Title: Microsoft Access is a database program to
1- Microsoft Access is a database program to
- manage
- sort
- retrieve
- group
- filter for certain records
2Database Terms Database files consist of tables.
table a collection of information in a
database about a specific topic (such as student
information) can have one table in a database
file or several tables which consist of fields
and records fields individual units of a
table categories of information you will be
entering into a table (such as FirstName,
LastName, Address, City, State, Zip, and
Phone.) records combination of all the fields
put together to make one entry (such as the
address for one person)
3- forms present display boxes where information
may be displayed or entered. - display one record at a time
- queries allow you to find specific information
in your database (such as who lives in a
particular Zip code area) - report summarizes the information in a database
in a document format - relational database tables can be lined to each
4- Suggested Classroom Uses
- Create a student information database which
includes all pertinent information about the
student (i.e. name, address, parent information) - Create a best projects database which archives
student work, organized by name, date created,
link to the document/project or digital image of
the student work - Create a database information and images on a
historical event (World War I) that includes
significant battles, leaders, documents, places,
etc. - Create a database over a period of time, such as
an entire semester, which archives information on
famous or significant people in a particular
field. Each record would include information
such as place of birth, education, significant
contributions, etc.
5Plan for Todays Class
- At the completion of this class, you will be able
to - Start a new database
- Create tables for data display
- Create forms for input of data
- Create reports of the database
- Edit the data and fields that display the data
- Create queries of the information in the database
- Save the database