Title: Internet Advertising
1Internet Advertising
- By Lindsay Blanchard
- Adam Forrler
2Internet Advertising
- History
- Types of Internet Advertising
- Banners
- Keyword Search
- Pop-Ups
- E-mail
- Sponsorships
- Internet Advertising Expenditures
- Marketing Benefits
- Caching
- Cookies
- Status of Internet Advertising Today
- The world wide web was invented
- by a British scientist in a research
- and development lab in 1993.
- Internet Marketing began one year later,
- with advertising in 1994 when
- Hotwired.com
- sold the first banner ad.
4Internet advertising is the fastest growing
marketing channel.
Percentage of Media Budget Allocated to Online
2001 5.25 2004 8.35 2007 17.00
5Types of Internet Advertising
6- The first type of online ad, a rectangular strip
that runs at the bottom or top of a webpage,
often animated.
- Clicking on a banner takes you to a site.
Great direct marketing and brand building tool
for businesses.
They are busy and aggressive, often making them
distracting to the person online.
5 - 50 for every 1,000 ad impressions that
appear on a given website. Variability in price
depends on how targeted the ad is and what site
it appears on.
Sky Scrapers Bulky Boxes are two specific types
of banners
7Keyword Search
- Currently the fastest growing venue for internet
- Control 1.3 billion marketing dollars
Jupiter Research
- Search engines are now full-fledged media
- A second browser window that opens while the web
page downloads.
- Displays audio, video, and animation.
They have a 6 click through rate, making them
more than worth while for businesses, as this is
the highest rate out of any other form of online
For the computer user, they are unavoidable,
intrusive, and they take time.
9Advertisments often come in the form of Emails.
- Highly targeted audience.
- Response rates of 5 - 15
- It is cost effective for a business as
customers are obtained and respond quickly
- The average number of emails received per person
from marketers is expected to multiple 40 times
from 40 emails in 1999, to 1,612 in 2005
From 15 - 25 For each 1,000 emails targeted
- Sole advertising on a site or channel
Branding targeted audience.
- They have a tendency to be ignored.
- Viewers are skeptical of the objectivity of the
information that they provide.
- Lacks interactivity.
Ranges from 30 - 75 per 1,000 viewers.
11- Internet advertising expenditures by type, as
a percentage of the total amount spent on
internet advertising as a whole.
12Marketing Benefits
- The internet can server as a channel for
1. Communication 2.
Transaction 3. Distribution
- There is no other medium that can accomplish all
three at once.
- It is interactive allowing users to simply click
on a given text to bring them somewhere else on
the web
- Provides customized content to meet the
consumers needs
- Has the capacity for multimedia content
including 1. Text 2.
Graphics 3. Audio 4. Video
- The above characteristics makes the internet a
suitable medium for high impact advertising
- The caching of pages on the users computer, also
known as the cache server, means that the ad
counting program will not be able to track all
views. - There are several techniques for telling the
browser not to cache particular pages.
- However, caching for no pages may mean that the
user will find your site slower than you would
14 Cookies
- A cookie is a file on a Web users hard drive
that is used by Web sites to record data about
the user.
- Can be found in one of the subdirectories under
the browser file directory.
- Ad rotation software uses cookies to tell which
ad the user has just seen to allow a specific
subsequent ad to be seen in the next page view.
15The decreases are due to the huge increase in the
number of emails sent, and the decrease of new
customers, who are responsive to these emails,
and other forms of internet advertising.