun
  • Whether a noun is a singular or plural noun
  • Whether a noun is a count (e.g. three eggs) or
    mass bread, milk noun
  • Whether a noun is modified and with what
  • What immediately precedes the noun (for
    example, the verb to be)
  • How the noun is categorised in the lexicon
    (semantic category)
  • Whether a noun is new or given information

Generating mal-rules
  • Mal-rule cannot be generated from one error
  • - system does not have enough information about
    the consistency of the error to be able to decide
    that a student is applying an incorrect rule.
  • A number of errors must be accumulated, before
    the system can generalise about the errors and
    find a common rule to explain them.
  • Errors in ArtCheck are the positive training
    instances from which the system can learn.

Positive and negative instances
  • Positive instances of the error (incorrect noun
  • a. John is teacher.
  • b. Sandy is pig.
  • c. I am doctor.
  • Negative instance of the error (correct noun
  • d. John is a good man.
  • (a) - (c) include incorrect noun phrases all
    using the zero article where the following rule
    should have applied
  • Rule 11 Use the article a/an where a singular
    count noun is used as the complement of the verb
    to be.
  • Mal-rule proposed to account for data
  • Where there is a singular, unmodified, common,
    count noun preceded by a singular form of the
    verb be, use the zero article.

Learning from errors
  • One goal is for user of the system to learn from
    any errors made. To do this it must
  • be able to understand the observed errors,
  • be able to communicate effectively with the user
  • provide a good explanation for that error.
  • The explanation is tailored to the learner in
    three ways
  • relating to the learners level of ability,
  • learning style, and
  • the type of error observed.
  • In addition, the learner is given some control
    over the information received.

  • Relevant if it answers the users questions.
  • Convincing justification is one which is sound,
    logical, and based on facts which the user
  • Whether a user can understand the explanation
    depends on
  • being a well-organised explanation,
  • not unnecessarily long-winded, and
  • using terms with which the user is familiar.
  • A tutoring explanation should vary its
    explanation according to the individual student.
  • The student should both understand and be helped
    by the explanation.

Example dialogue
  • AC Enter sentence
  • Student I am doctor
  • AC identify error doctor in I am doctor is
  • AC correct error It should be a doctor .
  • AC ask student for feedback
  • Select m more q quit explanation
  • Student m
  • AC state rule The rule is RULE 11
  • Use a or an before singular count nouns which
    come after the verb to be .
  • AC ask student for feedback
  • Select m more q quit explanation
  • Student m
  • AC explain mal-rule
  • I have noticed that you seem to use no article
    instead of a or an before a singular count
    and after the verb to be in the singular

Dialogue, continued
  • AC ask student for feedback
  • Select m more q quit explanation
  • Student m
  • AC exemplify mal-rule
  • You also said Sandy is pig
  • John is teacher
  • which are similar errors.
  • Try one of these again
  • Sandy is pig
  • Choose the correct article
  • 1 a
  • 2 an
  • 3 the
  • 4 no article
  • Student 1
  • AC Well done. That is the correct answer.
  • Continue? (y/n) n

Evaluation of ArtCheck
  • Can understand many types of sentence structures.
  • Cannot understand questions and imperatives.
  • - grammar could easily be extended
  • Sometimes wrongly predict appropriate article
  • - less common idiomatic usages.
  • distant or complex referring expressions, where
    semantic information required
  • Lot of data required for mal-rule to be
  • Feedback during external evaluation generally
  • students confirmed this was an area of difficulty
  • were enthusiastic about experimenting with
  • found the system easy and helpful to use.
  • Most showed some improvement after using ArtCheck
    for a short period of time.
  • Verbal and written feedback generally very

  • Kass, Robert and Finin, Tim, (1988).
  • The Need for User Models in Generating Expert
    System Explanations,
  • Technical Report MS-CIS-88-37, University of
  • Sentence, S.(1993).
  • Recognising and responding to English article
    usage errors an ICALL based approach,
  • Unpublished PhD Thesis, 1993, University of

3. Other Machine Learning egs
Machine Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • developing computational theories of the
    learning process and building machines which
  • Where used in Student Modelling
  • - PIXIE (Sleeman)
  • - ACM Langley, Ohlsson and Sage
  • - Self - co-operative learning

PIXIE (Sleeman, 1983)
  • Solving algebraic equations
  • Has set of mal-rules heuristics
  • Takes student answer, works back to question,
    infers missing steps, generates new mal-rule
  • Generates large search tree - not clear how
    decides which possible mal-rule
  • only generates one mal-rule per problem
  • no cause suggested for mal-rule domain-dependent

Automated Cognitive Modelling(Langley, Ohlsson
and Sage 1984)
  • Production rule representation of skill
  • search through problem space
  • operators for chosen domain plus distinguishing
    properties of domain
  • e.g. subtraction greater than, above, is zero
  • Obtains student response to problem
  • Searches problem space - get 'solution path'
    (describes operations performed by student)
  • Applies inductive-learning techniques to
    distinguish those operators applied successfully
    and those not
  • e.g learning by example ve -ve instances
  • 4. Constructs discrimination network, providing
    model of constraints student placed on operators
  • Depends a lot on properties supplied initially
  • No explanation of where errors come from, how to

Collaborative Learning System For Concepts
(Gilmore and Self, 1988)
  • Envisaged situation
  • - access to database of elements
  • - has details of properties of elements
  • - elements assigned to 3 classes
  • - explore why assignments made
  • - student and system work together
  • system has learning strategies and tactics (
    learning algorithm)
  • Focusing generalises from ve examples and
    discriminates from -ve examples
  • (uses a relation tree)
  • System's knowledge in learning components

4. Current Trends
Student Modelling - Current Trends
  • Continued Emphasis on Diagnosis and Error
  • Modelling Affective and Motivational Aspects of
  • Open and Participative Models
  • Use of Statistical and Machine Learning
  • Adaptive to Wider Range of Users (Including

User Modelling Motivation and Affect(de Vicente
and Pain, 2000)
  • Dialogue Planning Rules
  • What type of feedback to give?
  • - depends on student's performance, effort and
  • Should we allow the student to give up?
  • - depends on effort, challenge
  • Is the interest so low that we should interupt
    the student?
  • - depends on sensory-interest, cognitive-interest
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